Edward Orville/Dialogue

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.


(#0) Edward Orville: You! Explorer! Let me out of here this instant! Before these primitive animals return! (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Well, you’re clearly a Sirocco Noble. We have something to talk about. (→ #2)
  • 1: We just met and I already dislike your attitude. (→ #2)
  • 2: Not until you do something for me first. (→ #2)

(#2) Edward Orville: Ugh, another ingrate who doesn’t respect authority. Perhaps we can make an exchange? My riches for my freedom? Would that please you, brute? (→ #3)

(#3) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I want something from the Djinn. How did you enforce your deal with him? (→ #4)

(#4) Edward Orville: The Djinn? You want to use it for something? Why should I tell you such a valuable secret? (→ #5)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: So you don’t want me to free you? You’d rather stay at the mercy of the Calygreys? (→ #6)

(#6) Edward Orville: Ugh, you thug... When those Calygrey savages and this Ark first landed in the Caldera, we captured some of them. One of their elders was wearing a strange amulet. But no matter how hard we questioned them, we could extract no information. (→ #7)

(#7) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I mean...They don’t speak our language. Of course that wouldn’t work. (→ #8)

(#8) Edward Orville: After much effort, one of our mages determined that the amulet holds an anchoring spell. Even a non-mage holding it aloft and invoking it will prevent the Djinn from fleeing or turning invisible. It can be used to hold him in place so he can be... Disciplined. (→ #9)

(#9) Edward Orville: We made a deal. The Djinn was gifted the refinery, and the Calygreys he swore brotherhood to were set free. In exchange, he extracts oil for us. Any attempt to betray that deal would result in us using the amulet against him. (→ #10)

(#10) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: And you’re sure that it works? Have you ever tried to use it? (→ #11)

(#11) Edward Orville: Of course we did. Regretfully, none of our people were strong enough to bring him to heel in an environment where he naturally thrives. So, we were at a stalemate. All we can do is irritate him with the amulet. Our agreement holds, but just barely. (→ #12)

(#12) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: And where’s the amulet now? (→ #13)

(#13) Edward Orville: *sigh* I’m wearing it. I was on my way to try to speak with the Djinn before I was ambushed. I was informed that we should make use of him. Having the Djinn at our command would turn our desperate situation around and let us bring those spoiled rebels to heel! (→ #14)

(#14) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’ll be taking it then. I need the Djinn to move the Emberheart to the new settlement. (→ #15)

(#15) Edward Orville: You want to use it to move the Emberheart to that quarry where those murderers are squatting?! How could you side with THEM?! They’re murderers and thugs, the whole lot of them! If they had just done as they were told, none of this would have happened! (→ #16)

(#16) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Uh huh. And you guys bear no responsibility at all, I’m certain. (→ #17)
  • 1: You know, I REALLY wanted to be sympathetic, but you’re making it REAL hard. (→ #17)
  • 2: I don’t know what to say. You guys have no one to blame but yourselves for all of this. (→ #17)

(#17) Edward Orville: Just wait until I get out of these chains! Father and I will see to it that your head rolls along with those three murderous insurgents! (→ #18)

(#18) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: (Grab the Amulet from the Noble’s neck) (→ #19)

(#19) Edward Orville: W-wait! Mistress! I’m sorry! Don’t- (→ end)