Build:Horror Knight

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Horror Knight is a Character Build in Outward, created by Jarl Outward.


Horror Knight
A twohanded warrior cabable of beating down the game in easy mode!
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Shamanic Resonance.png Bloodlust.png Steadfast Ascetic.png Blue Chamber Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Worldedge Greataxe.png Molepig Sigh Chimera Pistol.png Master Trader Hat.png Horror Armor.png Shelter Horror Greaves.png Shelter Brigand's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Execution.png Sweep Kick.png Counterstrike.png Brace.png Curse Hex.png Fire and Reload.png Possessed.png Infuse Blood.png

Full Build Details

This is a very simple build, that does not require any legacy items, making it the perfect setup for your first playthrough if you desire to play a twohanded warrior. It comes with some natural progression that makes it suitable for taking down every endgame boss or unknown arena in the game at easy mode. It is not the highest damage dealing build you can achieve in the game but it is very versatile using an amazing greataxe that has high speed and raw damage. The only downside of this build is simply stamina drain from the greataxe all though if you know your way around with cooking good stamina food you will not have any challenge managing that.

Even decay resistant bosses will not be a problem since our setup allows us to apply elemental vulnerability and curse hex putting the enemies decay resistance down by 50%.

If u are interested in playing this build here is a general guide that will give you a fair way to get ur build going. I will not include financial advices to get ur skills but i will tell you how to acquire the items needed for the build.

Worldedge greataxe can be acquired from killing the Tyrant of the Hive in enmercar forest. This guy is quite tough, i suggest getting urself a Horror greataxe before killing him so you can apply extreme poison and use a fire varnish to set him on fire aswell. While we are here make sure you grab the kazite mask aswell from the vendor in berg, another option for headpiece early is the Master trader's Hat. This will be used through the early game and a step into the lategame untill you get infuse blood through New Sirrocco questline so you can start taking down some unknown arenas. During the early game we will use wind infusion to get us through the basegame.

Horror greaves and armor are the core armor pieces that will give us the resistances we need to get through the game, these can be acquired in harmattan, by killing pure illuminators and sublime shells for pure chitin. Horror shells can be farmed from the sublime shells aswell. Curse hex is also acquired here by entering the blood mage hideout and starting and completing the bloody business quest pick that up aswell. While in harmattan you can also learn mana, where i recommend taking 3 points for this build.

Chimera pistol is acquired by completing the blood under the sun quest and unlocking the merchant by paying pigeon eyes the silver for the slums. Follow the wiki for blood under the sun since you dont wanna fail this quest! After completion it can be bought from tamara the smuggler for 2000 silver.

Helmet choices. I did put master trader hat as the headgear. What you want is to get some piece of headgear that reduces stamina costs, you have a certain freedom for this. I recommend Kazite helmet, Elite hood and the squire headband as the lategame choice, after grinding a few unknown arenas or if you are lucky through killing unique enemies.

List of skills to take All boons, warm, cool, possessed, mist, blessed - see pages for more info, possessed being the major here, rest are just optional for boss fights.

Mercenary: Scatter shot in levant, and his repair / stamina armor perks.

kazite spellblade: Fitness and blocking skill

Rune sage(optional): all the runes, provides us with a light source for dungeons and allows us to buff up extra for tougher fights.(requires a lexicon to use)

Rogue engineer: sweepkick

Warrior monk: Steadfast ascetic, brace, focus, master of motion, counterstrike, the hunger passive

Wild hunter: Enrage

Sagard battleborn or Burac: Execution

Cabal Hermit: Shamanic resonance, Weather tolerance + random boon, Wind infuse, Mana Push

Hex Mage: Bloodlust, Jinx, Torment, Nightmares, Blood sigil, Lockwell's Revelation, Cleanse. Note we dont really need anything here than bloodlust and lockwells revelation.

Speedster: Metabolic Purge, Efficiency.

Interesting Gameplay ideas that you can use in ur playthrough.

We do most damage when we are defiled + very tired. This is by all means completely optional to get urself to and not at all needed for the game, not that you can also die to corruption so juggle it carefully if you decide to play as a defiled horror knight!

Foods i usually get: Marshmellon tartine, Alpha sandwich/jerky, Poutine to get tired(not very tired), i recommend also building the water purifier in new sirrocco for additional statbuffs, you can take that over the arena since we dont need anything from the arena trainers with this build!

Combos for early game

Wind executioner
Enrage.png > Possessed.png > Infuse Wind.png > Brace.png > Sweep Kick.png > Execution.png
The Scourge
Enrage.png > Possessed.png > Infuse Wind.png > Fire and Reload.png > Brace.png > Curse.png > Sweep Kick.png > Execution.png

Combos for lategame game (after building chapel for infuse blood in New Sirrocco )

Lategame Executioner
Enrage.png > Possessed.png > Infuse Blood.png > Fire and Reload.png > Brace.png > Curse.png > Sweep Kick.png > Execution.png

See Also