Build:OP Chakram Hex

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OP Chakram Hex is a Character Build in Outward, created by LunaBird Gaming Nest.


OP Chakram Hex
The main strategy of this build is to first use guns and hex magics to de-buff the enemy, then use the chakram skill to unbalance or knock down the enemy, and finally use the boosted normal attack to slash and kill the enemy that can't fight back. When you control the enemy's stability bar, you win the game, which means that the left hand is impact and the right hand is power in 1 build
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Shamanic Resonance.png Bloodlust.png Daredevil.png Any
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Radiant Wolf Sword.png Fulmination Vigilante Chakram.png Rust Lich Helmet.png Ash Armor.png Spirit of Monsoon Scarlet Boots.png Flux Boozu Hide Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Chakram Arc.png Chakram Pierce.png Brace.png The Technique.png Fire and Reload.png Chimera Pistol.png Vigilante Chakram.png Doom Hex.png

Full Build Details

Buff & Debuff

Damage Boost Buffs

Buff Elemental Damage Bonus Physical Damage Bonus
Lockwell's Revelation (When Very Tired) 30%
Elemental Boons (With Shamanic Resonance) 30%
Shimmer Potion 15%
Discipline (With Shamanic Resonance) 30%
Physical Attack Up 20%
Immolate 30% Fire
Corrupted 15% Decay/Frost

Other Buffs

Buff Effects
Sparkling Water (Effect) +0.75 Stamina per second
Stamina Recovery Lv1~5 +0.3~1.2 Stamina per second
Rage (With Shamanic Resonance) +35% Impact bonus damage
Impact Up +20% Impact bonus damage
Imbues (Varnish Or Skill) Additional damage
Luxury Tent Sleep Effect -20% Stamina cost of actions
Daredevil (Alert Level 4) +40% Cooldown Reduction

Additional Buff From Faction And Building

Faction Buff
The Heroic Kingdom of Levant Alchemical Experiment(+15% All Damage), Kirouac's Breakthrough(+15% Physical Damage)
The Holy Mission of Elatt Spiritual Communion(+10% Ethereal/Lightning/Decay damage), Exalted(+200% All Damage)
Sorobor Academy Logistics Expert(+10% Cooldown Reduction)

Debuff On Enemy

Buff Effects
Elemental Vulnerability -25% damage resistance for Ethereal, Decay, Lightning, Frost and Fire
Pain -25% Physical resistance
Confusion -25% Impact resistance
Doomed -25% Lightning resistance
Chill -25% Frost resistance
Curse -25% Decay resistance
Haunted -25% Ethereal resistance
Scorched -25% Fire resistance


Offhand Equipment

Offhand Equipment Ability
Vigilante Chakram Highest Impact Attack Chakram(53 Impact Attack)
Frozen Chakram Frost Attack & Elemental Vulnerability(40% buildup)
Tsar Chakram Highest Physical Attack(60 Physical Attack)
Chimera Pistol Elemental Vulnerability
Obsidian Pistol Burning
Bone Pistol Haunted
Cannon Pistol Confusion
Lexicon For Runic Blade, Runic Protection & Runic Lantern

Lightning Damage Bonus Build Equipment

Equipment Enchantments Lightning Damage Bonus Physical Damage Bonus
Weapon:Radiant Wolf Sword (34 Lightning Damage) Fulmination (5 Lightning Damage)
Helmet:Rust Lich Helmet 25% -30%
Armor:Ash Armor Spirit of Monsoon 25%
Boots:Scarlet Boots Flux 20%
Total 70% -30%

Total Lightning Damage Bonus = 75% (Buff) + 70% (Equipment) = 145% (1.45)

Damage Per Normal Hit (Weapon's Lightning Damage) = 39 * (1 + 1.45) = 95.55
Damage Per Normal Hit (Greater Lightning Imbue's Lightning Damage) = [(39 * (1.1 - 1)) + 15] * (1 + 1.45) = 46.305
Total Damage Per Normal Hit = 141.855

Example : Damage On Elite Crimson Avatar Per Normal Hit (-70% Lightning Damage Resistance After Debuffed With Elemental Vulnerability & Doomed) = 141.855 * [1 - (- 0.7)] = 241.1535

Decay Damage Bonus Build Equipment

Equipment Enchantments Decay Damage Bonus Physical Damage Bonus
Weapon:Scepter of the Cruel Priest (55 Decay Damage) 13%
Helmet:Tenebrous Helm 10%
Armor:Antique Plate Garb Spirit of Harmattan 25%
Boots:Tenebrous Boots 10%
Total 58%

Total Decay Damage Bonus = 90% (Buff) + 58% (Equipment) = 148% (1.48)

Damage Per Normal Hit (Weapon's Decay Damage) = 55 * (1 + 1.48) = 136.4
Damage Per Normal Hit (Greater Decay Imbue's Decay Damage) = [(55 * (1.2 - 1)) + 15] * (1 + 1.48) = 64.48
Total Damage Per Normal Hit = 200.88

Example : Damage On Light Mender Per Normal Hit (-70% Decay Damage Resistance After Debuffed With Elemental Vulnerability & Curse) = 200.88 * [1 - (- 0.7)] = 341.496

Ethereal Damage Bonus Build Equipment

Equipment Enchantments Ethereal Damage Bonus Physical Damage Bonus
Weapon:Runic Blade (31 Ethereal Damage)
Helmet:Scarlet Mask 15%
Armor:Green Copal Armor Spirit of Berg 25%
Boots:Manawall Boots 10%
Total 50%

Total Ethereal Damage Bonus = 75% (Buff) + 50% (Equipment) = 125% (1.25)

Damage Per Normal Hit (Weapon's Ethereal Damage) = 31 * (1 + 1.25) = 69.75
Damage Per Normal Hit (Greater Ethereal Imbue's Ethereal Damage) = [(31 * (1.1 - 1)) + 15] * (1 + 1.25) = 40.725
Total Damage Per Normal Hit = 110.475

Example : Damage On Immaculate (Ascendant) Per Normal Hit (-100% Ethereal Damage Resistance After Debuffed With Elemental Vulnerability & Haunted) = 110.475 * [1 - (- 1)] = 220.95

Frost Damage Bonus Build Equipment

Equipment Enchantments Frost Damage Bonus Physical Damage Bonus
Weapon:Skycrown Mace (23.5 Frost & Physical Damage)
Helmet:Red Wide Hat 10%
Armor:Adventurer Armor Spirit of Cierzo 25%
Boots:Rust Lich Boots 25% -30%
Backpacks:Brigand's Backpack 15%
Total 60% -15%

Total Frost Damage Bonus = 90% (Buff) + 60% (Equipment) = 150% (1.5)
Total Physical Damage Bonus = 50% (Buff) + (- 15%) (Equipment) = 35% (0.35)

Damage Per Normal Hit (Weapon's Frost Damage) = 23.5 * (1 + 1.5) = 58.75
Damage Per Normal Hit (Greater Frost Imbue's Frost Damage) = [(47 * (1.1 - 1)) + 15] * (1 + 1.5) = 49.25
Damage Per Normal Hit (Weapon's Physical Damage) = 23.5 * (1 + 0.35) = 31.725
Total Damage Per Normal Hit = 108 Frost + 31.725 Physical

Example : Damage On Elite Torcrab Per Normal Hit (-90% Frost & 45% Physical Damage Resistance After Debuffed With Elemental Vulnerability , Chill & Pain) = 108 * [1 - (- 0.9)] + 31.725 * (1 - 0.45) = 205.2 Frost + 17.449 Physical

Fire Damage Bonus Build Equipment

Equipment Enchantments Fire Damage Bonus Physical Damage Bonus
Weapon:Sunfall Axe (21 Fire & Physical Damage) Whiplash (2.1 Physical Damage)
Helmet:Scarlet Mask 15%
Armor:Master Desert Tunic Spirit of Levant 25%
Boots:Scarlet Boots 15%
Backpacks:Brigand's Backpack 15%
Total 55% 15%

Total Fire Damage Bonus = 105% (Buff) + 55% (Equipment) = 160% (1.6)
Total Physical Damage Bonus = 50% (Buff) + 15% (Equipment) = 65% (0.65)

Damage Per Normal Hit (Weapon's Fire Damage) = 21 * (1 + 1.6) = 54.6
Damage Per Normal Hit (Greater Fire Imbue's Fire Damage) = [(44.1 * (1.1 - 1)) + 12] * (1 + 1.6) = 42.666
Damage Per Normal Hit (Weapon's Physical Damage) = 23.1 * (1 + 0.65) = 38.115
Total Damage Per Normal Hit = 97.266 Fire + 38.115 Physical

Example : Damage On Elite Boozu Per Normal Hit (-90% Fire & 10% Physical Damage Resistance After Debuffed With Elemental Vulnerability , Scorched & Pain) = 97.266 * [1 - (- 0.9)] + 38.115 * (1 - 0.1) = 184.805 Fire + 41.927 Physical

Physical Damage Bonus Build Equipment

Equipment Enchantments Physical Damage Bonus
Weapon:Tsar Sword (57 Physical Damage) Whiplash (5.7 Physical Damage)
Offhand Weapon:Tsar Chakram (60 Physical Damage)
Helmet:Master Kazite Oni Mask Assassin 15%
Armor:Shadow Light Kazite Shirt/Shadow Kazite Light Armor Assassin 10%
Boots:Shadow Kazite Light Boots Assassin 5%
Backpacks:Brigand's Backpack 15%
Total 45%

Total Physical Damage Bonus = 50% (Buff) + 45% (Equipment) = 95% (0.95)
Total Elemental Damage Bonus = 75% (Basic Buff) = 75% (0.75)

Damage Per Normal Hit (Weapon's Physical Damage) = 62.7 * (1 + 0.95) = 122.265
Damage Per Normal Hit (Greater Frost Imbue's Frost Damage) = [(62.7 * (1.1 - 1)) + 15] * (1 + 0.75) = 37.223
Total Damage Per Normal Hit = 122.265 Physical + 37.223 Frost

Damage Per Chakram Arc (5.4 Sec CD) = 60 * 1.5 * (1 + 0.9) = 171
Damage Per Chakram Pierce (2.7 Sec CD) = 60 * (1 + 0.9) * 2 Hit = 228
Damage Per Puncture (4.5 Sec CD) = 62.7 * 2 * (1 + 0.9) Physical + 37.223 Frost = 238.26 Physical + 37.223 Frost

Example 1 : Damage On Ash Giant Highmonk Per Normal Hit (-15% Physical & -90% Frost Damage Resistance After Debuffed With Elemental Vulnerability , Chill & Pain) = 122.265 * [1 - (- 0.15)] + 37.223 * [1 - (- 0.9)] = 140.605 Physical + 70.723 Frost

Example 2 : Damage On Ash Giant Highmonk Per Chakram Arc (-15% Physical Damage Resistance After Debuffed With Pain) = 171 * [1 - (- 0.15)] = 196.65 Physical

Example 3 : Damage On Ash Giant Highmonk Per Chakram Pierce (-15% Physical Damage Resistance After Debuffed With Pain) = 228 * [1 - (- 0.15)] = 262.2 Physical

Example 4 : Damage On Ash Giant Highmonk Per Punture (-15% Physical & -90% Frost Damage Resistance After Debuffed With Elemental Vulnerability , Chill & Pain) = 238.26 * [1 - (- 0.15)] Physical + 37.223 * (1 + 0.9) Frost = 273.999 Physical + 70.723 Frost

Tips : You Can Spam The Low Cool Down Skills Instead Of Just Doing Normal Attack

Multi Elemental Damage Bonus Build Equipment

Equipment Enchantments Frost Damage Bonus Decay Damage Bonus Lightning Damage Bonus Ethereal Damage Bonus Fire Damage Bonus Physical Damage Bonus
Weapon:Cerulean Sabre (33 Physical Damage) Rainbow Hex
Helmet:White Priest Mitre Elatt's Sanctity 8% 13% 8%
Armor:Antique Plate Garb Spirit of Harmattan 25% 10% 15%
Boots:Scarlet Boots Flux 20% 15%
Backpacks:Brigand's Backpack 15%
Total 8% 25% 33% 10% 38% 15%

Total Frost Damage Bonus = 90% (Buff) + 8% (Equipment) = 98% (0.9)
Total Decay Damage Bonus = 90% (Buff) + 25% (Equipment) = 115% (1.15)
Total Lightning Damage Bonus = 75% (Buff) + 33% (Equipment) = 108% (1.08)
Total Ethereal Damage Bonus = 75% (Buff) + 10% (Equipment) = 85% (0.85)
Total Fire Damage Bonus(With Immolate) = 105% (Buff) + 38% (Equipment) = 143% (1.43)
Total Physical Damage Bonus = 50% (Buff) + 15% (Equipment) = 65% (0.65)

Torment's Frost Damage = 25 * (1 + 0.9) = 47.5
Torment's Decay Damage = 20 * (1 + 1.15) = 43
Torment's Lightning Damage = 20 * (1 + 1.08) = 41.6
Torment's Ethereal Damage(With Haunted + Pain) = (20+10) * (1 + 0.85) = 55.5
Torment's Fire Damage = 20 * (1 + 1.43) = 48.6
Total Damage Possible Per Torment = 236.2 Mix Elemental Damage

Example : Damage On Calixa (Ascendant) Per Torment (-50% All Element Damage Resistance After Debuffed With Elemental Vulnerability & Rainbow Hex) = 236.2 * [1 - (-0.5)] = 354.3 Mix Elemental Damage

Rupture's Frost Damage = 50 * (1 + 0.9) = 95
Rupture's Decay Damage = 50 * (1 + 1.15) = 107.5
Rupture's Lightning Damage = 50 * (1 + 1.08) = 104
Rupture's Ethereal Damage = 50 * (1 + 0.85) = 92.5
Rupture's Fire Damage = 50 * (1 + 1.43) = 121.5
Rupture's Physical Damage = [50 * (1 + 0.65)] = 82.5
Total Damage Possible Per Rupture = 520.5 Mix Elemental Damage + 82.5 Physical Damage

Example : Damage On Calixa (Ascendant) Per Rupture (-25% All Element Damage Resistance After Debuffed With Elemental Vulnerability, The Damage Is Applied After The Rainbow Hex & Pain Debuff Removed, Do Not Get The Benefit Of Their Extra Damage) = 520.5 * [1 - (-0.25)] + (82.5 - 3) * (1 - 0.65) = 650.625 Mix Elemental Damage + 27.825 Physical Damage

Tips : Torment With +40% Cooldown Reduction Are More Efficient Than The Rupture When Dealing With A Single Enemy Without Have To Re-Apply The Rainbow Hex"s Debuff Again, And Rupture Is Great At Dealing A Group Of Enemies


Basic Buff
Luxury Tent.png > Shamanic Resonance.png > Lockwell's Revelation.png > Corrupted.png
Buff For Bosses Battle
Great Endurance Potion.png > Bolt Varnish.png > Barrier Potion.png > Shimmer Potion.png > Warrior Elixir.png > Spiked Alertness Potion.png > Mana Belly Potion.png > Stoneflesh Elixir.png > Marathon Potion.png > Sparkling Water.png > Dreamer's Root.png > Cured Pypherfish.png > Runic Protection.png
Blessed.png > Cool.png > Mist.png > Possessed.png > Warm.png > Discipline.png > Rage.png
Spiritual Varnish.png > Fire Varnish.png > Bolt Varnish.png > Ice Varnish.png > Dark Varnish.png
Chimera Pistol.png > Cannon Pistol.png > Obsidian Pistol.png > Bone Pistol.png > Shatter Bullet.png > Chill Hex.png > Curse Hex.png > Doom Hex.png > Haunt Hex.png > Scorch Hex.png
Chakram Arc Knock Down Lockdown Chain
Chimera Pistol.png > Fire and Reload.png > Obsidian Pistol.png > Fire and Reload.png > Vigilante Chakram.png > Doom Hex.png > Chakram Arc.png > The Technique.png > Chakram Arc.png > Radiant Wolf Sword.png
Chakram Pierce Unbalance Lockdown Chain
Chimera Pistol.png > Fire and Reload.png > Obsidian Pistol.png > Fire and Reload.png > Cannon Pistol.png > Fire and Reload.png > Vigilante Chakram.png > Chakram Pierce.png > The Technique.png > Chakram Pierce.png > Radiant Wolf Sword.png
Spamming Chakram Chain
Chakram Arc.png > Puncture.png > Chakram Pierce.png
Torment Arc Chain
Chakram Arc.png > Cerulean Sabre.png > Chakram Arc.png > Torment.png > Chakram Arc.png > Torment.png

Video Demonstration

【OUTWARD】Elite Crimson Avatar X OP Chakram Hex build (Melee Style)
【OUTWARD】Elite Sublime Shell X OP Chakram Hex build (Naked)
【OUTWARD】Calixa (Ascendant) X OP Chakram Hex build

See Also