Build:The Druid

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The Druid is a Character Build in Outward, created by Eugeen.


The Druid
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Shamanic Resonance.png Well of Mana.png Leyline Connection.png Blue Chamber Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Scholar’s Staff.png Scholar’s Staff.png Coralhorn Mask.png Adventurer Armor.png Gold-Lich Boots.png Boozu Hide Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mana Push.png Spark.png Conjure.png Fal.png Shim.png Dez.png Egoth.png Sigil of Wind.png


To start of this build, I want to mention that this build is a RP Build (representing a druid) first and second a great damage build. Nonethless, this build rocks (and is kinda beginner friendly)! I managed to defeat all Bosses and even played on hardcore without a problem after I got the first few Skills. Anyway... let's get started!


Our Main Skills will all come from our Breakthrough Trees. I devided them into four different playstyles.

The First one... is the Druid Set.


We start at the top, sooo... helmets.

The two options we got are the Coralhorn Mask and the Scholar Circlet:

Scholar Circlet.png
Coralhorn Mask.png

The Coralhorn Mask gives a bit more tankiness but also some Mana Reduction which is neat. The main reason for this Helmet is the Deer Head... if that wasn't obvious. Our other option is the Scholar Circlet, which looks great cause it looks like it was made out of leather or even wood with a green stone (an emerald?) in it. This Headpiece with the Rain enchantment is pretty nice to walk around the world for the first time and have even more Mana Regen.

For the Torso we also got two Options:

Adventurer Armor.png
Green Copal Armor.png

The first one would be the Adventurer Armor. It is green and brown, looks great and with the "Spirit of Cierzo" enchantment, it delivers some nice Boosts. With all that it also gives u protection against Cold and Hot Weather, while it increases your Pocket Size by 5... what do you want more? Our second option is the Green Copal Armor. It is green and gives u good Protection. It is meant to be your tanky option, if u prefer that.

Boots... ah Boots... well two options again:

Gold-Lich Boots.png
Ash Boots.png

First one are the Gold Lich Boots. Mana Reduc, good resistences and fit very well with the Adventurer Armor. Our Second Option are the Ash Boots. They look good with the Green Copal Armor and you can enchant it to have even more Lightning Damage, which will often be your first option.

As for our Backpack, we stick to our two option strategy.

Boozu Hide Backpack.png
Light Mender's Backpack.png

First one is the Boozu Hide Backpack. It's just our option to still roll without unequiping it, because if u have some potions and fire or cold stones, you kinda dont wanna throw away your backpack. If you are fine with unequiping your Backpack tho, then you should go with the Light Menders Backpack. It just fits the whole Green Theme and the Symbols on it look like leaves, which fits the druid too!


Standart Set
Discipline Potion.png > Puncture.png > Flash Onslaught.png

See Also