Build:One Punch-Man

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One Punch-Man is a Character Build in Outward, created by Reeptide.


One Punch-Man
A build about oneshotting enemies with only one punch (No prismatic flurry!)
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Shamanic Resonance.png Daredevil.png Steadfast Ascetic.png Heroic Kingdom Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Tsar Fists.png Whiplash Coil Lantern.png Shadow Kazite Light Helmet.png Assassin Shadow Light Kazite Shirt.png Assassin Shadow Kazite Light Boots.png Assassin Brigand's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Vital Crash.png Enrage.png Focus.png Perfect Strike.png Counterstrike.png Probe.png Unerring Read.png Infuse Wind.png

Full Build Details

We will be buffing our damage with the many Buffs or Skills: Discipline (With Shamanic Resonance), Physical Attack Up, Alchemical Experiment, Kirouac's Breakthrough, Brawns, Patience and Blitz. For Mana we need 20 + Peacemaker Elixir, so we don't run out of mana ALL the time, but astral pots are still great.

To prepare for a fight, apply rage and discipline and cast infuse wind, try to have 3 alertness levels (with Unerring Read) so your probe inflicts pain. (Huge quality of life with them all quickslotted)

Try to use Vital Crash (625 Dmg while you're at full Health) at the start of a fight when you have full Health and follow up with Counterstrike (303 Dmg) and Perfect Strike (268 Dmg).

Consider grabbing Acrobatics from the specialist skill tree, and if you are at 4 alertness and Unerring Read is on cooldown just use Perfect Strike to inflict pain.

Note that we can't hold a lantern on our backpack so you have to hold it in your hand, consider swapping to Boozu Hide Backpack. Also note that The Caldera is full of incredibly physical resistant enemies, so inflict pain on them please!


Opening of a fight
Vital Crash.png > Counterstrike.png > Perfect Strike.png
Enrage.png > Focus.png > Infuse Wind.png > Unerring Read.png
Potion Buffing
Enrage.png > Warrior Elixir.png > Infuse Wind.png > Unerring Read.png

See Also