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An example of the equipment screen with a variety of items equipped.

Equipment in Outward serves a variety of purposes. Most commonly used to aid in Combat, Equipment can also have other utility benefits such as increasing the capacity of one's Pouch, protecting against the Weather, and more.


Armor is used most commonly for defensive or offensive stats, though it can also have other stats or effects.


Weapons are used for damage and skills, thought they can also have other effects and uses.

Main hand





Durability is an attribute found on Equipment which changes the effectiveness of an item. Broken items can still be used, however they have greatly reduced effectiveness. For Lanterns and Torches, durability indicates the remaining fuel of the lantern.

For all equipment, the following stats are scaled with durability:

Durability thresholds are points at which the items effectiveness will change depending on the current durability. These are the same for all equipment, apart from items such as the Tsar Set which do not degrade.

Note that other stats such as Movement Movement Speed, Mana Cost Mana and Stamina Cost Stamina cost reduction, etc, are not affected by durability loss.

Durability Threshold Stat Potency
100% to 50% 1.0x (100%)
50% to 25% 0.8x (80%)
25% to 0% 0.5x (50%)
Broken (0%) 0.15x (15%)


Players can restore the durability of their items either by paying any Blacksmith 50 SilverIcon.gif silver (which repairs all items the player has), or by resting and using the "Repair" option - 10% durability is restored to equipped items per hour of repair.

See Also