A House Divided/Dialogue

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It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

Debate Dialogue

(#0) Player: (Are you ready to begin the debate?) (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Yes. (→ #2)
  • 1: No. (→ end)

(#2) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Oh, there you are, [PlayerName]! You’re just in time! (→ #3)

(#3) Priest of Elatt : Oh, was this the initiate we were waiting on? Excellent. I am quite looking forward to seeing the fruits of this research, inquiry or not! (→ #4)

(#4) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Very well, all the involved parties are here. We can begin. Victor Berthelot, you are accusing Gregory Turnbull of cooperating with the Scourge to undermine the safety of Harmattan. Please, make your case. (→ #5)

(#5) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: From the very start, Turnbull and his underlings have consistently used underhanded and criminal means to accomplish their goals! One underling in particular, that one standing right there! (→ #6)

(#6) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: The Wolfgang Mercenaries have reported an exhaustive list of complaints against [PlayerName]! Regardless of their outsider status, the Wolfgang Mercenaries are still an essential part of life in Harmattan, and they should be listened to! (→ #7)

(#7) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: For instance, [PlayerName] allowed several Immaculates to escape a trap set by the Wolfgang. The Immaculates have since completely escaped our grasp, and have caused who knows how much harm?! This clearly proves they’re working for the enemy! (→ #8)

(#8) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Remember that tunnel that was a risk to the entire city? The Wolfgang have confirmed that [PlayerName] inflicted grevious bodily harm on the men who were there to guard the tunnel, putting not just their lives, but the lives of all of Harmattan, at serious risk! (→ #9)

(#9) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I have signed letters from several of the merchants in the market square, who say that [PlayerName] has been exceptionally helpful to them. I’d say my Initiate has been an exceptional credit to the comfort of the citizens of Harmattan. (→ #10)

(#10) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Are you certain that the Wolfgang didn’t start a fight with [PlayerName], forcing them to defend themselves? It wouldn’t be the first time those mercenaries picked a fight they shouldn’t have. (→ #11)

(#11) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Both of our provosts have submitted evidence that [PlayerName] has been a great credit to the both of them. Are you certain you’re accusing the correct person, Victor? (→ #12)

(#12) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: I simply must express that until these complaints are fully addressed, [PlayerName] and thus, Gregory Turnbull should be scrutinized at the highest level! Well, what do you have to say for yourself? I demand an answer! (→ #13)

(#13) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Says the one who was making deals with the Butcher of Men. (→ #14)
  • 1: How can we trust the Wolfgang not to be lying on your behalf? You are close allies. (→ #23)
  • 2: What about when you contracted the Wolfgang to hunt me down after I left you? (→ #25)

(#14) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Preposterous! I merely attempted to entrap him. There isn’t a single witness who would corroborate that outlandish claim, that doesn’t have a reason to lie about it! Isn’t that right, Artois? (→ #15)

(#15) Artois Sutherland: ...Victor speaks the truth. He, in no way, made any kind of deal with the Butcher of Men. The only ones who try to make that claim are [PlayerName] and Desy, and both of their testimony is extremely suspect! (→ #16)

(#16) Artois Sutherland: Besides, if you’re going to sling baseless accusations, I know you committed acts of sabotage against us! The Wolfgang said so! (→ #17)

(#17) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: And plotting to destroy an ancient and important Rune Wall isn’t sabotage? (→ #18)
  • 1: Do you have more than just the unproven accusations of a mercenary gang as proof? (→ #21)
  • 2: If pacifying the Scourge is possible...Wouldn’t your actions count as sabotage? (→ #22)

(#18) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: [PlayerName] is correct. There was no need to place the explosives on the Rune wall itself, unless destroying it was half the point of that tunnel demolition! And lest you forget, wilful destruction of important history is a criminal act! (→ #19)

(#19) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Artois, enough! Baseless accusations only serve to make us look weak! (→ #20)

(#20) Joliette Montgomery, Dean of History: I have heard enough, Victor. I have worked with [PlayerName] personally in recovering our lost history. The artifact was returned with care, which is more than I can say for our interactions in that regard. I will allow no slander of their reputation in my presence! (→ end)

(#21) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Silence, both of you! Shameless accusations without proof have no place here! (→ #20)

(#22) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: IF it’s possible. Your theory has not been proven. Whereas OUR actions have all been to protect the safety of Harmattan. I’d say we have the moral high ground here. Your petty deflection is worthless. (→ #20)

(#23) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: How DARE you attack their credibility! They have been essential to the security of the region since before you were BORN! (→ #24)

(#24) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: [PlayerName] brings up a valid point. You and the Wolfgang Mercenaries work very closely together, and the lot of you have a vested interest in continued open conflict with the Scourge. If anyone’s motives are to be suspected, it’s your own! (→ #16)

(#25) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is there any way you can prove that? Your testimony alone is absolutely meaningless here. After all, you’re the one whose motives are being scrutinized! (→ #16)

(#26) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: About time, [PlayerName]! You’re late! (→ #27)

(#27) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Indeed. This delay is inexcusable, and reflects poorly on your master’s case, Initiate! (→ #3)

(#28) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: That is enough, Immaculate. There is no need for personal attacks. I have made my decision. (→ #29)

(#29) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Enough. While I am impressed with your efforts, Turnbull, I don’t share the sentiment that this is a feasible large-scale solution. And I concur with Victor’s other very valid concerns. This project is cancelled. Permanently. (→ #113)

(#30) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: That’s enough. Although this experiment shows great promise...I cannot turn a blind eye to the other concerns. Turnbull, I forbid you from continuing work until further notice. (→ #113)

(#31) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: That’s enough debate. Despite the rough state of the project, I feel comfortable with how you’re proceeding, Turnbull. We have details to discuss, but I give you permission to proceed nonetheless. (→ #32)

(#32) Player: (You have the distinct impression that Headmaster Salaberry has repaid the favor he owes you...) (→ #125)

(#33) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Well, I’m convinced, Turnbull. This is an exceptional breakthrough. You have the full support of the Academy. There are details to discuss, but overall, you’ve done phenomenal work. (→ #32)

(#34) Runed Immaculate: And you, head master of these humans, are hardly any better. Look at some of those you have surrounded yourself with. You have the chance to make them do better, and yet you do not. You are nearly as guilty as they are. (→ #35)

(#35) Runed Immaculate: You all claim that we Immaculates must use our new freedom responsibly, to guide and control the rest of the Scourge. And yet, YOU, human head master, do not do the same for the humans you are responsible for! (→ #36)

(#36) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: ...You are quite right, Immaculate. I have indeed compromised, in order to create what I believe is a better world. But compromise is the way of humanity. And that...Is why I will give you and your kin a chance. Everyone deserves one, no matter their origin. (→ #29)

(#37) Runed Immaculate: You have the freedom to pursue whatever you please, and yet you choose to do harm. You use your words to cause hurt, your power to dominate and control, and you ally with men who will slay anyone, innocent or not, on the promise of coin! (→ #38)

(#38) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: You...You DARE lecture me, Scourge Beast?! (→ #39)

(#39) Runed Immaculate: Meanwhile, I chose to come here, risking my life and the life of my kin, on the smallest chance that I could obtain that same freedom you abuse. I fought claw and talon against my instinct to cause harm, and searched for a way to overcome it! (→ #40)

(#40) Runed Immaculate: Your intentions, your circumstances of birth...All of these are meaningless! It is your actions that determine who you truly are. And I have confidence that the few actions I was freely able to make are less monstrous than those you made fully willingly! (→ #28)

(#41) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: This may be a difficult battle, [PlayerName]...Here, take this with you, and prepare yourself as well as you can! (→ end)

(#42) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: This may be a difficult battle, [PlayerName]...Here, take this with you, and prepare yourself as well as you can! (→ end)

(#43) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: This may be a difficult battle, [PlayerName]...Here, take this with you, and prepare yourself as well as you can! (→ end)

(#44) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Very well. I would also argue that given the abysmal state of security in this city, and the impending threat of a Scourge invasion, we cannot trust in pacifying them! It would be incredibly dangerous to attempt any interaction with the Scourge at this time! (→ #45)

(#45) Samuel Laurent, Dean of Engineering: Mate, I don’t see how you’re still worried about the city’s security. Even if that small force of Scourge were to attack the city, we’ve got a veritable army of Golems on patrol. The Scourge would be torn to shreds before they even made it up the cliff. (→ #46)

(#46) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: And due to the sabotage that we still insist that Turnbull ordered, several Scourge beasts managed to enter the city and kill innocent people! Until we are certain that every last means of entry have been sealed, we cannot afford any risk to our safety! (→ #47)

(#47) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Furthermore, even if we ignore the Scourge, there is a gang of organized and well-armed bandits who are roaming around, waylaying caravans and traders. And they appear to have received a dramatic resupply of weapons as well! (→ #48)

(#48) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Come now, you’ve been boasting about the power of your new Golems for quite a while. In fact, I’m rather certain that [PlayerName] ensured the prototype was essentially perfect. You do have to have faith in your own project, right? (→ #49)

(#49) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: I...Well...Yes. But that’s not the point! It’s still dangerous to deal with the Scourge like this, whether or not my new Golems are ready! (→ #50)

(#50) Desy Laroche: I’d like to mention that the Butcher of Men is confirmed to be dead. The most vicious of the Immaculates is long gone. Without his leadership, the Scourge are considerably hamstrung. (→ #51)

(#51) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: I...Alright, that’s fair. But who knows what other vicious Immaculates might be ready to take his place as the most vicious and cruel being known to mankind? (→ #52)

(#52) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: And do you actually think we can TRUST the Scourge after we pacify them? Free will still allows room for criminal, or even monstrous behaviour! Besides, what about the unintelligent Scourge? They don’t have the intellect to do anything but rampage! (→ #53)

(#53) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Can you trust humans? Quite a few become vicious bandits. (→ #54)
  • 1: So, you’d prefer they remain a unified horde dedicated only to slaughter? (→ #62)
  • 2: The Immaculates will be able to control the Scourge Beasts. They won’t rampage. (→ #64)

(#54) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Yes, I’d trust bandits over the Scourge. Outlaws are just individuals and small clans, not a massive horde that has spent the last century laying waste to all that breathes. Look outside at the mass of ruins out there! That’s all their handiwork! (→ #55)

(#55) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: And what about the Wolfgang? If we go along with this harebrained scheme of yours, what happens if they don’t have enough work fighting the Scourge, and are forced to turn bandit in order to make ends meet? It would endanger the entire region! (→ #56)

(#56) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: So...Their employment matters more than protecting humanity from the Scourge? (→ #57)
  • 1: If they’d do that, then they were never really our allies to begin with. (→ #59)
  • 2: Aurai is still dangerous. There will always be work for a famous group like them. (→ #61)

(#57) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Of course not, and how dare you suggest I meant that! I merely want to ensure a fair transition, so that they are not rewarded for their decades of service with sudden and unavoidable poverty! (→ #58)

(#58) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: You both make a strong point. We cannot put one organization’s survival over the safety of humanity as a whole, but neither should we abandon allies who have done so much for us. I will need to think more on how to handle this... (→ end)

(#59) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: You did not grow up in Harmattan, hearing of how they helped restore the region after Elatt came to our aid, so your ignorance is not surprising. How DARE you suggest that those who have done so much for us are not our allies! (→ #60)

(#60) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Hmm...Victor is right. The Wolfgang have done much for us, and for the stability of the region. If you believe such such callous things, I suggest you keep them to yourself, [PlayerName]. (→ end)

(#61) Desy Laroche: Yeah, or they could come help the war camps at the Gates of Catharsis if they want to actually make a difference. It’s obscene how they claim to be so essential to fighting the Scourge, while they mostly just hide in that well-defended camp of theirs! (→ end)

(#62) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: I…N-no, I’d rather they be wiped out entirely! I question the ENTIRE merit of the experiment! We know that killing the Scourge works, we should be focusing on ways to make that easier! (→ #63)

(#63) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Well, there’s no easy method for that. Even if we had hundreds of your new Golems, it would still take another century at least to put an end to the Scourge. Pacifying them does far more to remove the active threat the Scourge pose. (→ #55)

(#64) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Oh, so the beings that can potentially choose evil will still be able to direct them to cause harm. I fail to see how that’s much of an improvement! (→ #55)

(#65) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Hmm, I’m inclined to believe that the security of the city is strong enough to proceed, Victor. I see no reason to halt the project on those grounds. (→ #69)

(#66) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: ...I am unconvinced by your experiment, Turnbull...But I’m willing to give you a chance, regardless. Stopping the Scourge demands bold, decisive action. (→ #67)

(#67) Player: (You have the distinct impression that Headmaster Salaberry has repaid the favor he owes you...) (→ #69)

(#68) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Turnbull, I’m afraid I must agree with Victor. There are too many risks to the city at the moment. Unless you’ve got something very convincing in store, I may need to ask you to postpone your research until things have been properly secured. (→ #69)

(#69) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Only one question remains in my mind...Turnbull, were your attempts successful? Can you prove to me that it is possible to pacify an Immaculate? (→ #70)

(#70) Priest of Elatt : I wish to know this as well. To me, this is single most important part of this inquiry. As far as I’m concerned, all else can be forgiven if it can be done. Please, tell me everything! (→ #71)

(#71) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: We have discovered that what drives the Scourge to attack Elatt’s followers in a frenzy is the effect of a spell. It seems that whomever or whatever created them did so for the express purpose of killing Elatt, and thus the Scourge are bound by that single instinct. (→ #72)

(#72) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Therefore, I have developed a Counter-Spell that will nullify that command. In the bestial Scourge, it can provably turn them into mere animals, without the urge for mass violence against all that breathes. (→ #73)

(#73) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: And in Immaculates, it will give them the ability to ignore their instinct, and choose not to act upon it. It will remove their unifying purpose, and make them true individuals. (→ #74)

(#74) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: I’m still waiting on proof that this is even possible, Turnbull. Either show us that it’s possible, or stop wasting our time! (→ #75)

(#75) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: With pleasure. Desy? Could you go fetch our mutual friend? (→ #76)

(#76) Priest of Elatt : You...Actually brought an Immaculate INTO the city?! Have you lost your mind?! If you’re wrong, he’ll immediately slaughter me and then- (→ #77)

(#77) Runed Immaculate: HSSSS, your presence here fills me with anger...But...I can choose to withhold that anger. I would urge you to bite your tongue unless you absolutely MUST speak, Elatt-spawn. (→ #78)

(#78) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Well well...An Immaculate and a priest of Elatt in the same room together. And the Immaculate can even speak Elatt’s name without succumbing to murderous rage. I am quite impressed, Turnbull! (→ #79)

(#79) Priest of Elatt : I...Me too. ...Alright, I’ve seen enough. I won’t aggravate the creature further. Now, If you’ll excuse me, I have a letter to send to the Cardinal. He will want to know about this as soon as humanly possible. (→ #80)

(#80) Erica Kasper, Dean of Naturalism: Well, I think we can say that the alchemic mix we provided is at least somewhat responsible for the experiment’s success. Honestly, I’m pretty impressed, considering what bloodthirsty maniacs the Immaculates usually are! (→ #81)

(#81) Runed Immaculate: You realize I am still present, human? Bite your tongue, before I bite it for you! (→ #82)

(#82) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: This was all a big deal over nothing. Even if you can change the nature of individual Immaculates, that won’t change much of anything. Do you plan to invite the entire Scourge horde into Harmattan to pacify them one at a time? (→ #83)

(#83) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Obviously not. The runic phrase emits an aura that expands over time. Anything that stays in contact with that aura for long enough will be affected by it. Careful placement of these runes will allow us to pacify the Scourge long-term. (→ #84)

(#84) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: The plan is to create runic totems, strategically placed in each region, and around any known entrance to the Gates of Catharsis. Then, we just let the aura expand and do its work. (→ #85)

(#85) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: In fact, our friend here might be able to act as an ambassador of sorts. The runic phrase is imprinted on his very body. Any Scourge he remains near for long enough should be permanently pacified by the counter-spell. (→ #86)

(#86) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: It’s by no means an instant solution, but it should radically change the course of our conflict with the Scouge within our lifetimes. (→ #87)

(#87) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: You want to just...”Plop down” a spell with such a far reaching, ever-expanding effect, all over Aurai...Just like that? The side effects of a spell like that could be devastating! (→ #88)

(#88) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: It’s a spell with an incredibly narrow effect. You’re overstating the risk of side effects. (→ #89)
  • 1: You don’t seem to think the same of unleashing more Golems that could go rogue! (→ #100)
  • 2: I would argue that the Scourge are far worse. Have you seen the ruins outside? (→ #102)

(#89) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Am I? Turnbull claims that the Scourge are influenced by a spell designed to kill Elatt. That too, is a spell with an incredibly narrow effect. And yet, look at all the destruction they have wrought! I think my concern is quite valid, [PlayerName]. (→ #90)

(#90) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: You make a compelling argument, Victor. There should be months...No, years of rigorous testing before a plan like this is put into effect. I want to know exactly what potential side effects there might be. (→ #91)

(#91) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: And you are certain this single counter-spell will work on all the Scourge that come into contact with it? Every single sub-species? How thorough was your research? (→ #92)

(#92) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: The Scourge are all directed by one spell. One counter-spell should work, then. (→ #93)
  • 1: We can fine-tune it later. The species that really matters is the Immaculates. (→ #97)
  • 2: We won’t know until we try, right? And we can’t try unless you give us your approval. (→ #99)

(#93) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: We would be taking a considerable risk if you’re wrong. It is unlikely that a universal solution will be so easy. Just because it works on Immaculates and Illuminators doesn’t prove it’ll work on Shelled Horrors or Grotesques! (→ #94)

(#94) Runed Immaculate: Are you merely going to speak for me, and about me, as if I am not present?! Do I not deserve to speak for myself? (→ #95)

(#95) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: No! You are a monster, a creature created purely for destruction! You have no such right! Consider yourself lucky to even be breathing, Immaculate! (→ #96)

(#96) Runed Immaculate: Monster, am I? I am a monster only by the circumstance of my creation, human. I did not choose this form, nor did I ask for my killing urge. What do you say we compare the actions we have taken, given the freedom we are capable of? (→ end)

(#97) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: [PlayerName] is right. Starting with them will cripple the brains behind the Scourge, which will stop the worst of the attacks. From there, we can proceed to make any changes we need to, if the counter-spell happens to not be universal. (→ #98)

(#98) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: ...Hmm...Indeed. This would provoke dramatic change, even if it does not resolve the entire problem outright. I have no outright objections to that proposal. (→ #94)

(#99) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: ...Fair point. I suppose we won’t know the full effects until we try it. I confess myself skeptical...But perhaps... (→ #94)

(#100) Desy Laroche: Yeah, there’s plenty of Golems who are roaming wild with no control just outside our front door. They kill plenty of people every season. How can you guarantee that won’t happen with yours? (→ #101)

(#101) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Faulty Golems can be repaired, and returned to their proper mission parameters. If the side-effects of the spell soak into Aurai itself long-term, the effects would be infinitely harder to contain or reverse! It’s a matter of scale, girl! (→ #91)

(#102) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: I’d pick the demons we know over the demons we don’t! A spell with an effect so immense is far too great a risk to ever place our hopes on! (→ #103)

(#103) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: I’m afraid I must disagree, Victor. The Scourge hordes continue to make civilization barely tenable, even with the Vigil Crystals and Elatt’s help. This is a risk, yes, but one that comes with great possibilities. (→ #91)

(#104) Runed Immaculate: Gahh....Nnngg...Make him leave...Make him leave! It hurts to have him near! Make him leave, or I will kill him where he stands! (→ #105)

(#105) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Well...That IS an improvement, if barely. It would seem like your theory needs more work, Turnbull. This isn’t the war-changing breakthrough you claimed it would be. It seems another few months of work will be necessary, at least! (→ #106)

(#106) Priest of Elatt : I feel the same. Very well, I will leave this discussion for now. Come speak to me once it is over, Salaberry, we will need to have a long discussion about this. (→ #107)

(#107) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: We are pushing the boundaries of magic, Headmaster. I would have preferred to wait another month or two until the research was complete, but Victor insisted this be discussed immediately. (→ #108)

(#108) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: And that seems to have been wise. Clearly the experiment is a failure and should be abandoned before it wastes more precious resources! We should focus our efforts on my new Golem improvements, which will slaughter the Scourge hordes with ease! (→ #80)

(#109) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Hmm...I’m afraid that I find your evidence inconclusive, Victor. I don’t see enough evidence to pass any kind of decisive judgment on the activities of Turnbull and his initiates. A full investigation will be performed at a later date. For now, let us move on. (→ #44)

(#110) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Now, hold on for just one moment. Do you realize that [PlayerName] was the one who exposed Jager Sullivan’s crimes? They had no reason to take such action if they were using nefarious means. I will have no sullying of their name at this conference! (→ #111)

(#111) Player: (You have the distinct impression that Headmaster Salaberry has repaid the favor he owes you...) (→ #44)

(#112) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Enough. You have made your point, Victor. Turnbull and his Initiates have engaged in conduct that is at best irresponsible and at worst unlawful. A proper trial will be convened at a later date to determine the extent of the harm caused. For now, let us move on. (→ #44)

(#113) Runed Immaculate: Hmph. I should have known. Humanity cannot be trusted to help us. No one can. (→ #114)

(#114) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: As for you, Immaculate...You have not harmed anyone here, so, I will allow you to leave. But should we find you again, you will be treated as any other Scourge Beast. (→ #115)

(#115) Runed Immaculate: Hmph, your fairness is noted, human. You will not see me again. (→ #116)

(#116) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Now, as to the matter of the invading Scourge Beasts...Our Tracker Power Coil suspects they’re holed up in Old Harmattan. Please, allow me to deploy our new Golems! Let me show you what they are capable of! (→ #117)

(#117) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: Granted. You have authority to proceed as you see fit. See to the destruction of those Scourge immediately, Victor! (→ #118)

(#118) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: And you, Turnbull...If you and your Initiates wish to prove to me that you are not, in fact, in league with those Scourge... (→ #119)

(#119) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I understand, Headmaster. [PlayerName], Desy, I need you to go assist Victor’s forces at Old Harmattan! (→ #120)

(#120) Desy Laroche: Doing anything for Victor leaves a real bad taste in my mouth, but fine. Killin’ some hostile Scourge is no problem for me. (→ #121)

(#121) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Heh, well, it’s nice to have the two of you back on the right side, even if it’s just for a short while. Perhaps you’ll see the error of your ways now. (→ #122)

(#122) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: ...Don’t push your luck, Victor. (→ #123)
  • 1: Alright, alright, enough gloating. What’s the plan? (→ #123)

(#123) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: I seem to have struck a nerve, I see. Very well, there is a small cave east of Old Harmattan that leads underneath it. We’ll attack from through there. The Scourge won’t even know what hit them before it’s too late. (→ #124)

(#124) Desy Laroche: I’ll meet you there, [PlayerName]. Grab your sharpest weapon and let’s get this mess dealt with! (→ #41)

(#125) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: And what, pray tell, do we do about the legitimate horde of Scourge that I know for a fact is bearing down on Harmattan as we speak? We don’t even know where they’re going to attack us from! (→ #126)

(#126) Runed Immaculate: They are no doubt taking refuge in the place you call Old Harmattan. The abandoned walled district to the North. (→ #127)

(#127) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: In Old Harmattan? Why there? (→ #128)

(#128) Runed Immaculate: Simple. It’s the one place in this accursed plateau that no human is permitted to enter, for fear of disturbing the ghosts. It was the sensible place to hide. (→ #129)

(#129) Runed Immaculate: These Scourge are likely led by disciples of the Butcher of Men, planning to attack the city. I will gladly gather my pack to fight them, if you will give me that chance. If they find a foothold here, it may greatly endanger this region’s future. (→ #130)

(#130) Victor Berthelot, Dean of the Military: Wait, Headmaster! We cannot trust an Immaculate to fight its own kind, it will betray us for certain! Allow me to deploy my Golems! Allow me to show you what they are capable of! (→ #131)

(#131) Headmaster Raul Salaberry: No, Victor. I want to see if this Immaculate’s intentions are honest. I will allow him to fight these invading Scourge. Turnbull, send two people to oversee this battle, and report back to me. (→ #132)

(#132) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: [PlayerName], Desy, you know what to do. Keep our friend safe out there. (→ #133)

(#133) Desy Laroche: Never thought I’d be fighting alongside an Immaculate...Against other Scourge. It’s a wild time to be alive. (→ #134)

(#134) Runed Immaculate: There is a small cave east of Old Harmattan that leads beneath it. That is the best angle of attack. Meet me through there, humans, as quickly as you can! (→ #41)