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Whisper is a Character Build in Outward, created by carstenseng1.


This is a build based on roleplaying as the character, Whisper, from the classic Xbox RPG, Fable.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Spellblade's Awakening.png Survivor's Resilience.png Daredevil.png Sorobor Academy Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Smoke Spear.png Whiplash Meteoric Bow.png Enkindle Scavenger Scarf.png Unassuming Ingenuity Master Desert Tunic.png Spirit of Levant Sandals.png Unwavering Determination Any
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Simeon's Gambit.png Elemental Discharge.png Probe.png Unerring Read.png Evasion Shot.png Sniper Shot.png Piercing Shot.png Blazing Bomb.png

Full Build Details

This build utilizes a spear as the primary weapon with fire imbuement and fire bombs, much like Whisper does in the arena battle in Fable. The build also utilizes a bow for some versatility and as homage to the use of a bow with any character in Fable. Whisper, as adapted into the world of Outward here, is an acrobatic and dexterous warrior with many tricks up her sleeve. No specific faction is required for this build, but I think the Sorobor Academy is most compatible with the ideals of the Hero's Guild from Fable.

I included mostly skills in the hotbar to showcase better combat capability. However, I play on Xbox and I typically use two slots for the spear and the bow. I'm sure a better player could use the menu for quickly switching weapons, but I'm not your man for that. I usually like to balance combat between using the bow and the spear.

Before a fight Whisper will try to have Fire Imbue on the spear and a Warm Boon active as well. Of course any other buffs are helpful, but not needed to execute the move sets. She then will try to engage enemies at a distance starting with the bow. When she is able, she may sneak a bit closer to the enemy and start the fight with a Fire Bomb, setting up her first arrow while the fuze of the bomb burns. Sniper Shot, to Piercing Shot, to Evasion Shot will soften up the enemy and start some bleeding. Also, since she's using a Meteoric Bow with Enkindle, the enemy will also be Scorched and Burning. If she's using Poison Arrows, this combo deals the three hits necessary to apply Poison as well. After this, most enemies have closed the distance or are now joined by their buddies forcing the fight to turn to melee. This is when Whisper switches to her spear and hits hard with Elemental Discharge. While waiting for Elemental Discharge cooldown, she'll hit with Probe to gain Alertness and apply other effects, like confusion. Also, since she is using a Smoke Spear, the Burning on the enemy has flared up into full Blazing.

Staying sharp, nimble, and blazing enemies to ash, Whisper can melt even the toughest enemies across Aurai.


Warm.png > Fire Imbue.png > Sigil of Fire.png > Mana Ward.png > Immolate.png > Flint and Steel.png > Ring of Fire.png
Meteoric Bow.png > Blazing Bomb.png > Sniper Shot.png > Piercing Shot.png > Evasion Shot.png > Burning.png > Scorched.png > Smoke Spear.png > Elemental Discharge.png > Probe.png > Blaze.png

See Also