Build:The Bounty Hunter

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The Bounty Hunter is a Character Build in Outward, created by Daclaud Lee.


The Bounty Hunter
Sword and dagger with festoons of pistols!
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Steadfast Ascetic.png Well of Mana.png Shamanic Resonance.png Heroic Kingdom Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Brand.png Manticore Dagger.png Slayer's Helmet.png Slayer's Armor.png Slayer's Boots.png Brigand's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Puncture.png Opportunist Stab.png Fire and Reload.png Manticore Dagger.png Shatter Bullet.png Obsidian Pistol.png Horror Pistol.png Cannon Pistol.png

Full Build Details

I call this build the Bounty Hunter, because "The Slayer" was already taken. Another reason why I call it the Bounty Hunter because the play style feels like a combination of the Bounty Hunter classes in both Warhammer Vermintide and Darkest Dungeon. Also, you also don't necessarily "need" the slayer's armor for this build. You can actually get away with using just Entomber Armor or Master Trader Armor early game, but it's good to have Slayer Armor due to the added physical damage bonus.

This build is basically a "Jack of all trades" type of build and you can have fun with pistols, sword and dagger (and even traps). You have the option of going full range with a relatively quick reload time as well as the option to switch to melee when you run out of bullets. It pretty much gives you the opportunity to practice both ranged (pistol) and melee combat (sword and dagger). You can use any sword, but I chose Brand as my final sword because not very many enemies have frost resist. You can basically use any pistols you want, but The Kazite Pistol is the true game changer for this build because you can weaken the enemy, so you don't really have to be good at melee combat to use this build since the enemies will be doing 40% less physical damage, which means you can suck at melee combat and still win! Just remember to buff up your elemental resistances depending on the situation.

The obsidian pistol and horror pistol will give them a fire and extreme poison DOT (the DOTs a game changer and will give you room to breath if you make a mistake and need to escape melee combat; just be aware that certain enemies are immune, so you may need to swap out these pistols for something else depending on the situation, but luckily pistols are generally light weight) and the Cannon Pistol will confuse and inflict pain (if you use Shatter Bullet) as well as a high chance of knockdown. Once you have your enemy knocked down, you can then move in with the opportunist stab to inflict 6x the damage (the enemy has confusion and pain), so once you fire off all of your pistols, you can pretty much 1 or 2 shot most enemies in melee. Bosses will also be a lot easier because you now have the 24% Physical damage increase from the Slayer Armor and the 15% increase in physical damage from the Brigand's backpack. You can buff yourself with Discipline AND the Shamanic Resonance passive will enhance that to another 30%! If you take the Heroic Kingdom Faction, your damage will be enhanced 15% more!

How to Get Slayer Armor and Brigand's Backpack in Early Game (The Caldera)

You can get all of the equipment you need in early game before you even start any of the faction quests. Getting all of the ingredients to make the armor won't be easy if you are a new player, but it can be "easy" and very doable if you have enough pressure and trip wire traps and the right strategy. The armor and boots will be the easiest things to get. The helmet will be slightly harder because it requires you to find an Ancient Dweller. The Gargoyles are the hardest creatures to kill and you will need to avoid their AEO or else you may get petrified.

  • Slayer's Armor: You will need to kill a Myrmataur and a Gargoyle for the Myrm Tongue and the Gargoyle Urn Shard
  • Slayer's Boots: You will need to kill another Gargoyle and a Calgrey for another Gargoyle Urn Shard and Calgrey Hair
  • Slayer's Helmet: You will need to kill an Ancient Dweller and another Mymataur for another Myrm Tongue and Dweller's Brain
  • Brigand's Backpack: There is a friendly Immaculate in Caldera that will give you the Brigand's Backpack if you select "I need storage" as an option, so you don't have to build New Sirocco. You can just go to Caldera and gather the ingredients to make the Slayer's Armor.

Your Faction Choice

Technically you can go with ANY faction. However, I prefer Heroic Kingdom for more damage, but technically it doesn't matter and it depends on what you prefer.

  • Heroic Kingdom will give you enhanced damage (which is why I prefer it over the others)
  • Blue Chamber will give you more health and mana as well as a blood infusion (which may be fun to use)
  • Sorobo Academy will allow you more movement speed to kite the enemies around better
  • Holy Mission will make your character more tanky and give you less stamina and mana usage.

Early Game Equipment

This is what I use until I am able to acquire Slayer's Armor and the Kazite Pistol, The Slayer's armor can be difficult to acquire for new players or if you don't have The Three Brothers DLC, but you don't necessarily "need" it for the build (it's just great to have!). The Kazite Pistol is the real game changer, but you don't "need" it (it can only be found in the Soroboreans DLC).

  • Sword: Machete => Iron Sword => Fang Sword => Lightning Sword OR Horror Sword => Brand
  • Dagger: Any Dagger => Manticore Dagger (compliments the Horror Pistol really well so you can get that additional 10% buildup to give your enemy extreme poison, but you can use any dagger really)
  • Pistol: Flintlock Pistol (obviously) => Prioritize upgrading to the Obsidian Pistol first, then Horror and grab the cannon pistol whenever you get to Levant. If you can get one (you will need Soroboreans DLC), then prioritize having a Kazite Pistol too.
  • Boots: Any Beginner Boots => Trader Boots => Entomber Boots => Slayer Boots
  • Chest: Any Beginner Armor => Blue Sand Armor => Entomber Armor => Slayer Armor
  • Helmet: Any Beginner Helmet => Arcane OR Elite Helmet => Slayer Helmet

Note: This is mainly a physical build, so you only need to take 1 Mana at the Layline. The Rune Sage and Cabal Hermit trees are mainly just there to supplement your defense and offense as well as provide you with opportunities to make life easier (runic trap, summon ghost, healing etc).

Rune Sage

The reason why you take Rune Sage is for several reasons:

  1. You don't need to quick slot any of these skills. Just use them BEFORE or AFTER a fight.
  2. You get another +40 mana, which means you can use all of these skills and only sacrifice 1 mana point.
  3. You get Runic Trap (pre-place them along with your regular pressure plate and trip wire traps to take out harder enemies because why not?)
  4. You get Runic Lantern, which will help you see in dark places because you will be using the Brigand's backpack.
  5. Runic Protection is nice to have
  6. Runic Heal is also very convenient in a pinch (after the fight)
  7. Runic Blade is great if you happen to come across a frost resistant enemy.

NOTE: DO NOT take Internalized Lexicon. Having higher damage on your traps, more protection and a stronger heal is a LOT better. And since you are only using these skills this before and after a fight, you can just keep a lexicon (Light Mender's Lexicon) in your backpack and whip it out BEFORE or AFTER a fight.

Warrior Monk

The breakthrough is essential for the stamina increase (you can never get enough stamina).

  1. Take Master of Motion for the passive resists
  2. You really won't be using Counter or Flash Onslaught, so you don't need to take either.

Cabal Hermit

Once again, you do not have to quick slot any of these skills. Just use them BEFORE or AFTER a fight.

  1. Reveal Soul + Conjure allows you to raise a ghost, so you get a buddy to make fighting even easier.
  2. Weather Tolerance is nice to have so your weather resist is better
  3. Shamanic Resonance makes your boons more effective
  4. Sigil of Wind or Infuse Wind will depend on your play style, but Infuse Wind wins (in my opinion). If you want to be more pistol focused, then lay down a wind sigil, stand in it and infuse your bullets with additional lightning damage (this is more time consuming and not really practical). Which is why I prefer infuse wind because I feel like I get a lot more out of it since the Wind Sigil takes a lot more time to set up and use.

The Basics of Combat

NOTE: For harder opponents, you may want to lay down some traps (the Runic trap can be useful here). Otherwise:

  1. If you can get one, Shoot first with the Kazite Pistol (regular bullet or shatter shot). This will not be quick slotted, because your only goal with it is to weaken your target.
  2. Then cycle through your quick slot and start with the Obsidian Pistol (regular bullet or shatter shot). Use a different pistol if your enemy is resistant to fire.
  3. Next shoot the Horror Pistol to do Extreme Poison at 90% build up (one more stab with the Manticore Dagger will take this to 100%) or use a Chimera Pistol or another pistol if your enemy is resistant to poison.
  4. Shoot again with Cannon Pistol (loaded with Shatter Shot) to inflict both Pain and Confusion
  5. Finish off with Opportunist Stab for 6x damage from pain and confusion
  6. You will also be using Puncture every now and then for 2x the normal damage, but technically you can alternatively use Talus Strike for cripple if you prefer axes (this build is somewhat flexible on your one handed weapon choice, but is better with swords since you have access to the Runic Blade). The crippling effect of Talus Strike could also allow you an opportunity to run away and reload your pistols, so you have options here!

Against Bosses

  • Repeat the above, but you have the option to either engage in melee or range. The shatter shot will allow you to reload faster IF you can create some distance between you and the boss. But personally, I think it's a lot better to just go straight into melee after you fired off all of your pistol shots.

Additional Strategies

  • The quick slots only have 3 pistols, but you should ALWAYS carry 4-6 (depending on the situation). You should always open with the Kazite Pistol if you have it. Since some enemies have fire and poison resist, then you may need to swap out the obsidian and horror pistoles with something else depending on the situation.
  • ALWAYS use Shatter Bullet in your Cannon Pistol - you need to have both Pain AND Confusion to get the most out of Opportunist Stab
  • Use Regular Bullets for your other pistols. (Reload with scrap only DURING a fight). No need to waste scrap if you don't have to and you also get Three Bullets per scrap (combine with thick oil). The main purpose of the Kazite Pistol is weaken and the Obsidian Pistol for the DOT.
  • If your enemy has fire resistance, then remember to swap out your Obsidian Pistol for something more suitable
  • Use Runic Protection before a hard fight
  • Use a Runic Trap before a hard fight
  • Use Infuse Wind before a hard fight
  • Use Call to Elements before a hard fight
  • Use Potions before a hard fight
  • Use Discipline before a hard fight
  • Swap out your armor for something with better elemental resistances depending on the situation
  • Swap out your dagger and quickslot for something better depending on the situation
  • Summon a ghost whenever you find a dead guy with a soul (because why not?)


Fire and Reload
Kazite Pistol.png > Fire and Reload.png > Obsidian Pistol.png

See Also