Build:Aetherbomber Build

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Aetherbomber Build is a Character Build in Outward, created by 100 Percent Outward.


Aetherbomber Build
This build uses the ghost parallel unique weapon to apply the Aetherbomb status effect to enemies which blows them up violently after 15 seconds.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Feather Dodge.png Shamanic Resonance.png Spellblade's Awakening.png Heroic Kingdom Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Ghost Parallel.png Any Manawall Helm.png Manawall Armor.png Manawall Boots.png Dusk Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Elemental Discharge.png Crescendo.png Juggernaut.png

Full Build Details

The play style is simple get 3 hits on your target to activate aetherbomb then stay back spamming elemental bolts or attacking another enemy proccing another Aetherbomb

This build also stacks ethereal damage for inflicting maximum pain using your skills like elemental discharge & crescendo, and on top of that we have a lot of mobility including our movement speed which gets buffed by Marathoner, on top of that our dodge roll gets buffed by acrobatics allowing us to dodge further. while it does increase our stamina use per dodge, that's where the rogue engineer breakthrough point feather dodge comes into play. This skill lowers the stamina cost of dodging by 50 Percent and allows us to dodge with any bag equipped without encountering those pesky fat rolls.

We will be breaking down the faction, breakthrough points, skills and armor. So first we join The Heroic Kingdom of Levant. Then we take the shamanic resonance breakthrough point from the cabal hermit. As I mentioned above we take Feather Dodge from the rogue engineer, and finally we take Spellblade's Awakening from the Kazite Spellblade.

Now lets talk about our minor active and passive skills, we need the mist buff for +30% Ethereal, brains passive skill for +15% Ethereal, Al chemical Experiment Levant quest line for 15% to all damage. Acrobatics for Dodge Rolls to have increased range, Armor Training that Decreases the stamina and movement penalties from wearing armor by 50%. Swift Foot for extra 10% movement speed, we also use spiritual varnish potion which gives 10% Ethereal damage plus it grants +15 flat Ethereal damage. But with the potion active it lets you use elemental discharge to shoot a bolt of Ethereal at our enemies making them question there existence in this game.

Weapons skills we need will be crescendo and juggernaut. The armor you need will be the manawall legacy set for a combined 30% Ethereal damange.

The weapon we use is the ghost parallel with the Molepig Sigh enchant for a 5+ flat eathereal bonus

so with all skills, buffs and armor we're looking at a potential +125% Ethereal damage with max crescendo and +100% without any stacks of crescendo. If the ghost parallel hits for 46 Ethereal with the enchant and varnish we are looking at 92 damage per swing, and lets not forget the aetherbomb which procs for 150 ethereal damage. I don't know if it scales with your damage but its strong enough on its own and lets you keep damaging your enemies while you kite them saving health

and lastly take the dusk backpack for the 5+ Barrier which stacks nicely with your amors 13 barrier giving you some nice damage absorption from elemental attacks.

The play style is simple get 3 hits on your target to activate aetherbomb then stay back spamming elemental bolts or attacking another enemy proccing another Aetherbomb

all while injecting your foes with some frozen purple covid 20.


To Activate Aetherbomb
Ghost Parallel.png > Ghost Parallel.png > Ghost Parallel.png > Elemental Discharge.png
Alt Rotation
Elemental Discharge.png > Crescendo.png > Juggernaut.png


See Also