Build:Holy Blaze Gunner

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Holy Blaze Gunner is a Character Build in Outward, created by Jarl Outward.


Holy Blaze Gunner
A Gun build that combines a powerfull melee weapon with the Holy Blaze DoT
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Bloodlust.png Swift Foot.png Feather Dodge.png Holy Mission Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Sunfall Axe.png Fulmination Meteoric Pistol.png Levantine Secret Tenebrous Helm.png Order and Discipline Rust Lich Armor.png Aegis Horror Greaves.png Flux Light Mender's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jinx.png Blood Bullet.png Fire and Reload.png Torment.png Rupture.png Possessed.png Blessed.png Infuse Light.png

Full Build Details

Intro: You ever envied those Elatt tattoos? Why your character cant have those? Well the Rust lich Armor set kinda have those! Immerse yourself into being the Right hand of the holy mission, the Holy Blaze Gunman.

Very Simple Build. U legacy chest an obsidian pistol and use it with blood bullet to shoot twice to instantly apply holy blaze onto burning foes. We use the rogue engineer stealth to apply jinx onto enemies while sneaking. You can replace this with scorch hex if u are feeling bold at sneaking close, or you can simply whack and slash with ur light infused sunfall axe to set enemies a blaze and dont mind taking damage because we can heal it back with a combo of blood bullet + fire and reload.

3-5 points in mana find ur own sweet spot.

I highly recommend also crafting an obsidian pistol and bring it alongside you. This can easily replace the need for jinx/torment combo all though only works in 1 on 1 combat.

Holy blaze by itself is a decent DoT. Very few enemies in the game are actually immune to burning and those that are does not have alot of lightning resistance. Basicly we combine 3 elements into raw damage on this build.

You will deal Decay, Lightning and Fire with this build.

For our tent we will use the lightning totemic lodge to further buff our holy blaze. With this build we will reach holy blaze DoT to:

DAMAGE NUMBERS: - Horror greaves with flux: 5% Tenebrous Helmet with order and discipline: 10% Light Menders Backpack: 10% Blessed: 20% Lockwells revelation very tired: 30% Lightning totemic lodge: 10% Spiritual Communion: 10% All of these combined gives us 95% Bonus lightning Damage which puts our holy blaze to close 12 dmg per second.

We also gain quite some damage to our blood bullet which does decay damage and is our main ability with this set: Tenebrous Helmet: 10% Rust Lich Armor: 25% Horror greaves: 10% Lockwells Revelation very tired: 30% Spiritual communion: 10% Combined we get 85% Bonus Decay damage to our blood bullet skill. You will notice this actually kills most things on its own, like lesser bandits.

The fire damage we get to sunfall is not alot but we use the weapon for its amazing moveset and the fact it apply burning so that we can strike enemies down with the holy blaze of Elatt.

The build itself is quite decent. You will not have much trouble with beating down enemies. The Build will also do good in many unknown arena's This again all depends whether the boss is immune to burning or has high.

I recommend grabbing the chimera pistol aswell from the blood under the sun questline and have it reloaded for sticky situations. Doom touch can also be learned from harmattan, those two combined can speed up killing some tanky things.

If u wanna look cool but lose a bit of damage all though for extra Cooldown reduction and some tankiness, you can legacy a white arcane hood. This will make you fully roleplay being a part of the holy mission. I just prefer the Tenebrous helm for its stats and i think it goes quite well with the set.

Remember to constantly walk around and rebuff yourself with Blessed/Infuse light so u dont waste ur boon downtime.


Dirty Hands
Blessed.png > Infuse Light.png > Blessed.png > Possessed.png > Sunfall Axe.png > Blood Bullet.png > Fire and Reload.png
Sneaky Opener
Blessed.png > Possessed.png > Jinx.png > Doom Hex.png > Torment.png > Blood Bullet.png > Fire and Reload.png

See Also