Build:Enlightenment Philosopher

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Enlightenment Philosopher is a Character Build in Outward, created by TheOathseeker.


Enlightenment Philosopher
A martial philosopher, fully embracing Elatt's teachings. Using his chakram to soften his targets, before wading into battle. Highly tanky but still able to deal significant amounts of damage and outmanouver his opponents.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Leyline Connection.png Steadfast Ascetic.png Shamanic Resonance.png Holy Mission Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Radiant Wolf Sword.png Ornate Chakram.png White Priest Mitre.png Candle Plate Armor.png Candle Plate Boots.png Light Mender's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Chakram Pierce.png Chakram Arc.png Chakram Dance.png Discipline Potion.png Doom Hex.png Puncture.png Flash Onslaught.png Brace.png

Full Build Details


 Impact Resistance Up.png  Toughness:  ►▰▰▰ [3/5]  
 Immolate.png  Magic Damage:  ►▰ [1/5] 
 Physical Attack Up.png  Physical Damage:  ►▰▰▰ [3/5]
 Speed Up.png  Movement Speed:  ►▰▰ [2/5] 
 Mana Ratio Recovery.png  Mana Management:  ►▰▰▰ [3/5] 
 Stamina Recovery.png  Stamina Management:  ►▰ [1/5]
 Health Recovery.png  Health Management:  ►▰▰▰ [3/5] 
 Kill Streak.png  Mechanical Intensity:  ►▰▰ [2/5] 
 Energized.png  Utility:  ►▰▰▰ [3/5] 


He spent most of his life contemplating Elatt's teachings and how he could use them to improve the lives of the people around him. But one day he met a girl named Oliele. She tought him the value of questioning your faith, and of the power of the sword. He kept the Chakram of his monastic order. Took up the glowing sword left to him by his ancestors and took to the road, to defend the faith against the scourge. When Elatt's champion, Zephyrien, gets killed with a poisoned bullet, he inherits the title of Champion and the honor of wearing the holy plate armor forged by Elatt himself.

For years he battled the forces of evil in the name of Elatt. When one day, he was sent to dispatch a particularly nasty scourge that had made his lair in the swamps near Monsoon. But when he was searching for the lair, he was ambushed by brigands. He was thrown to the ground and his foe was about to finish him once and for all, when suddenly all the brigands were torn apart by several violent elemental explosions.

A few days later he woke up. He found himself in a luxuriously decorated tent. A fire was crackling outside and a beautiful women was standing over him. She smiled at him and for a moment he felt at peace. When suddenly he remembered his mission and tried to get up. He had to slay the monster, who knows who else might be hurt by it?!

The women forced him back in bed and asked him to point her towards the monster. He explained to her he had been looking for it's lair for days. She just nodded, grabbed her bow and left. A few hours later she returned. Her bow in one hand, the beast's head in the other. He immediately knew that theirs would be a great partnership. They spent years adventuring together. They learned to compliament eachother, and became experts at overcoming their foes together.


This is a late game build that you have to work towards. The sword is left to you through a legacy chest, the armor is earned through the holy mission questline. You can wear the rune armor untill then. Or go for more of a sigil mage build while you build towards the gear and skills that will allow you to be more melee oriented.

After earning the title of Champion, you should travel to Harmattan to farm all the things you need to enchant your equipment.

  • White priest mitre: Elatt's Sanctity
  • Candle plate armor: Elatt's Sanctity
  • Candle plate boots: Flux
  • Ornate Chakram: Musing of a Philosopher
  • Radiant Wolf Sword: Fulmination

With these enchantments your gear will give you +35% Lightning damage. Combined with your improved boon, Infuse light and Doom, your melee attacks will do plenty of damage.


Besides roleplaying purposes, this build was designed specifically to combine with my Bewitching Bowman build. You apply several hexes that don't directly benefit you, but allow your co-op partner to do more damage with his/her bow, while exploding the hexes from time to time.


The Ornate Chakram looks best with this build. And the double hex you apply with the 'Musing of a Philosopher' enchantment, will benefit the Bewitching bowman a lot aswell.

Alternative build

While this build is mainly meant to be on the front line, apply hexes and distract your enemies while the Bewitching Bowman deals most of his damage. You can exchange the Warrior Monk tree with the Khazite Spellblade. This will allow you to be much more effective from mid to long range, rather than close to mid range. And you will be a more flexible caster. Able to combine your sigils and elemental discharge to do some serious spellcasting. You will be a lot less tanky however.

Exchanging Warrior Monk with Rune Mage will also make you a forced to be reckoned with at mid to long range. But at that point, why not just make a mage instead?


Base Preparation
Call to Elements.png > Cool (skill).png > Warm (skill).png > Possessed (skill).png > Mist (skill).png > Enrage.png > Focus.png > Blessed (skill).png > Infuse Light.png > Blessed Potion.png
Chakram Beat Down
Doom Hex.png > Chakram Pierce.png > Chakram Arc.png > Puncture.png > Chakram Dance.png > Chakram Pierce.png

Constantly sidestepping your opponent, hitting him with Charkam Pierce whenever you see an opening. After a dodge, you can hit them with a Chakram arc to knock them down. After which you hit them with Puncture and a basic attack, followed by a chakram dance to create some distance and hit them hard. Be sure to weave in basic attacks wherever possible.

See Also