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Container Details
Permanent Chest

Stash is a type of permanent-storage Loot Container in Outward. They can be found in each of the player houses in the major Cities.

(3 Brother's DLC required 2/22/2023) In the Definitive Edition, their contents is shared between all locations, items placed in a stash in one location will be accessible from any other location. During online play, characters will still access their own stash when opening a stash in another player's house.


Players can use Stashes to store items permanently. Food items placed in a Stash will not decay unless you stand close to the Stash. In Definitive Edition, food items do decay in the Stash regardless of your location.

Upon first opening, Stashes will contain a few random low to medium level items related to the current region.


Drop Tables

The following are the Drop Tables found on Stashes when first opened.

Show/Hide Drop tables


Neutral Consumable Low
This drop table will be rolled 2 times.
ItemsChance *
Bandages.png Bandages (1-3)5% (10%)
Life Potion.png Life Potion (1-2)5% (10%)
Astral Potion.png Astral Potion (1-2)5% (10%)
Endurance Potion.png Endurance Potion (1-2)5% (10%)
Stealth Potion.png Stealth Potion (1-2)5% (10%)
Discipline Potion.png Discipline Potion (1-2)5% (10%)
Elemental Resistance Potion.png Elemental Resistance Potion (1-2)5% (10%)
Weather Defense Potion.png Weather Defense Potion (1-2)5% (10%)
Stability Potion.png Stability Potion (1-2)5% (10%)
Poison Rag.png Poison Rag (1-2)5% (10%)
Bolt Rag.png Bolt Rag (1-2)5% (10%)
Fire Rag.png Fire Rag (1-2)5% (10%)
Ice Rag.png Ice Rag (1-2)5% (10%)
Bitter Spicy Tea.png Bitter Spicy Tea (1-2)5% (10%)
Soothing Tea.png Soothing Tea (1-2)5% (10%)
Needle Tea.png Needle Tea (1-2)5% (10%)
Mineral Tea.png Mineral Tea (1-2)5% (10%)
Rage Potion.png Rage Potion (1-2)5% (10%)
Antidote.png Antidote (1-2)5% (10%)
Hex Cleaner.png Hex Cleaner (1-2)5% (10%)
* The second number indicates the total chance of receiving the drop at least once, from 2 rolls.
Neutral Cloth Rich
This drop table will be rolled 1 times.
Dancer Clothes.png Blue Light Clothes (1)12.5%
Red Light Clothes.png Red Light Clothes (1)12.5%
Dancer Clothes.png Pale Light Clothes (1)12.5%
Bright Rich Attire.png Bright Rich Attire (1)6.25%
Dark Rich Attire.png Dark Rich Attire (1)6.25%
Bright Rich Hat.png Bright Rich Hat (1)6.25%
Dark Rich Hat.png Dark Rich Hat (1)6.25%
Bright Nobleman Attire.png Bright Nobleman Attire (1)6.25%
Dark Nobleman Attire.png Dark Nobleman Attire (1)6.25%
Bright Nobleman Hat.png Bright Nobleman Hat (1)6.25%
Dark Nobleman Hat.png Dark Nobleman Hat (1)6.25%
Bright Nobleman Boots.png Bright Nobleman Boots (1)6.25%
Dark Nobleman Boots.png Dark Nobleman Boots (1)6.25%


Neutral Survival Low
  • Can be found on containers at Cierzo
This drop table will be rolled 2 times.
ItemsChance *
Dark Worker Attire.png Dark Worker Attire (1)0.88% (2%)
Patterned Worker Attire.png Patterned Worker Attire (1)0.88% (2%)
Green Worker Attire.png Green Worker Attire (1)0.88% (2%)
Worker Boots.png Worker Boots (1)1.32% (3%)
Black Worker Boots.png Black Worker Boots (1)1.32% (3%)
Dark Worker Hood.png Dark Worker Hood (1)1.32% (3%)
Patterned Worker Hood.png Patterned Worker Hood (1)1.32% (3%)
Pale Worker's Hood.png Pale Worker's Hood (1)1.32% (3%)
Tattered Attire.png Tattered Attire (1)0.88% (2%)
Tattered Attire.png Tattered Attire (1)0.88% (2%)
Tattered Attire.png Tattered Attire (1)0.88% (2%)
Tattered Hood.png Tattered Hood (1)0.88% (2%)
Tattered Hood.png Tattered Hood (1)0.88% (2%)
Tattered Hood.png Tattered Hood (1)0.88% (2%)
Tattered Boots.png Tattered Boots (1)2.19% (4%)
Linen Cloth.png Linen Cloth (2-5)4.39% (9%)
Iron Scrap.png Iron Scrap (2-4)4.39% (9%)
Mining Pick.png Mining Pick (1)4.39% (9%)
Fishing Harpoon.png Fishing Harpoon (1)4.39% (9%)
Arrow.png Arrow (6-12)4.39% (9%)
Salt.png Salt (1-3)4.39% (9%)
Wood.png Wood (1-3)4.39% (9%)
Flint and Steel.png Flint and Steel (1)4.39% (9%)
Old Lantern.png Old Lantern (1)4.39% (9%)
Hide.png Hide (1-2)4.39% (9%)
Makeshift Torch.png Makeshift Torch (1)4.39% (9%)
Cooking Pot.png Cooking Pot (1)4.39% (9%)
Improvised Bedroll.png Improvised Bedroll (1)4.39% (9%)
Waterskin.png Waterskin (1)4.39% (9%)
Spikes – Wood.png Spikes – Wood (1-3)4.39% (9%)
Sandals.png Sandals (1)4.39% (9%)
Dry Mushroom Bar.png Dry Mushroom Bar (1-3)4.39% (9%)
Silver.png Silver (3-10)4.39% (9%)
Shiv Dagger.png Shiv Dagger (1)4.39% (9%)
* The second number indicates the total chance of receiving the drop at least once, from 2 rolls.
Neutral Cloth Poor
  • Can be found on containers at Cierzo
This drop table will be rolled 1 times.
Dark Worker Attire.png Dark Worker Attire (1)3%
Patterned Worker Attire.png Patterned Worker Attire (1)3%
Green Worker Attire.png Green Worker Attire (1)3%
Worker Boots.png Worker Boots (1)5%
Black Worker Boots.png Black Worker Boots (1)5%
Dark Worker Hood.png Dark Worker Hood (1)3%
Patterned Worker Hood.png Patterned Worker Hood (1)3%
Pale Worker's Hood.png Pale Worker's Hood (1)3%
Tattered Attire.png Tattered Attire (1)3%
Tattered Attire.png Tattered Attire (1)3%
Tattered Attire.png Tattered Attire (1)3%
Tattered Hood.png Tattered Hood (1)3%
Tattered Hood.png Tattered Hood (1)3%
Tattered Hood.png Tattered Hood (1)3%
Tattered Boots.png Tattered Boots (1)10%
Trader Garb.png Trader Garb (1)2%
Straw Hat.png Straw Hat (1)10%
Trader Boots.png Trader Boots (1)5%
Beige Garb.png Beige Garb (1)2%
Dark Green Garb.png Dark Green Garb (1)2%
Simple Shoes.png Simple Shoes (1)5%
Gray Garb.png Gray Garb (1)2%
Dark Red Garb.png Dark Red Garb (1)2%
Green Garb.png Green Garb (1)2%
Striped Garb.png Striped Garb (1)2%
Sandals.png Sandals (1)10%


Enmerkar Equipment Medium
  • Can be found on containers at Berg
This drop table will be rolled 1 times.
Brigand Coat.png Brigand Coat (1)5.88%
Scavenger Scarf.png Scavenger Scarf (1)5.88%
Brigand's Hat.png Brigand's Hat (1)5.88%
Master Trader Garb.png Master Trader Garb (1)5.88%
Iron Sword.png Iron Sword (1)5.88%
Iron Axe.png Iron Axe (1)5.88%
Iron Mace.png Iron Mace (1)5.88%
Iron Claymore.png Iron Claymore (1)5.88%
Iron Greataxe.png Iron Greataxe (1)5.88%
Iron Greathammer.png Iron Greathammer (1)5.88%
Iron Spear.png Iron Spear (1)5.88%
Iron Halberd.png Iron Halberd (1)5.88%
Simple Bow.png Simple Bow (1)5.88%
Round Shield.png Round Shield (1)5.88%
Rondel Dagger.png Rondel Dagger (1)5.88%
Iron Knuckles.png Iron Knuckles (1)5.88%
Living Wood Axe.png Living Wood Axe (1)5.88%
Enmerkar Food
  • Can be found on containers at Berg
This drop table will be rolled 1 times.
Woolshroom.png Woolshroom (1-2)27.27%
Savage Stew.png Savage Stew (1)18.18%
Fungal Cleanser.png Fungal Cleanser (1)18.18%
Stringy Salad.png Stringy Salad (1)18.18%
Bread Of The Wild.png Bread Of The Wild (1)18.18%
Neutral Survival Medium
  • Can be found on containers at Berg
This drop table will be rolled 1 times.
Trader Garb.png Trader Garb (1)3.45%
Straw Hat.png Straw Hat (1)3.45%
Trader Boots.png Trader Boots (1)3.45%
Bandages.png Bandages (1-3)6.9%
Mana Stone.png Mana Stone (1-3)6.9%
Explorer Lantern.png Explorer Lantern (1)6.9%
Alchemy Kit.png Alchemy Kit (1)6.9%
Bullet.png Bullet (4-8)6.9%
Poison Rag.png Poison Rag (1-2)6.9%
Bolt Rag.png Bolt Rag (1-2)6.9%
Fire Rag.png Fire Rag (1-2)6.9%
Ice Rag.png Ice Rag (1-2)6.9%
Spikes – Iron.png Spikes – Iron (1-3)6.9%
Tripwire Trap.png Tripwire Trap (1-3)6.9%
Jerky.png Jerky (1)6.9%
Simple Tent.png Simple Tent (1)6.9%


Hallowed Marsh Equipment Low
  • Can be found on containers at Monsoon
This drop table will be rolled 1 times.
Machete.png Machete (1)9.09%
Hatchet.png Hatchet (1)9.09%
Mining Pick.png Mining Pick (1)9.09%
Fishing Harpoon.png Fishing Harpoon (1)9.09%
Felling Greataxe.png Felling Greataxe (1)9.09%
Quarterstaff.png Quarterstaff (1)9.09%
Worn Guisarme.png Worn Guisarme (1)9.09%
Shiv Dagger.png Shiv Dagger (1)9.09%
Plank Shield.png Plank Shield (1)9.09%
Novice Robe.png Novice Robe (1)9.09%
Novice Hat.png Novice Hat (1)9.09%
Hallowed Marsh Food
  • Can be found on containers at Monsoon
This drop table will be rolled 1 times.
Marshmelon.png Marshmelon (1)27.27%
Ragoût du Marais.png Ragoût du Marais (1)18.18%
Marshmelon Jelly.png Marshmelon Jelly (1)18.18%
Marshmelon Tartine.png Marshmelon Tartine (1)18.18%
Miasmapod.png Miasmapod (1)18.18%
Neutral Valuable Low
  • Can be found on containers at Monsoon
This drop table will be rolled 1 times.
Silver.png Silver (10-20)33.33%
Tiny Aquamarine.png Tiny Aquamarine (1)33.33%
Small Sapphire.png Small Sapphire (1)33.33%


Abrassar Equipment Medium
  • Can be found on containers at Levant
This drop table will be rolled 1 times.
Master Trader Hat.png Master Trader Hat (1)5.88%
Desert Khopesh.png Desert Khopesh (1)5.88%
Iron Axe.png Iron Axe (1)5.88%
Iron Mace.png Iron Mace (1)5.88%
Iron Claymore.png Iron Claymore (1)5.88%
Iron Greataxe.png Iron Greataxe (1)5.88%
Iron Greathammer.png Iron Greathammer (1)5.88%
Iron Spear.png Iron Spear (1)5.88%
Iron Halberd.png Iron Halberd (1)5.88%
Simple Bow.png Simple Bow (1)5.88%
Round Shield.png Round Shield (1)5.88%
Rondel Dagger.png Rondel Dagger (1)5.88%
Coralhorn Mask.png Coralhorn Mask (1)5.88%
Scarab Mask.png Scarab Mask (1)5.88%
Tuanosaur Mask.png Tuanosaur Mask (1)5.88%
Hound Mask.png Hound Mask (1)5.88%
Iron Knuckles.png Iron Knuckles (1)5.88%

Antique Plateau

Random Table 1
This drop table will be rolled 3 times.
ItemsChance *
Cipate.png Cipate (1-2)1.41% (4%)
Cheese Cake.png Cheese Cake (1-2)14.08% (37%)
Bagatelle.png Bagatelle (1-2)14.08% (37%)
Angel Food Cake.png Angel Food Cake (1-2)14.08% (37%)
Pouding Chomeur.png Pouding Chomeur (1-2)14.08% (37%)
Purpkin Pie.png Purpkin Pie (1-2)14.08% (37%)
Crawlberry Jam.png Crawlberry Jam (2-3)14.08% (37%)
Fresh Cream.png Fresh Cream (1-2)14.08% (37%)
* The second number indicates the total chance of receiving the drop at least once, from 3 rolls.
Show/Hide Drop tables

See Also