Build:The Corrupted Rascal

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The Corrupted Rascal is a Character Build in Outward, created by Jarl Outward.


The Corrupted Rascal
Exhaust the enemies through multiple debuffs leaving them powerless, once you get to the endgame the only enemy you got is ur stability bar and potential fatal debuffs that you might have optained from manfighting too recklessly
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Shamanic Resonance.png Bloodlust.png Swift Foot.png Blue Chamber Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Palladium Knuckles.png Humiliation Any Brigand's Hat.png Rascal's Verve Antique Plate Garb.png Spirit of Harmattan Shock Boots.png Aegis Brigand's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Prismatic Flurry.png Brace.png Blessed.png Possessed.png Mist.png Cool.png Warm.png Infuse Blood.png

Full Build Details

This build single handedly can apply so many debuffs that ur enemies no longer do more damage than you heal and it is super simple and super fun!. U start out by grabbing the wind infuse from cabal hermit, this will be ur bread and butter alongside lightning or decay varnishes through the faction quest.

After this part you wanna make ur way to harmattan to learn minimum 2 essential skills from the hexmage, Bloodlust and Lockwells revelation, We also unlock mana here and i personally took 3 but u get more mana from blue chamber quest and that actually is massive boost and i found i had way more mana than needed later on. This is also where you will refresh the weaponsmith shop for palladium knuckles which though not shown ingame, does apply elemental vulnerability

Now we gotta get started on the enchanting - for more details about this scroll down!

From here your customization of the build starts, one free breakthrough skill that you should pick depending on what kinda player u are. I took Mercenary for movement speed and stamina, but you could go rogue for backpack freedom and grab the lightmenders for more lightning damage even tho its such a small bonus, since we later in this build will want to opt into the infuse blood which really gets the damage numbers going.

I recommend following for ur third breakthrough ranked in order:

1 Mercenary - cuz speed is just invaluable to me after many playthroughs :D

2 Warrior monk - apply pain + confusion through perfect strike + looks cool as shit to use :D , or master of motion is always nice for tankiness allthough with my experience ur weapon will make u feel extremely tanky as soon as u get blood infuse so it is not needed imo.

3 Rogue engineer - for the Backpack freedom and u might be able to sneak in a few curse hexes through sneaking!

4 I wont even mention the rest since they will take up way more quickslots than we would like and i simply dislike kazite spellblade for 1 skill

Gameplay tips- Berg Kazite merchant sells dark varnishes that u can abuse in the early game - refresh shop every 3 days

Brigands backpack doesnt add any preservation at all so going through zones and watching ur food rot is a shame. Make sure to not finish vendavel while in Cierzo so u can get the preservation backpack for travelling through zones

Try to stay atleast tired so u get free mana regen for constant rebuffing and i mean once 180 seconds rebuff elemental boons :D

For lighting up the dark u have 2 options, carry lightning varnishes or grab a lexicon and get the runes(this is a good idea as it allows for further buffing only before the most important fights)

If u want to further buff ur decay damage for a possible oneshot build u can get defiled + dark varnish (will oneshot most enemies)

Tenebrous set is an alternative option will give u some insane movement speed and little extra damage - i simply took this for impact resistance/impact damage and tankiness, Runic armor is also an option all though hot weather will severely affect u :D

Food -

The jewelbirds in Abrassar are an excellent ressource for speed, i recommend using them with this build. Simply kill a few deers for 5 meat in enmercar forest and head into abrassar, equip ur hexes on hotbar and kill all 4 birds + buy one from the vendor, obtain 5 cactus and 5 pinches of salt, there u go 15 stamina food to carry you through for a full evening. If u got more jewelbird meat then thats just a bonus u can take with u back.

Alongside diadme de gibier we are gonna be eating alpha jerky which combined with two pieces of alpha meat and salt becomes nice jerky. alpha sandwich is also an option but doesnt last as long in ur backpack.

For staying tired i recommend checking all soroborean caravaneers for poutine (-25%) and picking up each dreamer root(-15%) u can find on ur journey


The first thing we need to enchant is our knuckles! Without the enchantment we lose out on the weaken debuff that is crucial to this build. For this we will need an elemental particle light and 2 dreamers root. We can guarantee to find this particle through killing the golden matriarch in voltaic hatchery in Chersonese. For this i recommend crafting a set of horror knuckles to use specificly for this fight also adds a little bit of progression and having an extra set of knuckles on u never hurts if u run into a durability situation.

Our first major enchantment is now done and with this we can get back to harmattan to enchant the remaining pieces. I recommend going here with some power coils so u can start rust and vengeance questline and simply proceed through this quest which will net u alot of particles u will need for enchanting. The clocktower outside harmattan city is a reliable method of acquiring shield golem scrabs for antique plate garb and the ornate chest down below always guarantees one tourmaline.

From here you should be able through help from the wiki to complete ur remaining enchants.


The only combo we got(replace wind infuse with varnish or blood infuse when available!)
Alpha Jerky.png > Possessed.png > Blessed.png > Mist.png > Cool.png > Warm.png > Brace.png > Prismatic Flurry.png

See Also