Build:Buggy Brawler (Big Bad Beetleborg)

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Buggy Brawler (Big Bad Beetleborg) is a Character Build in Outward, created by Sk0ooma.


Buggy Brawler (Big Bad Beetleborg)
A new & unique approach to the "tank" archetype. Become effectively "invincible" and defeat your enemies by maxing out your impact resistance & maintaining a constant streak of life drain.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Bloodlust.png Steadfast Ascetic.png Shamanic Resonance.png Blue Chamber Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Tokebakicit.png Molepig Sigh Chimera Pistol.png Levantine Secret Scarab Mask.png Calm Soul Chitin Desert Tunic.png Inner Cool Virgin Boots.png Rascal's Verve Brigand's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Blood Sigil.png Conjure.png Infuse Wind.png Infuse Blood.png Dagger Slash.png Galvanic Dagger.png Tokebakicit.png Fire and Reload.png

Full Build Details

Faction: Blue Chamber (need Infuse Blood to complete build), get Blood of Giants and Ancestors' Memories.

Breakthroughs (can't change): Bloodlust, Steadfast Ascetic, Shamanic Resonance

Only need to take 1 point of Mana, w/ Ancestors' Memories & Peacemaker Elixir this will give you 60 Mana total which is plenty.


  • Take Master of Motion over perfect strike, this is mandatory.
  • Take Blood Sigil over rupture, also mandatory.
  • Other important skills for the build are: Dagger slash, Conjure, Shatter Bullet(optional), Wind infuse, Acrobatics (from TTB), maybe Prismatic Flurry, not sure yet, probably overkill and unnecessary.

Armor: Scarab Mask, Chitin Desert Tunic, Virgin Boots

Enchants: Scarab mask should have Calm Soul, to stop panic from reducing impact resist. Chitin Desert Tunic should have Inner Cool to boost Toke. Virgin boots need Rascal's verve, increasing their impact resist to +18.

Maths: With Impact resist up (from eating gravel beetle) and warrior potion for discipline, your impact resist becomes: Boots(18), Chest(28), Hat(20), MoM(10), Gravel Beetle(25) = 101, The armor for this build is MANDATORY. Avoid getting corruption, while it is very tempting to increase the damage of both Tokebakicit AND Blood Infusion, this reduces your impact resist by 30% and kills the build. You are still very weak to DoT damage, so carry around Greater Health potions, Panacea, and Antidotes always JIC.

Weapons: Early on you'll be relying on Vampiric Knuckles with Infuse Wind, don't use Infuse Blood with Vampiric, it sucks. Later, you'll want to target your weapon towards the weakness of the enemy and use Infuse Blood, OR just use Tokebakicit with Infuse Blood cuz that shit is nuts.

You'll need a lexicon to cast Runic Protection + Lantern (we're using Brigand's pack). For the Dagger, Galvanic is probably best, as it can apply pain with 2 Dagger Slashes.

A Chimera Pistol prepared with Shatter Bullet seems to be overkill for most 1 on 1 encounters, but its always nice to have, because, GUNS.

Notes: The decreased fire resist from Toke is cancelled out by the increased fire resist of the Scarab Mask, meaning it has no downsides.

The Big Bad Combo is:

set up Blood Turret + Chimera with Shatter Bullet -----> Slash x2 with Galvanic Dagger -----> Infuse Blood -----> Pound Town (punch em till you kill em in the face).


Just the Tip
Vampiric Knuckles.png > Infuse Wind.png
Going to Pound Town
Blood Turret.png > Chimera Pistol.png > Shatter Bullet.png > Galvanic Dagger.png > Dagger Slash.png > Dagger Slash.png > Tokebakicit.png
Pound Town
Tokebakicit.png > Infuse Blood.png

See Also