Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane/Dialogue

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

General Dialogue

(#0) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Could you hold on just a minute please? I’m in the middle of noting down some essential things about a theory I have. I promise I’ll give you my full attention some other time, alright? (→ #2)

(#2) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I need a sponsor in order to join the Academy. Can you help? (→ #3)
  • 1: Farewell. (→ end)

(#3) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I’m not sure that I-...Oh hey! I know that name! My sister-in-law Helen has written about you! I hear that you got involved with a large trade expedition on just a Lighthouse keeper’s pay. You must be exceptionally resourceful to pull that off! (→ #4)

(#4) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: It would have been more impressive if the ship didn’t sink on home’s doorstep... (→ #5)
  • 1: That I am, sir. (→ #9)

(#5) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Anytime you take a risk, you roll the dice. Sometimes they come up snake eyes. That’s life. (→ #6)

(#6) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Well, I’m convinced you might be of use to us. Tell you what, If you’re a mage, I’ll sponsor you. If you’re not one already, feel free to use our Ley Line, it’s open to the public. (→ #7)

(#7) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’ve done what you asked! (→ #8)
  • 1: Farewell. (→ end)

(#8) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Ah, you’re a mage! I can tell by the way you carry yourself. Alright, let me sign that for you...And done! Bring that back to the Academic Provost, and you should be let in without any further trouble. (→ end)

(#9) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: And confident too! Yes, I think your presence at the academy will be a boon to us all. (→ #6)

(#10) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Could you hold on just a minute please? I’m in the middle of noting down some essential things about a theory I have. I promise I’ll give you my full attention some other time, alright? (→ end)

(#12) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Anytime you take a risk, you roll the dice. Sometimes they come up snake eyes. That’s life. (→ end)

Up The Ladder

(#0) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I was so close in that last experiment, I can feel it. If I can just find the right runic combination...Hmm? Well, what do you want? I’m rather preoccupied right now. (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’m looking for work, is there anything I can do? (→ #2)
  • 1: Farewell. (→ end)

(#2) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Actually, yes, there’s something you can do for me. I need a Purity Potion. I use them when doing experiments on the Scourge, and I’m fresh out. (→ #3)

(#3) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’ve done what you asked! (→ #4)
  • 1: Farewell. (→ end)

(#4) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Excellent work, apprentice. Keep this up and you’ll make Initiate in a matter of months! (→ #5)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Wait...Months? (→ #6)

(#6) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: There aren’t any shortcuts in Sorobor, no matter what Victor will tell you. The man seems too eager to snap up new apprentices for my liking, even if he is the best at what he does. I don’t like it. (→ end)

(#7) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I was so close in that last experiment, I can feel it. If I can just find the right runic combination...Hmm? Well, what do you want? I’m rather preoccupied right now. (→ end)

(#8) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: There aren’t any shortcuts in Sorobor, no matter what Victor will tell you. The man seems too eager to snap up new apprentices for my liking, even if he is the best at what he does. I don’t like it. (→ end)

(#9) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I was so close in that last experiment, I can feel it. If I can just find the right runic combination...Hmm? Well, what do you want? I’m rather preoccupied right now. (→ end)

A Knife in the Back

(#0) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Ugh, when will that runic frequency metronome be finished? It’s been weeks since I commissioned it! And STILL no word from that damnable Levant artisan! (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Well, here it is. An engineer in Levant asked me to deliver this to you. (→ #2)

(#2) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Ah! Thank you for handling the delivery! I’ve been doing some experiments on the effect of runes on the Scourge, and this should be of extreme assistance to my work. (→ #3)

(#3) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Speaking of Scourge...Be on the lookout. There’s a gang of Immaculates camping in a canyon nearby. Victor’s got the Wolfgang to go kill them, thankfully. (→ #4)

(#4) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Victor...What? Oh damn. Damn! How did he find them? (→ #5)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Is something wrong? What’s the issue with him killing a few Immaculates? (→ #6)

(#6) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: The Immaculates he mentioned to you...If they really are the ones hiding in that canyon cave up North, I think they’re the ones who are working with me. (→ #7)

(#7) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Wait, what do you mean you’re working with Immaculates?! (→ #8)

(#8) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Hold! It’s not what it sounds like. I think I’ve found a way to eliminate their killing urge. And I need an Immaculate to test my theory on. If Victor kills them...Then it could be years before I have another opportunity to test the theory like this! (→ #9)

(#9) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I can tell you have doubts. Let me prove it to you. Come to my laboratory. I guarantee that if I show you my work, you’ll change your mind. See that circular panel on the floor, behind this pillar? Lift it up and come down to my hidden workspace. (→ #10)

(#10) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: There are secret passages in this Academy?! (→ #11)

(#11) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Well, yes. Back when the old nobility used to run things, it was the only way to perform research they didn’t approve of. Now, move it! There’s a lot on the line! (→ end)

(#12) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Thank you for coming. Desy tells me you two already know each other. (→ #13)

(#13) Desy Laroche: Yeah, [PlayerName] was working with Victor too. And being exploited over their Blood Price. He turned around and held that over your head, didn’t he, [PlayerName]? (→ #14)

(#14) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: You said you’d be able to convince me. So convince me. (→ #15)

(#15) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: So, first, I was trying to discover a way to destroy the Scourge with magic. They have a deep connection with the Corruption, so I wanted to find a way to use long-lasting runes to dispel it, and essentially starve the entire horde. (→ #16)

(#16) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Then, I noticed something odd. The Scourge have a much deeper connection to Rune Magic than I thought. So...See that Illuminator in the cage? I was able to, with considerable injury to myself, I might add, apply some runes onto its body. (→ #17)

(#17) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: With the right combinations of runes, I was able to alter it’s behaviour. A few tests later, and I was convinced. The Scourge’s urge to kill all living things, and especially their instinct to hunt Elatt, is actually an invocation from a spell. (→ #18)

(#18) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: In fact, when I took a closer look at some Scourge blood that the Naturalist division was working on, I confirmed even the blood itself reacts violently. Everything about the Scourge’s base nature is controlled by that spell’s command. (→ #19)

(#19) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Then, with the corpse of the Butcher of Men that the Naturalist branch was so kind to loan me, I confirmed that in Immaculates, that spell is applied in a much more focused manner. It’s harder to change, but still allows for them to retain their free will and intelligence. (→ #20)

(#20) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: And if there’s a spell involved...There’s a counter-spell that can mitigate the effect. I am convinced that we can eliminate the killing urge from the entirety of the Scourge. Remove their instinct to kill Ellat and their urge to harm everything else. (→ #21)

(#21) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: And...What’s the point of that? They’re still monsters, right? (→ #22)
  • 1: Wait...If it’s possible to do that...That could change everything. (→ #22)

(#22) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Follow my logic and imagine what this means for a moment...If the Scourge are directed to desire violence via a spell, and we break that spell... What happens next? (→ #23)

(#23) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Your typical Scourge beasts become nothing more than wild animals. Rather than attack and harm everything around them, they’ll only kill what violates their territory or safety. It will significantly reduce the scale of their rampages. (→ #24)

(#24) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: And as for the Immaculates...They are intelligent, yet they are driven by instinct to kill Elatt. Because this task is impossible, they lash out against all living things in their frustration. If you remove that killing urge, what would an intelligent species do? (→ #25)

(#25) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Some will carry on as usual, because it’s what they know. Others will choose to do something else with their lives. Others may side against the Scourge who seek violence, in hopes that it will secure peace with humanity. (→ #26)

(#26) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: The entire brains behind the Scourge horde will fall into utter and complete chaos. Chaos that can be exploited. It will make dealing with the Scourge considerably easier, and cut the number we need to kill by an incredible margin. (→ #27)

(#27) Desy Laroche: The war will basically almost end itself. The Scourge go from a unified horde to a divided muddle of animals and individuals. It’s not a perfect solution, but... (→ #28)

(#28) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Would annihilating all of them be a more expedient solution? Of course. But I haven't discovered how to do that. We know that this solution WORKS. At least, it does in small-scale experiments. (→ #29)

(#29) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: And we get to save a sentient species in the process. (→ #30)
  • 1: Turnbull, be honest with me. What are the odds that you'll be able to pull it off? (→ #44)

(#30) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Yes, that's a nice bonus. Having an entire species owe us the mother of all favors would be incredible. Could you imagine the wealth and power that will flow through Sorobor as a result? (→ #31)

(#31) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: But even if my theory is correct, I can't truly make it happen without an actual Immaculate to work this magic on! (→ #32)

(#32) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: If you can save even one Immaculate and bring it here, I will make you an Initiate in the Arcane branch immediately, and handle your Blood Price for you. No catch, I just need your help. (→ #33)

(#33) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Alright, I’m convinced. You can count on my help. (→ #34)
  • 1: I’m...Not entirely convinced. (→ #39)

(#34) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: [PlayerName], I want you to go to the cave the Immaculates are hiding in. It’s in a small mazelike canyon, North of the Cultural District in the East. Get there before the Wolfgang do! (→ #35)

(#35) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: As for you, Desy, I need you to prepare a wagon and get ready to smuggle our new friend back into the city. (→ #36)

(#36) Desy Laroche: Wait, why not send me to the cave first, Gregory? I know the one you’re talking about, I could probably get there faster! (→ #37)

(#37) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Because [PlayerName] won’t attract any suspicion. Victor thinks they’re on his side. The Wolfgang won’t suspect a thing until it’s too late. (→ #38)

(#38) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: My sister-in Law Helen’s always told me that you’re resourceful, [PlayerName]. Prove it to me. (→ end)

(#39) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I’m aware that this isn’t as ideal as wiping the Scourge out, and that it feels like we’re cooperating with the enemy...But this would be a dramatic shift in the nature of the war. It would save an incredible number of lives. (→ #40)

(#40) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Alright, I’m convinced. You can count on my help. (→ #34)
  • 1: And how do I know you won’t take advantage of me? I’ve been burned before. (→ #41)

(#41) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Fair concern. But I’m being upfront and open with you now, aren’t I? I’m leaving myself vulnerable in hopes of convincing you to help me. Do you want our deal in writing as an official contract? Because that can be arranged. (→ #42)

(#42) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: ...Alright. I’ll trust you. I’m going to help. (→ #34)
  • 1: I want it in writing. And Elatt help you if I have to take this to the headmaster. (→ #43)

(#43) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I assure you that you will not. I’ll have your promotion approved by the time you’re back. (→ #34)

(#44) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I don't DO odds. A task is either possible, or impossible. And with a little more effort, I can push it from one to the other. I’m the Dean of Arcane Studies, bending the world to my will is what I do. (→ #31)

(#45) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Ugh, when will that runic frequency metronome be finished? It’s been weeks since I commissioned it! And STILL no word from that damnable Levant artisan! (→ #46)

(#46) Player: (You have the item he requested...But it’s probably for the best to finish your job for Victor first.) (→ end)

(#47) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Ugh, when will that runic frequency metronome be finished? It’s been weeks since I commissioned it! And STILL no word from that damnable Levant artisan! (→ end)

(#48) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: The two of you pulled it off. Well done. I’ve explained to our new friend here what we plan to do, and he’s willing to cooperate. (→ #49)

(#49) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Even after we clobbered him? You must have a silver tongue, Turnbull. (→ #50)

(#50) Immaculate: HHSSSSS! You should have sent Turnbull himself to speak with me from the start. He is far more convincing than you, human! If any of my kind died in our pointless fight, consider your life marked! (→ #51)

(#51) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: In any case, as far as I'm concerned, you are welcome here in the Arcane Branch, [PlayerName]. Put in the work, and we'll treat you right. (→ #52)

(#52) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I’ll let you know the next time I need you, Initiates. In the meantime, try to keep a low profile. Victor likely won’t take this lying down. (→ end)

(#53) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Look, I’ll be blunt, if you’re not a mage, you don’t belong here. But, so long as you remain useful to us, I’ll treat you like anyone else in the branch. Please do consider either becoming a mage, or joining another branch eventually. (→ #52)

(#54) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Ugh, when will that runic frequency metronome be finished? It’s been weeks since I commissioned it! And STILL no word from that damnable Levant artisan! (→ end)

Cloak and Dagger

(#0) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Hah! Success! You delayed the demolition long enough that Desy was able to get an official letter from the headmaster through! I have both the time and the authority to go examine that Rune Wall! (→ #1)

(#1) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Excellent work, [PlayerName]. You’ve earned your reward. Now, I have runes to memorize! (→ #2)

(#2) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Good job out the-...Wait, you did everything on the list? Didn't I say not to go overboard? Well, let's just hope that doesn’t have unintended consequences. We actually do need that tunnel blocked before the Scourge use it... (→ end)

(#3) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: It feels like you did a little bit of overkill, but better safe than sorry. Excellent work, [PlayerName]. (→ end)

(#4) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Word just came in. They’ve gone and demolished the tunnel.... (→ #5)

(#5) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: *sigh* I guess we’ll just have to make do without that critical rune. You did put your life on the line, so I can’t in good conscience deny you a reward...But damn if this doesn’t sting. (→ end)

(#6) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: You weren’t able to get a single task done? *sigh* I really expected more of you. (→ #4)

(#7) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Ah! Your arrival is most opportune. We have a serious problem, Initiate. (→ #8)

(#8) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: So, have you heard about how the old Golem production facility started up again, after that rogue Golem made its proclamation just outside? Well, some people have started finding ways inside. (→ #9)

(#9) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: An explorer found a rune wall down in a mine tunnel in there...From his description, I think one of those runes might be exactly what I need in order to crack the Immaculate’s spell wide open. (→ #10)

(#10) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: The problem is, there’s plenty of Scourge that have managed to infiltrate the place as well. The engineering branch just decided that it was highly likely that this tunnel could be used to bypass the walls and invade the city. (→ #11)

(#11) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: And guess who just got the contract to not just guard the tunnel but also collapse it with explosives? (→ #12)

(#12) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Victor and the Wolfgang Mercenaries, I assume. (→ #13)

(#13) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Exactly. Now, he could just as easily collapse the tunnel deeper in and let us keep our access to the rune wall, or at least allow me to examine it first. But given our recent...Antagonism...He’s taking more drastic action. (→ #14)

(#14) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: He’s going to collapse the tunnel beyond, in front of, and directly on top of the Rune Wall, permanently blocking all access. And he’s ordered his Wolfgang friends to keep the area clear of any interference, with lethal force if they have to. (→ #15)

(#15) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: What? Why’s he going so over the top with this? (→ #16)
  • 1: Somehow, I’m not surprised it’s coming to this. (→ #16)

(#16) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Well, first of all, I think it’s personal at this point. He’s a man who hates to lose control. And not only did you leave his service, you immediately acted against him behind his back. The rumor mill is churning over this and he's losing face. (→ #17)

(#17) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I suspect his urge right now is to do whatever it takes to solidify his position, and make his opposition, that’s you and me, look as weak as possible right now. Regardless of whether it destroys priceless history or knowledge in the process. (→ #18)

(#18) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Secondly...I suspect he knows what we’re working on. Having the Scourge hordes become less of a threat means less work for him, and less contracts for the Wolfgang. They all stand to lose business if we succeed. (→ #19)

(#19) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: So he's going to deliberately stop us from fixing the Scourge, by any means, huh? (→ #20)

(#20) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Precisely. Now, the only one who can officially delay the demolition and get the Wolfgang to stand aside for me is the Headmaster. And he’s been summoned to Berg to be questioned by the Blue Chamber over a recent incident there. (→ #21)

(#21) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: The demolition is scheduled to take place in about 20 days. The headmaster is unlikely to get back before then, and no one from Sorobor is even allowed to see him at the moment. So, unless that demolition suffers some mysterious setbacks... (→ #22)

(#22) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Can't I just write down the runes and show them to you? (→ #23)
  • 1: You’re asking me to commit sabotage. (→ #27)

(#23) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Oh really. How familiar are you with Rune Magic, Initiate? (→ #24)

(#24) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Uh...Not at all, actually. (→ #25)

(#25) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Right, so...Why are you even offering? Rune Magic doesn’t work like that. (→ #26)

(#26) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Runes have a multitude of contexts depending on positioning, ordering and inflection. It's like a language where each letter’s meaning can change drastically. Each rune also has a magical signature that can't be passed on with just sketches. (→ #27)

(#27) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: If I have just a sketch, which I already do, I can hazard a guess at how to compel the rune, but I'm still just shooting fireballs in the dark. I might succeed, or I might trigger some completely unintended and unhelpful effect. (→ #28)

(#28) Immaculate: I would much rather avoid any unpleasant surprises, thank you. Do not “wing it”, as you humans say, unless you absolutely must. (→ #29)

(#29) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I've got an especially good eidetic memory, I just need 15 minutes in front of that wall and I'll know everything I need to know. But if I don't get that delay... (→ #30)

(#30) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: How essential is this one rune? (→ #31)

(#31) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: It’s important enough that I'm asking you to perform sabotage against a Dean and put your life in danger. I’m not asking this of you lightly. (→ #32)

(#32) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: A few mysterious setbacks, coming right up, then! (→ #33)
  • 1: ...This had better pay real well. You’re asking me to risk my entire career. (→ #33)

(#33) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I’ve spent the last few hours putting together the details of the job. Here's what we know for sure. (→ #34)

(#34) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: One, the tunnel in question is in the part of the factory accessible through a Ruined Golem Warehouse, in the old battlefield just beyond the front gate. I don’t know how the Wolfgang got a key to the place, but you’ll likely need your own. (→ #35)

(#35) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Two, the Wolfgang Mercs have been hired to run security for the mine tunnel. There are at least 2 guys, plus one dog Golem with the new Power Coil model as backup patrolling near the tunnel entrance. (→ #36)

(#36) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Three, The mercs have also been hired to provide the explosives, although in order to get certain materials, they're taking out a series of loans from the Mercantile Provost. (→ #37)

(#37) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Four, The Engineering Branch said they've detected another splinter tunnel that goes into the part of the factory under the Mana lake, near the Troglodyte Warren down there. (→ #38)

(#38) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: So, I've put together five options we could pursue to delay the project. Here’s the plan... (→ #39)

(#39) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Option 1, remove the Power Coil from the Dog Golem that’s guarding the tunnel, and replace it with this busted one. The Golem will be on low power Scourge detection mode, so you should be able to sneak up and make the switch easily. (→ #40)

(#40) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Do that, and they'll need to scramble to get a replacement. If possible, avoid confronting the actual mercenaries there. Considering how important destroying the tunnel is...Conflict there could have lasting consequences on our reputation. (→ #41)

(#41) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Option 2, sabotage the detonators that the mercs will use. They're likely to use three explosive packages, which they should be keeping at their camp. All you need to do is swap the red wires in the bombs with the blue ones, and they won't work as intended. (→ #42)

(#42) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Option 3, if that side-tunnel that goes under the mana lake is actually connected to a trog burrow, throw this pot of Helen’s Troglodyte Pesticide down there. It’ll flush them towards the mine tunnel where they’ll sow confusion among the guards. (→ #43)

(#43) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: And lastly, we can try to call in a favor or two from the academy’s provosts. You might be able to convince the Mercantile provost, Sekiguchi, to withhold the next few loans, which will force the Wolfgang to delay. (→ #44)

(#44) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Finally, the Academic Provost, Hugo, is nominally the head of Sorobor while the Headmaster is gone. A letter from him to delay the demolition might buy us a little time. (→ #45)

(#45) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Now, get this done swiftly and thoroughly, but try not to go overboard, alright? We just need to buy some time, not shut the entire operation down. (→ #46)

(#46) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I'd split this between you and Desy, but I’ve sent her to Berg to go request an official response from the Headmaster. I don't know if I can trust the rest of my branch, so you're all I've got. (→ #47)

(#47) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: You trust me more than people who you’ve worked with for years? (→ #48)
  • 1: I’m on it. I’ll be back when I’m done. (→ end)

(#48) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: In general? No. For dealing with Victor? Yes. I know that in no uncertain terms he has it out for you. You have no reason to go back to him. (→ #49)

(#49) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’m on it. I’ll be back when I’m done. (→ end)

(#50) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I know the Advanced Syntax. (→ #51)

(#51) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Oh. Impressive. But you see the problem then, right? (→ #26)

(#52) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I know the basics. (→ #53)

(#53) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Uh huh. Well, let me explain some advanced theory to you. (→ #26)

(#54) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: So, how’s the mission going? Do you have an update for me? (→ #55)

(#55) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I'm not done just yet... (→ end)
  • 1: I’m done. (→ #56)
  • 2: Can you run the plan by me again? (→ #58)

(#56) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Are you sure? You’re positive that we can’t make the outcome more certain? (→ #57)

(#57) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I'm positive we're in the clear. Any more would be unsafe. (→ #62)
  • 1: I'm not done just yet... (→ end)

(#58) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Ah! Your arrival is most opportune. We have a serious problem, Initiate. (→ #39)

(#59) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I'm not done just yet... (→ end)
  • 1: Can you run the plan by me again? (→ #60)

(#60) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Ah! Your arrival is most opportune. We have a serious problem, Initiate. (→ #39)

(#61) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I’m hard at work, figuring out how to help our new friend here. Once I need your help again, I’ll let you know. For now, just give me some space to work, [PlayerName]. (→ end)

(#62) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Good job out the-...Wait, you did everything on the list? Didn't I say not to go overboard? Well, let's just hope that doesn’t have unintended consequences. We actually do need that tunnel blocked before the Scourge use it... (→ #63)

(#63) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Well...All we can do now is wait until Desy comes back with news from the Headmaster... (→ #70)

(#64) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: It feels like you did a little bit of overkill, but better safe than sorry. Excellent work, [PlayerName]. (→ #65)

(#65) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Well...All we can do now is wait until Desy comes back with news from the Headmaster... (→ #70)

(#66) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: This looks like it’ll be close. Very close. But it should work. Good job out there [PlayerName]. (→ #67)

(#67) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Well...All we can do now is wait until Desy comes back with news from the Headmaster... (→ #70)

(#68) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Well...All we can do now is wait until Desy comes back with news from the Headmaster... (→ #70)

(#69) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Well...All we can do now is wait until Desy comes back with news from the Headmaster... (→ #70)

(#70) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Hah! Success! You delayed the demolition long enough that Desy was able to get an official letter from the headmaster through! I have both the time and the authority to go examine that Rune Wall! (→ #71)

(#71) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Excellent work, [PlayerName]. You’ve earned your reward. Now, I have runes to memorize! (→ end)

(#72) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Word just came in. They’ve gone and demolished the tunnel.... (→ #73)

(#73) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: *sigh* I guess we’ll just have to make do without that critical rune. You did put your life on the line, so I can’t in good conscience deny you a reward...But damn if this doesn’t sting. (→ end)

A House Divided

(#0) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: We have a problem, Initiate. A serious problem. Victor’s played his hand. (→ #1)

(#1) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: His Tracker Power Coil project is complete and is in full production. And he’s used it to prove to the Headmaster that we’ve been harboring an Immaculate inside the city walls. (→ #2)

(#2) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: To make matters worse, a Wolfgang scout spotted a small army of Scourge beasts heading into the region, and then lost track of them. I fear that Victor intends to frame us as working with the Scourge hordes directly. (→ #3)

(#3) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: The Headmaster has called an inquiry into the matter. I’ve managed to petition for the right to defend ourselves in debate there. He’s given us some time to prepare, but it’s not much. (→ #4)

(#4) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: We haven’t even pacified the Immaculate yet! Are we going to be ready for this? (→ #5)
  • 1: Then let’s crush Victor at this debate. What do we know about it? (→ #5)

(#5) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Looking at the situation, I think I know the main subjects that Victor will try to turn on us. The effectiveness of the experiment, the actions we’ve taken to perform it, and the safety of Harmattan. (→ #17)

(#8) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: No time, can’t talk, I’m up to my eyeballs in complex spellwork right now and can’t afford a distraction! (→ end)

(#9) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: About time, [PlayerName]! You’re late! (→ end)

(#10) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: This success goes beyond my wildest dreams. This is a moment that will go down in the history books. My own legacy is all but secured for generations to come. (→ #11)

(#11) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: The headmaster has insisted we take our time ironing out the details of how we’ll mass-deploy the Pacification spell, but we’re making good progress. It won’t be long before we can start spreading it far and wide. (→ #12)

(#12) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: It will be years before the full effects are felt, and several more before we finally see what a truly pacified Scourge horde will look like...But damn, if this doesn’t still feel like total victory. (→ #13)

(#13) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I couldn’t have done it without you, [PlayerName]. Thank you for all of your support. Even if your name never makes it into the books, rest assured that you’ve had an impact on Harmattan’s history. (→ end)

(#14) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: It is a terrible shame that the Immaculate Project was put on hold...But I have hope that someday, we’ll be able to finish the job. Our deal is still good, don’t you worry [PlayerName]. You’re always welcome here at the Arcane branch of Sorobor. (→ end)

(#15) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I’m on the verge of not just losing my Dean status, but of being outright exiled. Well...Such is life. I won’t hold it against you, but I can’t afford to support you any further. Good luck out there, [PlayerName]. Good luck to us all. (→ end)

(#16) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I’m making good progress on the spell. All we need to do is push a little further and hope that Victor doesn’t trace the sabotage to us, and we should be in the clear. I’ll let you know the moment I need you, [PlayerName]. (→ end)

(#17) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Considering what we’ve put together for the experiment...Ugh...We’re not ready. We’re definitely not ready. I’m not certain we’ll be able to pacify our friend here in time, at least not in a way that will satisfy the Headmaster. (→ #20)

(#18) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Considering what we’ve put together for the experiment...Performing it on such short notice is going to be a little difficult. I have faith I can make it appear to work, but we’ll need to absolutely nail the debate in order to convince the Headmaster. (→ #20)

(#19) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Considering what we’ve put together for the experiment...I think it looks quite promising. Unless we seriously fumble the debate, we should be able to rub Victor’s nose in our success. (→ #20)

(#20) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: As far as our methods go...It doesn’t reflect well on us at all, [PlayerName]. I know you did what you had to do, but Victor will absolutely seize on your reputation to attack us. (→ #23)

(#21) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: As far as our methods go...It’s a little complex. Your reputation’s not exactly stellar, but I’m sure that if you cleverly deflect any accusations Victor throws your way, you can come out of this with minimal damage to our reputation. (→ #23)

(#22) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: As far as our methods go...You’ve kept your nose pretty clean and you’ve been a credit to the Academy. Unless you make a serious mistake at the debate, Victor’s only got allegations, and no proof. (→ #23)

(#23) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: And security-wise... Our actions have definitely compromised Harmattan’s security. Enough that Victor barely has to make an argument in order to crush us here. (→ #26)

(#24) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: And security-wise...Our actions have, at least somewhat, compromised Harmattan’s safety. We should to our best not to antagonize the situation further. (→ #26)

(#25) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: And security-wise...I think we’re fine. Against all odds, we’ve managed to maintain the safety of the region. Barring any unhappy surprises, there isn’t much Victor can use against us here. (→ #26)

(#26) Desy Laroche: Bear in mind that Victor’s probably still furious that you turned on him, [PlayerName]. He’s likely going to think you are the weakest link at the debate and keep directing his attacks towards you. Prepare good arguments in case he does. (→ #27)

(#27) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Let him come after me, I can handle any accusations he throws our way. (→ #28)
  • 1: Ugh, I’m more comfortable with weapons than words. This could go poorly... (→ #28)

(#28) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: We have enough time to try to get another Dean to support us. But we can’t afford to be late. Don’t take needless risks, understand? (→ #29)

(#29) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: If you think we need help with the experiment, try to get the Naturalist Branch to help us. Their alchemists should be able to make some kind of potion that will reduce the Immaculate’s resistance to rune magic. (→ #30)

(#30) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: If you’re worried that Victor will use your reputation and actions against us, speak with the Dean of the History Branch, Joliette. She is intensely well respected by the Academy, so if she vouches for you, it should deflect the worst that Victor can say. (→ #31)

(#31) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: And if you think security is our weakness, go see if the Engineering Dean can help us. I’m sure he has plenty of extra Golems in his workshop we could get up and running to patrol the region. (→ #32)

(#32) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Once you’ve gotten someone’s support, meet up with us in the Military Training Area in the North-East of Harmattan. Victor insisted we have our discussion on his home turf. (→ #33)

(#33) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: What are you and Desy going to do? (→ #34)
  • 1: Alright, got it. I’ll be back with help! (→ #35)

(#34) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: I’m going to try to pacify the Immaculate immediately. More time would have been appreciated, but we can’t afford to delay any longer. Desy’s staying here with me for assistance so, unfortunately, you’re on your own again. (→ #35)

(#35) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: We can only stretch the Headmaster’s patience about 20 days at most. If you show up late, we risk losing any leverage you might have earned. So get on it, [PlayerName]. It’s do or die. (→ #36)

(#36) Gregory Turnbull, Dean of the Arcane: Alright Immaculate, we’re on the clock. We’ll need to skip over some of the precautions I talked to you about and get started right now. The sooner we begin, the more time we’ll have to get this done right! (→ #37)

(#37) Immaculate: Understood. Ready or not, we are out of time. Do what you need to do, Turnbull. (→ end)