Cardinal Bourlamaque/Dialogue

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

Initial Dialogue

(#0) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Welcome, [PlayerName]. I wish to thank you for dealing with those who were kidnapping and bringing harm to our people. (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: We need to talk about that trouble in the swamp. (→ end)
  • 1: What’s on your mind? (→ end)

(#2) Cardinal Bourlamaque: I’m afraid I’m quite busy, perhaps some other time. (→ end)

(#3) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Welcome to Elatt's Temple, traveller. Be at ease, all are welcome here. (→ end)

Looking to the Future

(#0) Cardinal Bourlamaque: I have called on Elatt. He has been watching you, [PlayerName], and would like to speak with you. Pray to the altar at the back of the temple, and heed his wisdom. (→ end)

(#1) Cardinal Bourlamaque: There are three people I’m aware of that need some help. Ease the burdens of any one of them, and you will have proven to me that you are ready to join us. (→ #2)

(#2) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Mofat, one of our oldest members, can be found in the residential area of Monsoon and is in need of a certain alchemy ingredient. Zephyrien, one of our Champions, is in this Temple and needs someone to brew a potion. (→ #3)

(#3) Cardinal Bourlamaque: And then there’s Monsoon’s Chamberlord, Damian Lockwell, whose paranoia could use calming down. He is across that bridge to the right once you leave the temple. They’re all important to this city, so take the time to introduce yourself too. (→ end)

(#4) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Welcome to Elatt's Temple, traveller. Is there something you need from us? (→ #5)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’m just stopping by. (→ #17)
  • 1: I'm curious about joining the Holy Mission. (→ #6)

(#6) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Joining the Holy Mission of Elatt is not a decision to be taken lightly, pilgrim. To join us is to cut all ties, abandon your bloodline, and live the rest of your life for the good of all Aurai. (→ #7)

(#7) Cardinal Bourlamaque: To serve Elatt's cause is to accept the three tenets of the Endless Path. First, no one should suffer. Give of yourself, seek to ease the pains of others. Second, no one is perfect. Always work to improve yourself, in mind and body. Third, no one is safe. To protect Aurai, one must have iron discipline. (→ #8)

(#8) Cardinal Bourlamaque: And never forget, the Scourge knows us. To pledge to Elatt is to be forever marked as an enemy of the Scourge. Their hate of you will be boundless. Well, more than usual at least. (→ #9)

(#9) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: That’s asking a lot. I’m not so sure anymore. (→ #10)
  • 1: I'm not afraid of any of that. (→ #11)

(#10) Cardinal Bourlamaque: We must all come to our own decisions in life, pilgrim. Don't commit to what you don't understand. (→ end)

(#11) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Then I shall intercede on your behalf with Elatt. He will judge whether or not he will accept you. In the meantime, I would like you to prove that you understand the First Pillar of the Holy Mission. (→ #12)

(#12) Cardinal Bourlamaque: There are three people I’m aware of that need some help. Ease the burdens of any one of them, and you will have proven to me that you are ready to join us. (→ #13)

(#13) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Mofat, one of our oldest members, can be found in the residential area of Monsoon and is in need of a certain alchemy ingredient. Zephyrien, one of our Champions, is in this Temple and needs someone to brew a potion. (→ #14)

(#14) Cardinal Bourlamaque: And then there’s Monsoon’s Chamberlord, Damian Lockwell, whose paranoia could use calming down. He is across that bridge to the right once you leave the temple. They’re all important to this city, so take the time to introduce yourself too. (→ end)

(#15) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Welcome to Elatt's Temple, traveller. Is there something you need from us? (→ #16)

(#16) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’m just stopping by. (→ #17)

(#17) Cardinal Bourlamaque: I see. I have a great deal of things to administrate, please do not bother me unless it’s important. (→ end)


(#0) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Welcome, [PlayerName]. I wish to thank you for dealing with those who were kidnapping and bringing harm to our people. (→ #1)

(#1) Cardinal Bourlamaque: The fact that Immaculates were hiding so close to Monsoon is troubling. They are normally intelligent enough to avoid the Hallowed Marsh entirely. (→ #2)

(#2) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I think they were trying to find a way to break free from their instinct to attack Elatt. (→ #3)
  • 1: If you need me to slaughter more of them, just let me know. (→ #11)

(#3) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Were they, now? I can only hope they someday find success, although I do not have much hope. It would benefit us all if they overcame their origins, rather than force us to destroy them. (→ #4)

(#4) (You feel the warmth of a campfire fill you… Elatt speaks in your mind) (→ #5)

(#5) Elatt: I am satisfied with your results, [PlayerName]. The crisis is over and the perpetrator will be punished. Without a definitive legal judgment, though, such a situation may arise again. (→ end)

(#6) Elatt: I thank you for rooting out the Immaculates and mercenaries that preyed upon our people, [PlayerName]. That is all. (→ #7)

(#7) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Wait, don’t I get a reward? (→ #8)
  • 1: Thank you, Elatt. (→ #9)

(#8) Elatt: You have already received your worldly reward from Jager Sullivan. You do not deserve more than what you have already received. (→ #9)

(#9) (You feel Elatt’s presence dissipate like a bucket of water being poured on a flame. He is clearly disappointed in you.) (→ end)

(#10) Elatt: Well done, [PlayerName]. The zeal with which you pursued justice for our fallen comrades, and with which you protected the Marsh is admirable. You have earned my blessing. (→ end)

(#11) Cardinal Bourlamaque: I shall, but with a heavy heart. Immaculates may be Scourge Beasts, but they can think and reason. It would benefit us all if they overcame their origins, rather than force us to destroy them. (→ #4)

(#12) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Greetings. I hope you’re well! (→ end)

Truth and Purpose

(#0) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Word of your deeds has reached me, Missionary. While we wish that force could have been avoided, you still managed to prevent a spark from becoming a firestorm. Thank you for protecting Monsoon from these rebels. (→ #1)

(#1) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Your efforts are recognized, [PlayerName]. With Elatt's recommendation, we elevate you to the rank of Templar. May your deeds grow ever greater. (→ #2)

(#2) Cardinal Bourlamaque: From now on, you will report to me, [PlayerName]. Continue your good work. (→ #3)

(#3) (You feel the warmth of a campfire fill you… Elatt speaks in your mind) (→ #4)

(#4) Elatt: The loss of Oliele is a deep one. She had such potential... However, it is not my place to judge her decisions. She has chosen her path and will serve Aurai in her own way. (→ #5)

(#5) Elatt: My cause needs strong people, capable of handling the violent world we find ourselves in. May you continue to rise to the challenge, Templar. (→ #6)

(#6) (You feel warmth flood your body. You are filled with new strength) (→ end)

(#7) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Word of your deeds has reached me, Missionary. A lesser person would have resolved that ideological conflict with force. You, however, used your heart, and succeeded. (→ #8)

(#8) Cardinal Bourlamaque: You have done a great deal of good, [PlayerName]. As Elatt commands, we elevate you to the rank of Champion. In Elatt's name, I bestow upon you this reward, so that you may become a guiding light for all Aurai. May your great deeds only grow greater. (→ #9)

(#9) Cardinal Bourlamaque: From now on, you will report to me, [PlayerName]. Continue your good work. (→ #10)

(#10) (You feel the warmth of a campfire fill you… Elatt speaks in your mind) (→ #11)

(#11) Elatt: Welcome, Champion. (→ #12)

(#12) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I'm a Champion now? Straight from Missionary? Just like that? (→ #13)

(#13) Elatt: I see no reason for you to waste your time as a Templar, when the rank of Champion suits you better. You are not only a worthy fighter, but one who knows when you can win a conflict without the need for force. (→ #14)

(#14) Elatt: Your grasp of the Three Pillars is strong. Continue to live by them, and you will be more than worthy of your title, [PlayerName]. Now go forth, Champion. Aurai has need of you. (→ #15)

(#15) (The warmth of a bonfire roars within you. The power of a Champion is now yours!) (→ end)

(#16) Cardinal Bourlamaque: My hands are full with important matters, missionary. Ellinara will give you work from now on. (→ end)

Hallowed Peacemaker

(#0) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Go now. Protect Aurai as you see fit. The rest of the Holy Mission trusts in you. (→ end)

(#1) Cardinal Bourlamaque: W-well done, [PlayerName]. I am glad you came to join the Holy Mission when you did... (→ #2)

(#2) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Cardinal, how are you feeling? (→ #3)

(#3) Cardinal Bourlamaque: N-not...Very well. The light of Calixa’s soul keeps the worst of the Corruption at bay, but it’s only a matter of time before I am overcome. Know that it was a pleasure to work with you. (→ #4)

(#4) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Who will guide the Holy Mission with you gone? (→ #5)

(#5) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Most likely it will be Mathias, although Alemmon is also a possibility. It will take time before to refill the ranks of our disciples, let alone find one with the strength to become Cardinal. (→ #6)

(#6) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Go now. Protect Aurai as you see fit. The rest of the Holy Mission trusts in you. (→ end)

(#7) (The Cardinal does not respond... His spirit is currently battling the Corruption within Calixa as the Ascension ritual progresses.) (→ end)

(#8) Cardinal Bourlamaque: We have been summoned to the Temple. I will see you at Elatt’s Altar, [PlayerName]. (→ end)

(#9) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Ah, good, you’ve arrived. We were just beginning the peace talks. (→ end)

(#10) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Elatt has given you a task, [PlayerName]. See to it that the leaders of both warring factions come here to discuss peace terms. May Elatt light your path. (→ end)

(#11) Cardinal Bourlamaque: All of us felt Elatt's fury over what happened. Making this peace a reality is now our top priority. (→ #12)

(#12) Cardinal Bourlamaque: I've sent messengers to Levant already. You must journey to Berg in Enmerkar Forest. I need you to make the Chamberlords of the Blue Chamber see reason. Speak with Rissa Aberdeen, she has connections to everyone else. (→ #13)

(#13) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Why did you wait for me and not send someone immediately? (→ #14)

(#14) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Convincing Rissa Aberdeen to support peace talks is our best chance of success, and she continues to speak well of you even now. You have leverage no one else does. (→ #15)

(#15) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Go, [PlayerName]. Things get worse the longer we delay. (→ end)

(#16) Cardinal Bourlamaque: [PlayerName], we have urgent business to discuss. Our neutrality in the war between the Blue Chamber Collective and Levant is at risk. (→ #17)

(#17) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Soeran discovered a pair of spies from Levant in our inn and took them into custody for questioning. The plan was to release them once we were done, but...They've since gone missing. Elatt can't find them either. Someone is shielding them from our sight. (→ #18)

(#18) Cardinal Bourlamaque: There was a group of warriors from the Blue Chamber Collective staying at the inn that night, and they too have gone missing. I worry that the war may have finally come to our city. (→ #19)

(#19) Cardinal Bourlamaque: I can only guess that someone took them into the swamp. Please, find those spies and warriors, before either group does something tragic. (→ end)

(#20) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Greetings, Champion [PlayerName]. Elatt does not require your immediate assistance. You are free to pursue justice however you desire. Return in a few days, and I will inform you of any change. (→ end)

(#21) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Greetings, Templar [PlayerName]. There are no tasks that require your attention. Do what you need to do to prepare for your next task, and return here in a few days. (→ end)

Ash Giants

(#0) Cardinal Bourlamaque: I’m afraid I’m quite busy, perhaps some other time. (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I need to learn about the Ash Giants and their religious views. The Blue Chamber is trying to form an alliance with them. (→ #2)

(#2) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Ah... The Ash Giants... They're a very traditionalist and peculiar bunch. We tried sending messengers of our own when they first landed on Aurai. We did not get any real results. (→ #3)

(#3) Cardinal Bourlamaque: They believe that long ago their ancient ancestors lived on the Scarlet Moon, but that they advanced too quickly and killed their world, causing the world's blood to stain the ground red. Their creation myth says that a single stone of ash and cinder escaped the Scarlet Moon and fell to our world. (→ #4)

(#4) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Then, they say the Dusk Father forgave their crimes, and breathed life into the ash and cinder, and thus the giants were born. To stop them repeating the past, the Dawn Weaver taught them the art of weaving Ash-Silk, and how to create a lasting society. (→ #5)

(#5) Cardinal Bourlamaque: They never forget the destruction of what they believe was their home, and are thus very slow to change. You will need a delicate touch. (→ #6)

(#6) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: What do they think of Elatt? (→ #7)
  • 1: What about the defeat of the Scourge? (→ #8)
  • 2: Thank you, this should help my dealings with them. (→ #10)

(#7) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Sadly, I doubt they will ever accept Elatt. They do not believe that anything mortal could become divine. To them, the Dusk Father and Dawn Weaver are divine purely because they are not tainted by mortal concerns. (→ #6)

(#8) Cardinal Bourlamaque: They call them the "Earth Beasts", and many believe their appearance signaled the beginning of the destruction of Aurai, just as they believe the Scarlet Moon was destroyed. They are, however, perplexed as to why it was stopped. (→ #9)

(#9) Cardinal Bourlamaque: They noticed the ray of light above Monsoon, but I doubt they understand what it, or the Vigils are. As far as the more superstitious Giants concerned, the humans that started the end times managed to stop it, and they carried on with their lives. (→ #6)

(#10) Cardinal Bourlamaque: Best of luck with that. Do not be too forceful with them. The Ash Giants are slow to change, and have a forceful temper. (→ end)