Fifth Watcher/Dialogue

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.


(#0) Fifth Watcher: Welcome. Bow your head in respect, for you have come to the end of a Ley Line. The place where the very world itself will pour its power into you, if you make room for it. (→ #1)

(#1) Fifth Watcher: To open yourself to Mana is to open yourself to the flow of our world. To use magic is to command the world to obey your desires. Master magic, and you master the flow that echoes through us all. (→ #2)

(#2) Fifth Watcher: If you are prepared to sacrifice some of yourself for it, and you are prepared to miss many nights of sleep, we welcome you. May the power of Mana lead you on the road to success. (→ end)