Build:Arcane Ranger

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Arcane Ranger is a Character Build in Outward, created by Astinus The Chronicler.


Arcane Ranger
A Jack of all trades and Master of killing enemies from range.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Swift Foot.png Well of Mana.png Spellblade's Awakening.png Holy Mission Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Meteoric Mace.png Fulmination Astral Pistol.png Levantine Secret Gold-Lich Mask.png Aegis Antique Plate Garb.png Economy Master Trader Boots.png Flux Brigand's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Dispersion.png Fire and Reload.png Blood Bullet.png Torment.png Great Life Potion.png Fal.png Shim.png Elemental Discharge.png

Full Build Details

This is a build designed for those who like dispatching enemies from afar. A mage/gunner/acher hybrid

You'll Want to take breakthroughs in:

I take Infuse frost because the alternate/ early game version of this build uses the Skycrown Mace rather than the Meteoric mace to stack cold damage. You want to join the holy mission, ensure you complete the quest accordingly to get Divine assistance of Spiritual communion. Either will be useful but I prefer divine assistance, I prefer the endurance, sleeping in a luxury tent and gaberry wine give you 45% stamina cost and 65% mana cost reduction. but to each their own:)

At Conflux mountain or Harmattan put 4 points in magic at the ley line. 4 points (80) + well of mana (40) + Spellblade's Awakening (15) + peacemaker(20) = 155 mana. Ensure you get Fitness and Efficiency from the Spellblade and Speedster schools respectively.

Prepare for combat by buffing with cool, warm, possessed and bless and mist boons, runic protection and runic lantern, and ensure your gun is loanded with a shatter bullet.

  • infuse your weapon with infuse light, then recast the bless boon.
  • get to max distance for lock on, then place a runic trap on the ground. cast the first word of runic lightning (fal).
  • fire you gun, then immediately cast blood bullet. This will inflict pain, scorched and chill on the enemy.
  • Use torment to apply burning, slow and bleeding.
  • Use elemental discharge, then cast the final word of runic lightning (shim).
  • Run backwards, use shim and wait for the enemy to move into range of the runic trap. after the enemy snags the trap, cast shim again for the runic detonator/trap combo, this should knock the enemy down.
  • Pounce on them and use dispersion while they're down, Then wail on them with them meteoric mace to apply holy blaze. Remember you still have a blood bullet loaded in your gun, use as needed.
  • Continue to use blood bullet, torment and runic lightning until the enemy is dead.

Archer Variant Build: This build also makes use of Archery/bows for greater ranged combat.

Equip an Astral bow with a Snow enchant for fire based enemies or a Meteoric Bow with an enkindle enchant for everything else.

use Torment, runic trap, runic detonator and runic lightning in combination with the bow to kill enemies. (the bow will apply Scorched and curse). Before acquiring Strafing run you can use jinx or Dez instead.

you can also summon a Runic Blade or Runic Greatsword if low on mana. As your progress through the DLC, also consider using welkin Ring before combat or equipping palladium arrows to apply doom to fortify your runic lightning attacks for tougher enemies.

To get the most out of this build ...

It is of the utmost importance to master the runic trap/detonator combination. You must time the second word of runic detonator just after the trap explodes. Getting both the trap and detonator to go off is an (almost) guaranteed knockdown that can be used FROM RANGE. It allows you to take potions, swap out guns, get to a safe distances, close in and kill enemies, etc. it takes some practice, but once mastered, this unlocks the builds full potential.

Some of the important items you need are ...

Optional alternates


runic trap/detonator
Shim.png > Fal.png > Shim.png > Shim.png
buffing for combat
Blessed.png > Infuse Light.png > Blessed.png > Mist.png > Possessed.png > Cool.png > Warm.png > Dez.png > Egoth.png > Fal.png > Dez.png > Focus.png > Enrage.png
Ranged Rotation 1
Shim.png > Fal.png > Fal.png > Fire and Reload.png > Blood Bullet.png > Torment.png > Shim.png > Elemental Discharge.png > Fal.png > Shim.png > Shim.png > Shim.png > Dispersion.png
Ranged rotation 2
Fire and Reload.png > Blood Bullet.png > Torment.png > Fal.png > Shim.png > Elemental Discharge.png > Torment.png > Fire and Reload.png > Blood Bullet.png
Archer rotation 1
Jinx.png > Jinx.png > Jinx.png > Shim.png > Fal.png > Sniper Shot.png > Evasion Shot.png > Torment.png > Fal.png > Shim.png > Torment.png
Archer rotation 2(Meteoric Bow)
Palladium Arrow.png > Shim.png > Fal.png > Sniper Shot.png > Evasion Shot.png > Strafing Run.png > Fal.png > Shim.png > Fal.png > Shim.png

See Also