Build:Vladimir Lockwell

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Vladimir Lockwell is a Character Build in Outward, created by Alzedi.


Vladimir Lockwell
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Shamanic Resonance.png Bloodlust.png Any Holy Mission Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Vampiric Knuckles.png Any Antique Plate Sallet.png Antique Plate Garb.png Tenebrous Boots.png Boozu Hide Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Possessed (skill).png Blood Sigil.png Dark Varnish.png Mana Ward.png Conjure.png

Full Build Details

This is my first build. It's a Vampire-themed build. It focuses on dealing Decay damage through “vampiric” close combat as well as “blood-themed” abilities. As you probably guessed, it's a role-play build, so changes in terms of equipment and the last skill tree are up to you, I'm only suggesting the closest I could fit into to “savage vampire" while still having decent-level equipment (for example, you could use Dark Nobleman Hat for even more aesthetics but you lose quite a lot of resistances and general utility). The point of the build is to have fun.

Equipment enchantments:

  • Antique Plate Sallet (E: Economy)
  • Antique Plate Garb (E: Spirit of Harmattan)
  • Tenebrous Boots (E: Speed & Efficiency)
  • Vampiric Fists (E: Whiplash /// Note: any vampiric weapon works, I just think using fists fits better)
  • Backpack: Boozu Hide Backpack
  • Virgin Lantern (E: Sanguine Flame, for aesthetics)

Note: Only Hex Mage and Cabal Hermit are necessary in order for the primary “Blood” themed aspect to work. For the last breakthrough point you can go Warrior Monk for extra stamina and “vampire super-speed” attacks like Perfect strike and Flash Onslaught, Hunter for extra health and “beastly” attacks like Predator Leap and Feral Strikes, Speedster for striking multiple times with Prismatic Flurry and some extra speed, Mercenary for Blood Bullet if you choose to go less of a physical brawler and more of a mid-range build. It's honestly up to preference.

In order to deal the highest amount of Decay damage possible, it is preferable to be at least Tired in order to use the Lockwell's Revelation passive. Having the Spirit of Harmattan enchantment to increase decay damage is also advisable. Of course, inflicting the Curse Hex to decrease your opponent's Decay Resistance is key.

Sorry for my bad english. Hope you have fun!


Possessed.png > Blood Sigil.png > Dark Varnish.png > Mana Ward.png > Conjure.png > Curse.png

See Also