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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.


(#0) Chimer: Oof...We should not have disregarded that Golem’s weird ranting. About a dozen rogue Golems came bursting into the town from a hidden wall and laid into anyone near the Academy plaza! (→ #1)

(#1) Chimer: One of those...Weird peaceful Immaculates that Turnbull was working on managed to fend them off. Saying thank you to a Scourge Beast was...Not something I thought I’d ever have to do! (→ end)

(#2) Chimer: If some of Victor Berthelot’s new, empowered Golems hadn’t been prowling the plaza...I shudder to think how many people would have been slaughtered. (→ end)

(#3) Chimer: They managed to kill a few unfortunate souls before the Engineering Dean shot them with some kind of lightning gun. He said it “de-charged” their power coils or something. I don’t care how he did it, I’m just glad to be alive! (→ end)

(#4) Chimer: I hear some brave adventurer destroyed the Lich that threatened Harmattan! Whoever they were must have been quite skilled. A furious Lich is absolutely terrifying to behold! (→ end)

(#5) Chimer: That Golem...I can’t help but worry about what he said...Was that Golem alive? Was someone controlling it? ...And...What did Sorobor DO to anger it so? (→ end)

(#6) Chimer: You know, I wonder how they used to control the old Golems we used to fight the Scourge. I feel like a full-on war would require more precise control than the simple control methods we use these days. (→ #7)

(#7) Chimer: Well, if there is any truth to that, it’s likely buried somewhere in all those ruins out there. I can only wait until someone uncovers it and lets me know. (→ end)