Build:Grad Student

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Grad Student is a Character Build in Outward, created by Original Tanksta.


Grad Student
Grab your student outfit and keep yourself going on no sleep, energy drinks and beef jerky.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Bloodlust.png Daredevil.png Shamanic Resonance.png Sorobor Academy Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Scholar's Staff.png Isolated Rumination Any Scholar Circlet.png Arcane Unison Scholar Attire.png Arcane Unison Scholar Boots.png Arcane Unison Any
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sigil of Fire.png Sigil of Wind.png Blood Sigil.png Mana Ward.png Probe.png Spark.png Mana Push.png Conjure.png

Full Build Details

This build is focused on using the speedster breakthrough, with all of the enchants and logistics passive, to reach ~80% CDR and have near 100% uptime on mana ward while you spam out abilities inside sigils. I currently use 1 point in mana but that can make your early game really rough until you get some of the enchants on the scholar set. illuminator potions help out a lot when you really want to lay in on something by spamming spark. it is important to note that mana ward doesn't stop your alertness levels from being lowered the same way unerring read does. You can keep your weapon out to cast all of your main spells except conjure, which is fine as that one is more of a panic button or only used to get the turret up on blood sigil. You will. run into problems with. large groups of enemies that don't stagger easily, but fear not you can kite them into the wind sigil and spam conjure from a safe distance.

You can switch the gear up and try out some of the CDR options in the adrenaline and instinct enchants on the wolf set or go with arcane unison on virgin if you want to be a little less squishy during the mid game. the scholar's stick isn't a hard and fast suggestion either. Master's and Ivory both work with Isolated rumination. I like using Ivory because it's the best melee weapon out of the 3, but scholar's does give a hefty lightning damage bonus so do what you want. The sorobor passive also isn't a huge deal. I just love that quest line and without it you can't hit the 85% CDR as easily. I could se this build working really well with exalted in all honesty until you get to stage 3 and the gift of blood/ immolate is draining ~10% of your health a second. but in coop it won't matter I suppose. I don't have Three brother's yet, but I think infuse mana would be a great option here or even infuse blood for the life leech at the cost of logistics expert.

The most important skills are those listed in the hotkeys. I would suggest prioritizing getting bloodlust first, then finishing getting the sigils before grabbing daredevil. After getting the main skills and breakthroughs grabbing lockwell's revelation is great for more damage and the mana regen from (very)tired helps out for sustain. Bloodlust will keep you from getting too burnt out from almost never sleeping. If you get far enough to bother, grabbing the sprint speed passive from the speedster tree is nice. you can make an argument for the protections, but I find running faster keeps me from dying more than taking 8 less physical damage. you take 0 if they can't touch you and mana ward will always be an option if you're going to get hit.

As soon as you have 4 light particles and the needed quartz and tourmaline, you should make the needed 9 Luna incense and 2 Sylphina incense. Before you get the enchants you're only looking at 40-50% CDR with the logistics passive. Once you get the gear enchanted you have 85% CDR and mana ward actually has a shorter cooldown than its duration. You still lose some health from gift of blood and immolate, but you'll probably be fine. if you're in co-op you can cast ward together and get enough health regen that it won't matter anyway.

Some of the important items you need are purpkin pie or energizing potion. I use purpkin a lot because I like the extra move speed and I don't mind the corruption. It also helps to keep some boiled dreamer's root handy to induce tired. I mentioned illuminator potions above and they are great for wheen you really want to cut loose and spam skills off.

No real combos, just go nuts pressing buttons and try to tank your framerate like a real mage. If things get close just run away and conjure them in your wind sigil. or mana ward and push them until they fall over and you can spam spark again.

See Also