Build:Bloodsnare's Trap

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Bloodsnare's Trap is a Character Build in Outward, created by HajteroOfTheLand.


Bloodsnare's Trap
A gun-based DoT build, if you can get over forgetting to load your pistols, have a seat, grab some gaberry wine and I will be your host, Hajtero. (high-turr-o)
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Swift Foot.png Bloodlust.png Shamanic Resonance.png Blue Chamber Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Vigilante Sword.png Contagion Chimera Pistol.png Levantine Secret Hound Mask.png Aegis Wolf Medic Armor.png Adrenaline Runic Boots.png Speed and Efficiency Brigand's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fire and Reload.png Blood Bullet.png Shatter Bullet.png Torment.png Obsidian Pistol.png Meteoric Pistol.png Cage Pistol.png Cannon Pistol.png


I wanted to try and branch out a bit and make a DoT build that accomplishes 3 things:

1. Guns these days are mostly just for 1 or 2 debuffs, I wanted a build that uses them in a much more sophisticated way.

2. I wanted to make a DoT build with some more quality of life, compared to -The Plague of Egypt—, by Lunabeans, this has some good quality of life.

3. Flexibility, I wanted a build that requires finesse, can heal itself, run away and still deal damage, deal good impact, you get the idea.

==Q&A Time!==

Q1: It's Bloodsnare's Trap, why no Blood Sigil?

A1: Well, I grabbed Blood Sigil, but our quickslots are already pretty packed, you can mix it in if you want, but I don't find it that useful, I mostly just grabbed it so I could test it out, I had never used it before.
Q2: What happened to Reeptide?
A2: I am Reeptide, I made a new account. Now I’m going through my old builds and improving them.
Q3: Slow Weapon, Long CDs, Close Range DoTs?

A3: Well, that's what the CDR and huge impact from Cannon Pistol is for, we can use the “Stagger” period to apply our DoTs, note that because Plague can spread (and Cruelty's lowered status resistance ), stay away after applying it, it does take 6 hits though.

==Pistol Rundown==

Chimera Pistol: Elemental Vulnerability 

-The Chimera is the bossfight opener for Elemental Vulnerability to reduce enemy resistance to DoTs.

Obsidian Pistol: Burning
Meteoric Pistol: Holy Blaze and Blaze
Cannon Pistol: Impact + Confusion
Cage Pistol: Weaken + Sapped

-You don't NEED the Cage Pistol, you could drop it for something like the Bone Pistol. (Ethereal Damage!) but I like reducing enemy DPS more.

-The Meteoric is Enchanted with Inferno, all others have Levantine Secret.


Breakthroughs: Swift Foot (Blood Bullet), Bloodlust (Blood Sigil or Rupture), Shamanic Resonance (Sigil of Wind)

-Sigil of Wind is useful to plop down before a fight for extra pistol damage (You can even quickslot it!) and lightning dmg for those pesky DoT immunes.

Specialist Skills:

  • Brains? 15% more DoT dmg but extra stamina cost and less physical damage? I prefer to not get it.
  • Unsealed? More time for our Wind and Blood Sigil, but 25 less hp, I'm fine..
  • Acrobatics: Increased mobility for getting out of or into pistol/melee range, very helpful.


While I do enjoy this build, I will state one thing, this is not an ideal build for hardcore. If you forget to load your pistols before a fight, you are in trouble, while you do have blood bullet, this build requires forethought(and a lot of bullets..) for anything with a >1000 health pool.

If that isn’t a dealbreaker for you, the best strategy I have found for this build, and truly for most DoT builds, is to focus on burst damage to start a fight. After DoTs have been applied, provided the enemies aren’t dead already, you can now safely kite and run while the DoTs weigh them down.

Two final things to note, this build is fairly hard to get going, not only are two legacy items needed, it has armour and weapons that are fairly hard to obtain. Another thing is that it is not the most beginner friendly build.

Thank you very much for coming this far, there’s a bit more below. This isn’t the last edit, nothing truly finished, it can always be made better. Wherever you may be, have a nice day/night.


Chimera Pistol.png > Cage Pistol.png > Obsidian Pistol.png > Meteoric Pistol.png > Vigilante Sword.png > Blood Bullet.png

Similar Builds/See Also