Build:Blaze Gunslinger

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Bigbad gunslinger.png

Blaze Gunslinger is a Character Build in Outward, created by Jarl Outward.


Blaze Gunslinger
Unleash Blaze onto enemies while, being completely immune to the Dot and dealing massive physical damage with the strongest 1h axe in the game!
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Shamanic Resonance.png Bloodlust.png Swift Foot.png Heroic Kingdom Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Sandrose.png Whiplash Obsidian Pistol.png Inferno Master Kazite Cat Mask.png Assassin Vigilante Armor.png Shelter Shadow Kazite Light Boots.png Assassin Brigand's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Talus Cleaver.png Mana Push.png Scalp Collector.png Blood Bullet.png Fire and Reload.png Possessed.png Obsidian Pistol.png Light Mender's Lexicon.png

Full Build Details

This indeed is my most complicated build in terms of itemization and gameplay, The build itself has alot of potential in any form of combat. Lets get down to the basics of how this build works.

Short intro about the build:

Sandrose is our primary weapon of choice, Obsidian pistol is our default sidearm, but during the cooldown of bloodbullet we use the lightmenders lexicon in our offhand which is enchanted with Fechtbuch adding a stunning +40% physical damage. This offcourse is a lategame enchantment that requires you to build the enchanting guild, so if u are playing this build without that then fear not, we wont be able to get either Sandrose or the enchanting guild untill we have atleast completed the main quest.


Core items and how to get them:

Obviously the ideal choice for this build is to legacy both the Sandrose and Lightmenders Lexicon, this will make you incredibly strong early on. You can also choose to legacy the militia armor making it vigilante armor. Allthough i actually prefer millitia armor statwise. Militia armor is also a lategame item, but if u are a lucky chestrunner you will have 5% chance of getting it every time you open a basic chest in many locations at caldera. My recommendation is actually to do a bunch of chest runs through caldera dungeons cheese mobs around and grab the chests since this is a very solid way to get urself money during the early game. Just make sure you are bringing a large backpack such as mephinos or master traders so you can carry the items.

Militia armor is probably the best chest option for this build since it gives us burning immunity and we later on can enchant it with shelter giving us 2 barrier that makes us completely immune to blaze on the ground allowing us to just simply walk on blaze without being set on fire or taking damage from the ground effect.

Another option for armor could be pearlescent mail with sang froid combined with boots and helmet of your choice with shelter, all though i think you are then wasting some enchantment potential through this.

Silver armor with sangfroid is also an option to negate the effect or runic armor for that matter. Its completely up to you, you just dont wanna catch fire.

I chose the Shadow Kazite boots, and master kazite cat mask because they go super well with this outfit, if your not into CDR you can always grab some other head + boots.


Early game options chestruns 0 legacy(skip this section if u are legacying items):

Get to caldera, find the immaculate ask for storage - get brigands backpack. Proceed to the flying ship called ark of the exiled kite or kill the calygreys and loot the chests. What you wanna look for here is the militia armor/miner armor + barrier boots or helmet + smoke axe or smoke sword. If you dont find any here head to steam bath tunnels and do the same here. This will give us an early game setup that we later on just improve. I recommend doing this if u wanna feel a progressive powerspike throughout your playthrough.

If you dont wanna spend all this time in caldera to do these chestruns you can always just pickup the Sunfall axe in abrassar, allthough this does not apply blaze we still get to apply burning this way. If u were lucky enough to stumble on a smoke pistol sunfall axe and smoke pistol can also apply blaze all though smoke pistol requires you to double shoot with blood bullet first. Remember enemies must be burning before blaze can be applied. Make sure to build the blacksmith in new sirrocco if you didnt get militia armor yet, since he has 33% chance of selling this.


Full list of main skills: Shaman: Shamanic resonance - weather defence, mana push, Wind Infuse, Conjure

Hex mage: Bloodlust, Nightmares, Blood Sigil, Cleanse, Lockwells Revelation

Mercenary: Repair thing, Swift foot, Marathoner, Blood Bullet

Warrior monk: Discipline, Brace, Food

Rune sage: Blue, green and purple rune.

Learn all the desired t1 skills from other trainers if you wish. I recommend getting kazite spelltrainer health, and speedster stamina asap in ur run for extra health/stam

4 points in mana will put us to 100 mana after the main questline.

Bonus items to look for: Scavenger scarf - add some drip to ur outfit and enchant it with unassuming ingenuity Unique items that build cage pistol - This is just super broken with blood bullet, hard debuff tougher enemies, good choice for enemies immune to burning. Caged boots - The only heavy armor piece that boosts ur movement speed, they happen to look drip with militia armor and offer great protection.



Better safe than sorry - Preparation before battle- Runic protection, enrage, discipline, Wind infuse, food of your choice(diademe de gibier is highly recommended by me, kill jewelbirds with the obsidian pistol and cook urself atleast 5 batches each time u are in abrassar)

Advanced boss prep - Scalp collector on any enemy before entering boss fight -> runic protection -> wind infuse or varnish -> Elemental resistance potion -> Warrior elixir -> Poutine to get tired and bonus impact -> Stam 5 food(diademe de gibier) -> Torcrab Sandwich -> Rainbow Tartine -> Barrier potion -> Enrage, you can add more but this is my go to usually.


Early game/basic combat:

Use blood bullet to light enemy on fire, if there are multiple enemies you can shoot a bullet at each -> mana push -> swing 3 times and most enemies will be dead.


Basic blazelinger
Possessed.png > Infuse Wind.png > Blood Bullet.png > Mana Push.png > Sandrose.png > Sandrose.png > Sandrose.png
Advanced blazelinger
Possessed.png > Infuse Wind.png > Warm.png > Discipline.png > Enrage.png > Diadème de Gibier.png > Torcrab Sandwich.png > Rainbow Tartine.png > Runic Protection.png > Blood Bullet.png > Brace.png > Mana Push.png > Talus Cleaver.png > Scalp Collector.png > Sandrose.png > Sandrose.png > Sandrose.png
Hightech Engineer anti burn/bleed immunity
Possessed.png > Infuse Wind.png > Warm.png > Discipline.png > Enrage.png > Diadème de Gibier.png > Torcrab Sandwich.png > Rainbow Tartine.png > Runic Protection.png > Cage Pistol.png > Blood Bullet.png > Fire and Reload.png > Blood Sigil.png > Conjure.png > Mana Push.png > Talus Cleaver.png > Sandrose.png > Sandrose.png > Sandrose.png

See Also