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It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

Altar Dialogue

(#0) (An Altar to Elatt is placed here. If you wish to speak to him, this would be the place to do it.) (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: (Offer a prayer to Elatt.) (→ #2)
  • 1: (Ask for guidance.) (→ #4)
  • 2: Elatt, I want to join the Holy Mission. (→ #10)

(#2) (You do not hear Elatt’s voice from the altar, but you feel connected to it somehow, like a spider’s thread links you to it.) (→ end)

(#3) (You sense nothing from the altar.) (→ end)

(#4) (As you reach out to Elatt, you see flashes of every region, as Elatt watches over Aurai. You sense... satisfaction.) (→ end)

(#5) (As you reach out to Elatt, you see both Enmerkar and Abrassar, as if from very high up. You sense... burning righteous fury.) (→ end)

(#6) (As you reach out to Elatt, you see Oliele in the slums of the Kingdom of Levant... You sense... equal parts curiosity and concern.) (→ end)

(#7) (As you reach out to Elatt, you see the Blue Chamber in Berg, with diplomats starting to gather for a meeting... You sense... worry.) (→ end)

(#8) (As you reach out to Elatt, you see a a flash of a strange skeleton in a cave in the Chersonese...) (→ end)

(#9) (You sense nothing from the altar.) (→ end)

(#10) (A voice speaks in your head. It’s gruff, but kind.) (→ #11)

(#11) Elatt: Welcome, [PlayerName]. I am Elatt, god of discipline. (→ #12)

(#12) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’m hearing voices in my head! (→ #13)
  • 1: My lord! It's an honor to hear your voice! (→ #36)
  • 2: Alright, how do you do it? Is there a sorcerer hiding inside the altar? (→ #37)

(#13) Elatt: Well, yes. I am Living Thought. How else did you think I'd speak with you? (→ #14)

(#14) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: You should know, Damian Lockwell is paranoid about you. (→ #15)
  • 1: Do you think I have a place the Holy Mission? (→ #17)

(#15) Elatt: I am aware. He disappoints me, but he is free to come to his own conclusions. Only he has the power to change his views of me. (→ #16)

(#16) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Do you think I have a place the Holy Mission? (→ #17)

(#17) Elatt: I sense a certain potential in you...If you wish, I will accept you into my Holy Mission. But be warned, to accept my blessing is to become the mortal enemy of all Scourgekind. They will seek your destruction everywhere. (→ #18)

(#18) Elatt: Always remember the three pillars of our cause. First, no one should suffer. Give of yourself, seek to ease the pains of others. Second, no one is perfect. Always work to improve yourself, in mind and body. Third, no one is safe. To protect Aurai, one must have iron discipline. (→ #19)

(#19) Elatt: Above all, never do something you do not understand. You must think and question the world around you! Only then will achieve truth. (→ #20)

(#20) Elatt: [PlayerName], will you cast aside all the ties that bind you, and live your life for the good of all people on Aurai, and become a shield against the Scourge and the Corruption? (→ #21)

(#21) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: That depends. What happens when I join you? (→ #22)
  • 1: On second thought... I'm not ready for this. (→ #24)
  • 2: Yes, I commit myself to your cause. (→ #25)

(#22) Elatt: Ah, you are thinking. Good. If you join me, I will grant you a small portion of my essence, which will empower you to better protect others. However, the Scourge can sense it and will be driven to attack you, as they are driven to kill me. (→ #23)

(#23) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: On second thought... I'm not ready for this. (→ #24)
  • 1: Yes, I commit myself to your cause. (→ #25)

(#24) Elatt: That is your right. I confess that I'm disappointed. My offer stands, should you change your mind. (→ end)

(#25) (You feel like this is a major turning point in your life... Will you dedicate yourself to the Holy Mission of Elatt?) (→ #26)

(#26) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: On second thought... I'm not ready for this. (→ #24)
  • 1: Yes, I commit myself to your cause. (→ #27)

(#27) (You feel your spirit grow in strength. It's warm, like being close to a campfire.) (→ #28)

(#28) Elatt: Then it is done. I welcome you into my heart, [PlayerName] and grant you the title of Missionary. Do good in my name, and I shall do good by you. I reward those who prove their Love, Self-improvement, and Discipline with newfound power. (→ #29)

(#29) Elatt: Ellinara will give you tasks on my behalf. Speak with her from time to time, and she will tell you what needs doing. She is just outside my Temple’s entrance. (→ #30)

(#30) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: So we aren't going to speak like this again? (→ #31)

(#31) Elatt: To narrow my focus to any precise place or person blinds me to events going on everywhere else. To continue to protect Aurai, I must see the larger view. (→ #32)

(#32) Elatt: If you prove your dedication to the cause, we shall speak again, as I bestow upon you new tools for your work. (→ #33)

(#33) (You do not hear Elatt’s voice from the altar, but you feel connected to it somehow, like a spider’s thread links you to it.) (→ end)

(#34) Elatt: I shall grant you the power to bind light to your weapon. It is a spell, so if you wish to make use of it, you should head to the Holy Mission’s entrance on the Conflux Mountain in the Chersonese the next time your travels take you there. (→ #35)

(#35) Elatt: Zephyrien often trains there, and may guide your through the path to the Ley Line, where you can gain the power of Mana. I am certain you will be called to visit the Chersonese on a mission soon enough. (→ #29)

(#36) Elatt: There is no need for you to speak to me like that. I do not require reverence from my followers. Only their dedication. Even one good deed is worth more than a thousand words of worship. (→ #14)

(#37) Elatt: Hah! Do you wish to check for yourself? (→ #38)

(#38) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Huh... It's totally solid. If this is a trick, it's very impressive. (→ #39)

(#39) Elatt: Indeed. A trick so impressive I lost my physical form, becoming Living Thought. I assure you, I am the genuine article. No tricks here. (→ #14)

(#40) (As you reach out to Elatt, you see a campsite near a mountain along the Pilgrim Road. You sense... confusion and concern.) (→ end)

In Between

(#0) Elatt: You’re still here, I see. You still choose to linger here between life and death, [PlayerName]? Why have you not gone to your well-deserved rest? (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’m not ready let go just yet. (→ #2)

(#2) Elatt: Perhaps I can lay your concerns to rest, then. Or at least, I can keep you company until you are ready to move on and meet your ancestors. (→ #3)

(#3) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I want to ask about people I care for. (→ #4)
  • 1: I want to ask about places I’ve been. (→ #11)
  • 2: I want to ask about you. (→ #19)
  • 3: Thank you for talking with me, Elatt. (→ #22)

(#4) Elatt: Rissa has retired as Chamberlady. The loss of Cierzo hurt her deeply. I don’t know if it will ever be rebuilt after what happened. She wishes you had chosen to become part of her family, but accepts that you did what was right for Aurai. (→ #5)

(#5) Elatt: Oliele... She fights the Scourge at the Gates of Catharsis now. She is vicious and relentless in her work, and has gained the admiration of many. But her life will remain a violent one until she will finally be overcome by her foes. (→ #6)

(#6) Elatt: ... It pains me to say this. Yzan refuses to move on. His ghost lingers in Abrassar desert, craving a home. He curses your name, Levant itself, and all who caused his situation, save himself. I doubt he will ever rest in peace. (→ #7)

(#7) Elatt: Elinara remains thankful for your sacrifice in her place. She has redoubled her efforts to preserve the joy and peace of everyone in Monsoon. I have no doubt that she will live enough for both of you. (→ #3)

(#8) Elatt: Yzan... Hmm... Ah, there he is. He sails the sea near Oroshi. He has made his peace with no longer having a home, and has returned to his merchant ways. He will be alright, I think. He regrets his actions, but is determined to do better in the future. (→ #7)

(#9) Elatt: Oliele is doing well. She has committed to the philosopher’s path of the Holy Mission. If she continues her work at her current pace, she will likely be ready to become a Disciple in less than two years. She misses you, but does not grieve. (→ #6)

(#10) Elatt: Rissa is doing well enough. She is preparing to retire from her duties, and has picked a new successor for her as Chamberlady of Cierzo. Gabriella Sullivan’s niece should make for a good Chamberlady after a few years of training. (→ #5)

(#11) Elatt: Cierzo remains destroyed. I doubt it will ever be rebuilt. You can rest at peace knowing that the ones who destroyed it have since turned on one another and none remain alive. Justice has, in some small way, been served. (→ #12)

(#12) Elatt: Berg remains in a state of chaotic flux. Gabriella Sullivan remains a good Chamberlady, but Sagard and his rogue troops continue to cause trouble. It may be some time before peace truly returns to Enmerkar. (→ #13)

(#13) Elatt: Levant is still dealing with difficulties. While things have greatly improved, the brutal conspiracy that took the life of the younger prince left bad blood in many minds. It may be years before the city truly benefits from Calixa’s new role. (→ #14)

(#14) Elatt: Monsoon is well enough. Immaculates still cause trouble from time to time, and people have once again gone missing in the Marsh... but overall, things are better than they were. You are missed here, [PlayerName]. (→ #3)

(#15) Elatt: Monsoon is doing well. Your deeds are remembered fondly, [PlayerName]. Many new missionaries have joined, hoping to one day be considered your equal. You can rest easy and proud. (→ #3)

(#16) Elatt: Levant is greater than I could have ever dreamed. Calixa was a fine choice for goddess, and continues to uplift her city. I thank you for helping her ascend, [PlayerName]. (→ #14)

(#17) Elatt: Berg has changed for the better. Sagard Battleborn has handed his role as Chamberlord to Gabriella Sullivan, who is ruling it very fairly. I forsee great things in Berg’s future. (→ #13)

(#18) Elatt: Cierzo is as lively as ever. Your old home in the Lighthouse has found a new family, and your story is told to the children at bedtime. I think you can rest easy knowing that you’ve become a local legend to them. (→ #12)

(#19) Elatt: I am proud of what you’ve accomplished, you know. When you first stood before me and swore to work with me for the sake of Aurai, I knew you had great potential, but you surpassed my hopes considerably. (→ #20)

(#20) Elatt: Your willingness to volunteer for that final task, even when it was not required of you, was impressive. I will not forget it, [PlayerName]. You’ve left behind quite an impressive legacy. (→ #21)

(#21) Elatt: I still seek a way to put an end to the Scourge forever, and I do foresee several groups with their own plans to do so. All I can do is trust that together, we can find a way. If the last century has proven anything, it’s that humanity is resilient. (→ #3)

(#22) Elatt: You are welcome, [PlayerName]. It is the least I can do. (→ #23)

(#23) Elatt: I will remain here if you wish for more company, until you are ready to let go of this life and move on to the next. Take the time you need. (→ end)