Build:No Breakthroughs

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No Breakthroughs is a Character Build in Outward, created by raphaeloser.


No Breakthroughs
A build centered around getting gud without breakthroughs.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Any Any Any Holy Mission Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Starchild Claymore.png Fulmination Any Entomber Hat.png Entomber Armor.png Entomber Boots.png Any
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Brace.png Pommel Counter.png Push Kick.png Sweep Kick.png Mana Push.png Focus.png Endurance Potion.png Life Potion.png

Full Build Details

You first want to parry with brace and then knock the enemy down using normal attacks, then back of, recover stamina and parry with pommel counter if needed. That will apply the confusion debuff on enemies. Now you're able to stunlock tougher enemies with either mana push+push kick or sweep kick. If you suck at parrying, you can use weapons that apply confusion (e.g. Marble Mace) or use the Juggernaut skill for Greathammers. You also may want to replace the Focus skill with Moment of Truth, but thats endgame shit. Both weapon and armor are replacable as well, I just like the way the entomber armor looks. An Iron Claymore entchanted with unsuspected strengh, the Masterpiece Claymore or the Thermal Claymore are good options, but the latter two are more or less endgame.


Pommel Counter.png > Mana Push.png > Push Kick.png > Sweep Kick.png

See Also