Build:Universal Spellblade Warrior

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Universal Spellblade Warrior is a Character Build in Outward, created by Elykdez.


Universal Spellblade Warrior
An universal spellblade build fits from early game to late game.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Spellblade's Awakening.png Steadfast Ascetic.png Leyline Connection.png Sorobor Academy Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Dreamer Halberd.png Any Manawall Helm.png Green Copal Armor.png Manawall Boots.png Boozu Hide Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Elemental Discharge.png Dreamer Halberd.png Fire and Reload.png Bone Pistol.png Splitter.png Focus.png Infuse Mana.png Mist.png

Full Build Details

How easy is this build? You'll get all items without engaging in any combats, 0 boss material or weapon used at all!

How efficient is this build? You'll reach almost 200 stamina when fully skilled, +5 pocket from sorobor academy as well as other benefits.

How strong is this build? I defeat the Berg hidden arena with this build with almost standing still and left clicking, and loss only 1/2 hp to both liches.

So before we continue on how to get everything ready, let's take a general view about this:

Core Ideas:

1. Maximizes Ethereal damage.

2. Sacrifices Minimal defense.

3. Keeps an easy fighting without sacrificing surviving.

4. Uses as many skills and passives learned as possible.

5. Looks good.


Key: Spirit of Berg on Green Copal Armor

Very important! Cause it adds 25% Ethereal damage as well as stamina cost reduce!

On the other items, just pick whatever you like, they don't matter that much.

(e.g. Molepig Sigh on Dreamer Halberd)

Combo explains:

1. Use Mist for additional Ethereal damage.

(Warm in early game)

2. Use Focus for additional defense.

3. Use Infuse Mana on your blade.

(Infuse Fire in early game)

4. Debuff your opponents with bone pistol shots.

5. Use Moon Swipe (or Splitter in late game) to execute your enemies, when they have low health(30%).

6. Elemental Discharge can be used to stagger enemies, or if you find yourself hard to get in melee.

If the fight will be tough, eat and drink as many as possible and boon more (like rage) on to get yourself overbuffed. With the manawall helm and boots you will find yourself pretty tough to be killed, indeed.

Fighting details:

1. If the enemy is weak, spam light attacks. Since you have learned Steadfast Ascetic you will find yourself a lot of stamina to pin your opponents to their death.

2. If the enemy is agile, using 2 light attack short combo. That will keep your mobility to engage and dodge.

3. If the enemy is tough, 1 light - 1 heavy combo, to keep some distances.

Rough damage output:

approximately 22 physics + 40 ethereal on your halberd, additional 40 added after using infused mana, giving you around 110 - 120 damage per hit after some other buffs added. (That's kinda enough without sacrificing too many weapon options, as if you wanna play something else, like a rune sword or a great axe, this build still works pretty well!)



Put Barrier Helm, Barrier Boots, Copal Armor and 1 more item you prefer in to the Legacy Chests from one of your other characters.

The legacy chest in the forest is kinda hard to open caused by a strong obsedian elemental around, fill the others first is highly recommended.

The Copal Armor can be crafted by the blacksmith in Berg, and you can easily get the barrier set from looting ornate chests in Caldera, no combat is actually needed and they have a high chance to appear in those chests.

Early game:

Pick up an iron helberd and get Moon Swipe, Unlock all skills at Kazite Spellblade ASAP, unlock your mana (1 transfer needed only), then go to Monsoon for all the other skills. No need to walk the entire world!

1 thing to remember: If there is a branch in skill choosing, chose the passive one! That's just all! It is really not necessary to write more about it, won't be that easy to remember during your gameplay.

The weapon you use does not matter so much at this period, because your flaming spelled blade will do decent Fire damage to the enemies you fight. Pick anything best you can find, or craft.

Mid Game:

Get Dreamer Halberd from friendly Immaculate's Camp, that is an ultimate weapon you can use to beat the entire game with.

Gather armors from your legacy chests.

After that, go through the main quest line, try to learn all boons, and farm for some potions for tough fights.

Feel free to change your weapon to Crescent Scythe if you don't wanna use the bone pistol for the debuff, but that weapon do a bit less damage per hit, also that 250 durability sucks.

Late game:

Enchant your Green Copal Armor with Spirit of Berg.

Build Enchanting Guild and upgrade it to Soroborean Laboratory! Talk to the guy there and get your ultimate spell Infuse Mana.

And get Splitter as your final spell from the weapon master as a substitute for Moon Swipe. You can learn another passive Brains if you play with any friend who has the other upgrade on the arena, which adds your elemental damage output.

Now, you can do tons of Ethereal damage!


Use any backpack you like, don't have to be a Boozu one, I'm just a bit lazy taking it off in fights.

Since not any enemy is weak to Ethereal, some resist it, so your Infuse Fire still works well with your +15% Fire passive! Put it on when you need it.

An interesting alternative weapon recommended to carry is Astral Staff (NOT halberd)!, as it buffs both Ethereal damage and deals some Fire damage, -20% mana cost, and if you play with your friends who has expanded library which you can't get after the soroborean upgrade on your enchanting guild, you can get an enchanting on mana regenation on the staff, letting you cast more elemental discharge as a ranged mage more than a melee warrior.


Gaberry Wine.png > Rage.png > Focus.png > Mist.png > Infuse Mana.png > Fire and Reload.png > Elemental Discharge.png > Moon Swipe.png > Splitter.png
Gaberry Wine.png > Rage.png > Focus.png > Warm.png > Infuse Fire.png > Fire and Reload.png > Elemental Discharge.png > Moon Swipe.png > Splitter.png

See Also