Build:Hand of the Jade Lich

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Hand of the Jade Lich is a Character Build in Outward, created by m2x1m4s.


Hand of the Jade Lich
In exchange for your humble servitude, the Plague Doctor has granted you immense power. She has ordered you to absorb as much corruption as possible in your travels, and gifted you the ability to turn corruption to your advantage. Consume corruption to unleash fatal amounts of decay energy on your enemies.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Bloodlust.png Shamanic Resonance.png Well of Mana.png Holy Mission Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Jade-Lich Staff.png Inheritance of the Past Any Jade-Lich Mask.png Aegis Jade-Lich Robes.png Aegis Jade-Lich Boots.png Aegis Boozu Hide Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Conjure.png Mana Push.png Blood Sigil.png Dez.png Egoth.png Fal.png Shim.png Spark.png

Full Build Details

Though this is a role playing guide that does prioritize style over min-maxing viability, it's still a strong build with lots of QoL perks and an easy to execute, effective fighting style. As you may have guessed, this build is focused on using the Jade Lich's gear to do hefty decay damage with blood sigils.

First I'd like to point out how GOOD the jade lich set looks. The staff design goes hard. That glowy green color, tastefully accentuating features of the clothing. The asymmetrical mask is perfect. Plus, the color on the Boozu backpack matches the accent color on the clothing.

Here's how you're going to set the build up:

-Farm up 2500 silver. Put five to eight points in mana, and grab sigil of fire when the watcher offers. If you're comfortable with doing Vendavel early I recommend it. It puts you well on the way to 2500 silver, it allows you to avoid having to come back later to deal with Vendavel, and the arcane robe that Balira drops is a good early game body armor. Buy the scholar's circlet and scholar's boots to wear with it (or if you didn't do vendavel, just get the whole scholar's set.)

-Get the Cabal Hermit skills. Get reveal soul, mana push, call to the elements, weather tolerance, shamanic resonance, sigil of wind, and conjure. You are now very strong. Also, get the possessed boon from the immaculate in Chersonese.

-Farm more money. I recommend doing the horror weapon farm cycle once. Look it up if you don't know what it is- essentially, you make five 2 handed horror weapons and bring them to Levant. Each one will sell for 750 silver. Get the rune sage skills. Get Dez, Egoth, Fal, Shim, Well of Mana, Arcane Syntax, and Internalized Lexicon. Since we are using rune magic for the versatility and QoL it provides, and not relying on it as our main source of damage, it's okay to get internalized lexicon over runic prefix.

-You should be ready to take on the jade lich now. Before the boss fight, make sure you have the possessed boon, the blessed boon, and the warm boon, as well as stamina regen from water, gaberry tartine, and mana regen from a food. Sigil of wind is ineffective against ranged enemies, since the sigil of wind spells are very strong but have no range. The lich will just teleport out of the sigil. Sigil of fire works well since the fireballs have good range. Runic Lightning also works great, especially since he is weak to lightning. While you're in the hallowed marsh, grab three scaled leather by killing the dinosaur enemies in the region to make a scaled leather bag.

-Now you've got all the equipment you'll use in late game. Farm up more silver, go to harmattan and get the hex mage skills. Get nightmares, bloodlust, sigil of blood, cleanse, and Lockwell's revelation. Kill enough boozu while you're in the area to make a boozu hide backpack, and your character is now fully decked out.

For most fights, throw down a dark stone. Cast conjure. The blood turret will now tear them down. Use mana push to cast blood tendrils. That should be enough.

For fights against decay resistant enemies, switch to the appropriate element. You have fire sigil still, and you have wind sigil. Use runic traps, and runic lightning when you need a ranged lightning attack. You may be a blood mage, but that doesn't mean you can't use other magic.

You should always be corrupted, and you should always be tired.

For fights when you need to be at your strongest: Be defiled, be very tired, put down each sigil you have. Put down a runic trap. Apply the relevant boons. Spam spark, mana push, and conjure. Conjure will have doubled effect, creating a devastating lightning strike and a blood turret. Mana push is good damage, and spark has doubled effect. Make sure you have stamina regen.


Basic fight
Blood Sigil.png > Conjure.png > Mana Push.png

See Also