Build:Dragon Age Reaver

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Dragon Age Reaver is a Character Build in Outward, created by AstinusTheChronicler.


Dragon Age Reaver
This build is a claymore magic build inspired by the Reaver specialization from the Dragon Age games, using vampiric attacks and blood magic to kill enemies while healing yourself.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Well of Mana.png Bloodlust.png Shamanic Resonance.png Blue Chamber Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Vampiric Greatsword.png Molepig Sigh Vampiric Bow.png Enkindle Tenebrous Helm.png Order of Discipline Antique Plate Garb.png Economy Tenebrous Boots.png Speed and Efficiency Brigand's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pommel Counter.png Mana Push.png Sweep Kick.png Moment of Truth.png Fal.png Shim.png Conjure.png Blood Sigil.png

Full Build Details

The Reaver uses vampiric weapons combined with the Infuse Blood ability provided through the Blue Chamber, to get a decay damage, extreme poison and extreme bleeding-inflicting blade, that restores a Whopping 20% of its damage as health to the wielder. Bloodlust also grants the reaver the ability to restore burnt health, mana and stamina upon slaying foes.

This build allows you to take an aggressive stance with most encounters as your healing will far surpass the damage being dealt by enemies in most cases.

You will also complete the game with a wellspring of health and mana to draw on thanks to Well of Mana, and Blood of Giants and Ancestors Memories Acquired from the Blue Chamber Questline.

Take Breakthough Points in:

When at a ley line, invest 3 points in mana for a total 60 + 40 + 25 + 20 = 145 mana. Be sure to get Efficiency and Fitness from the speedster and spellblade trainers respectively. Complete the Ash giants quest as best possible to receive the blood of Giants passive for +40 health Be kind and have faith in Roland Argenson throughout your questing to receive the Ancestors' memories passive for +25 Mana.

Finally Acquire the Peacemaker elixir from the final blue chamber quest.

This should give you:

  • 170 Health
  • 130 Stamina
  • 145 Mana

Early on in the game, you can construct scourge cocoons and sleep in them to increase you corruption level, then use Cleanse to acquire Dark stones. Make sure you have bandages on hand and use runic heal to restore health if you use this method. You can also use Mana Ward immediately before using Cleanse to avoid cleanse's damage.

Prepare for fights by buffing with Bless, Possessed, Mist, Rage and discipline(optional)

  • Get to max lock-on range of an enemy.
  • Place a rune trap on the ground.
  • Cast runic lightning twice,
  • Draw you weapon you can start a combo once they trip the rune trap, and keep the enemy staggered until knocked down.
  • Use pommel counter to block their next attack an apply confusion.
  • Continue chaining combos that start with a sweep kick, push kick or mana push.
  • Between the extreme poison, extreme bleeding and healing you receive, you should make short work of your enemies.

Realistically this will be enough to deal with most enemies, but for tougher opponents use Sigil of blood and Conjure in the onset of the battle to summon up a blood turret. it will target enemies every second with consistent damage AND impact, and with the right timing you can capitalize on your enemies low stability to chain combos without using other openers.

A few tips when using Blood sigil:

  • Try to fight over the sigil as much as possible, to benefit from Blood tendrils effect when using Mana push
  • Use Conjure immediately after using Sigil of blood to get the most out of the turrets 30second duration, using it again will resummon/reset the turret.
  • The sigil lasts 60 seconds but the turret will endure after the sigil is gone, thus it is a good idea to recast conjure often, especially when the sigil is about to run out. the stagger provided by the sigil will provide cover for placing another blood sigil if necessary.
  • Use the Stagger provided by the Blood Turret to switch weapons, take potions, or close in and maul bosses and more dangerous foes.
  • After a fight, if time persist on the sigil and you are tainted, Use mana push, conjure and mana ward on the sigil to increase your corruption level to corrupted, then use cleanse to conserve/acquire Dark stones.

Archer Hybrid Variant

This build also has an archer variant using the Vampiric Bow. (see Below)

Once strafing run is available, you can swap out the egoth rune.

Again, for heavier enemies use the blood turret. The combined ranged arsenal of blood turret runic lightning and the enchanted bow can be very powerful and allow you to whittle down powerful enemies with ease.

You can also use all available sigils (fire, wind and blood) with archery to deal devastating ranged damage with a vampiric bow, a ghost for tanking, a blood turret, etereal bolt and lightning spark (close range) from a wind sigil, and fireball from a fire sigil. This is done by replacing the arrow/reload with spark and placing a fire sigil over the wind sigil; a loadout I call the Firing Squad(see below).

you will need to cast the sigils from the menu, either at the onset of the fight or while the enemy is stagger-stunned by the blood turret.

To get the most out of this build ...

You will need to take heed of the fact that this claymore is one of the slowest weapons in the game, so you will need to be able to start chain combos with Sweep kick, Push kick or mana Push to keep the enemy staggered for best results. Also use runic trap, runic detonator, runic lightning and blood turret to keep the enemies stability low before starting stagger combos.

Also the Vampiric Claymore has (slightly) reduce range/swing radius compared to other claymores, so try to start combos right up close to the target.

And don't forget; you are a runesage, and can summon a Great Runic Blade to make short work of enemies with high physical resistance, like gargoyles and scarlet emissaries, and infuse it with blood for the vampiric effects.

Some of the important items you need are ...

For Boss fights:

Start the fight with a canon pistol loaded with shatter bullet and the cerulean/steel sabre equipped. fire the gun then use blood sigil and conjure.

As a general rule, at the start of the fight, it is always a good idea to apply confusion with the cannon pistol/Shatter bullet, elemental vulnerability with the chimaera Pistol, stack hits with the Sabre to apply each hex to the boss, then use torment. This will deal 120- 200 damage and apply weakened, sapped, burning, poison, slow and bleeding.

This will reduce the bosses elemental damage by 65%, physical damage by 40%, and increase your magic damage by 50% and physical damage by 25%. Remember to use the stagger window from Blood Turret to switch weapons to your claymore. Keep using torment whenever it is available throughout the fight for free damage and to reapply negative effects.


Alternate Archer loadout
Sniper Shot.png > Evasion Shot.png > Strafing Run.png > Arrow.png > Fal.png > Shim.png > Conjure.png > Blood Sigil.png
Alternate Archer loadout 2 (Pre-New sirocco)
Sniper Shot.png > Evasion Shot.png > Fal.png > Shim.png > Egoth.png > Arrow.png > Conjure.png > Blood Sigil.png
Alternate Melee early game melee build (full runes)
Pommel Counter.png > Sweep Kick.png > Push Kick.png > Mana Push.png > Dez.png > Egoth.png > Fal.png > Shim.png

Alternate Melee loadout boss variant (Chimaera/cannon pistol, & Steel/cerulean Sabre)
Fire and Reload.png > Torment.png > Moment of Truth.png > Sweep Kick.png > Sigil of Wind.png > Mana Push.png > Conjure.png > Blood Sigil.png
Firing squad archer loadout
Sniper Shot.png > Evasion Shot.png > Strafing Run.png > Spark.png > Mana Push.png > Conjure.png > Sigil of Wind.png > Blood Sigil.png

See Also