Ghost of Vanasse/Dialogue

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.


(#0) Here marks where Vanasse the Lawbringer left this life behind.

His last words were “Pour a drink for me, partner!” (→ #1)

(#1) (You feel a strange presence here, like someone is standing beside you... Your bottle of Gaberry Wine feels hot to the touch... What will you do?) (→ #2)

(#2) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Drink a bottle of Gaberry Wine. (→ #3)
  • 1: Pour a bottle of Gaberry Wine on the stone. (→ #5)
  • 2: Coat your weapon with Gaberry Wine. (→ #6)
  • 3: Leave. (→ end)

(#3) (Warmth floods you, and you hear a soft laugh that isn’t your own rumble from your belly and out through your lips. All you can do is ride this feeling of warmth out, and laugh along with it.) (→ #4)

(#4) (As the warmth and laughter fade, and you notice a shining gem lying on top of the tomb... You’re certain it wasn’t there a moment ago.) (→ end)

(#5) (The air suddenly feels full of sadness, and the presence vanishes. You suddenly feel a little cold.) (→ end)

(#6) (For a moment nothing happens, then you hear a rumble from nearby tombs! Vanasse’s spirit has taken your action as a challenge!) (→ end)

(#7) (You pay your respects to this fallen person and prepare to move on.) (→ end)