Build:Somber Hex Ranger

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Somber Hex Ranger is a Character Build in Outward, created by HollowFiver.


Somber Hex Ranger
A build designed to inflict all hexes and then disengage and capitalize from a distance with torment, rupture and elemental arrows
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Bloodlust.png Shamanic Resonance.png Leyline Connection.png Heroic Kingdom Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Cerulean Sabre.png Rainbow Hex Astral Shield.png Guided Arm Master Desert Veil.png Inner Cool Antique Plate Garb.png Spirit of Harmatten Master Desert Boots.png Inner Cool Light Mender's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rupture.png Torment.png Jinx.png Astral Bow.png Puncture.png Brace.png Evasion Shot.png Cerulean Sabre.png

Full Build Details

To get the most out of this build you also need to have the passive "Brains", Lockwell's revelation active and be corrupted. It is important to note that while you are able to drop a variety of massive damage attacks you are very squishy so you need to play carefully. for single targets start combat with Brace and apply all hexes with 6 hits from your Cerulean Sabre once that is done then you can switch to your astral bow enchanted with Snow to whittle them down with torment and arrows until you finish them with a massive rupture attack. If fighting groups then slowly apply hexes to each enemy with jinx and start hurting them with torment. Remember if you group them up you can destroy them with each other's explosions from rupture

Some of the important items you need are The Astral bow enchanted with Snow as it provides 10% damage to each element when held and slows the enemy. Shimmer potions to provide some defense and 15% elemental damage increase

Buildings in New Sirocco required for this build are, City Hall (Embassy) Alchemist Shop (Fletchers Workshop) Gladiators Arena (Combat Academy) Water Purifier (Fountain of Life) Food Store (Communal Garden)


Hex Slash Shatter
Blessed.png > Possessed.png > Mist.png > Warm.png > Cool.png > Shimmer Potion.png > Brace.png > Puncture.png > Cerulean Sabre.png > Cerulean Sabre.png > Cerulean Sabre.png > Cerulean Sabre.png > Cerulean Sabre.png > Torment.png > Rupture.png

See Also