Highlord Cyr/Dialogue

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

Initial Dialogue

(#0) Highlord Cyr: You still allowed to visit, but you only deal with Gold Belly. You leave rest of people alone! (→ end)

(#1) Highlord Cyr: If stay any longer, you really will feel sorry. Get out now, or I throw you out myself! (→ end)

(#2) Highlord Cyr: I’m afraid I’m quite busy, perhaps some other time. (→ end)

(#4) Highlord Cyr: A human, in my village? What brings you before the Ashborn of the Marsh, little one? (→ #5)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I'm just passing through. (→ #6)
  • 1: I'm here to learn about your people. (→ #7)
  • 2: I'm here on behalf of the Blue Chamber Collective. We want to form an alliance with you. (→ end)

(#6) Highlord Cyr: Then pass through faster. You bring worry and change. If you visit, speak only to Gold Belly. Leave the rest of my people alone. (→ end)

(#7) Highlord Cyr: Oh, another curious one. I am Highlord Cyr, the leader of this village. I am master of the sacred ash-silk weaving, I weave cloth as a prayer in the name of the Dawn Weaver and I teach this art to the other highborns. (→ #8)

(#8) Highlord Cyr: Our monks make the porcelain in the name of the Dusk Father, and fill it with his magic. Your people like the porcelain and silks and many come here offering much silver and gold for some of it. (→ #9)

(#9) Highlord Cyr: That is all there is to tell. Now, go, little human. (→ end)

Ash Giants

(#0) Highlord Cyr: Human, you keep us waiting very long! I wonder if you even want to make alliance talk! (→ #35)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’m not ready just yet, I’m still preparing. (→ #2)
  • 1: Yes, I’m ready to begin. (→ #56)

(#2) Highlord Cyr: Not ready after all this time, still? This make me mad. No. We have talk now, or we have talk never! (→ #3)

(#3) Highlord Cyr: Now, how you make this work, if Highlord Cyr join your Blue Room Collection? What means, exactly? (→ #4)

(#4) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: (Use the gossip you heard from Gold Belly to tempt Cyr’s ambition) (→ #5)
  • 1: It means you and your giants become part of the Collective, all of us work together and consult each other for major decisions. (→ #7)
  • 2: You will still rule here as you please. But when there is a council meeting, you should come to Berg to help decide on matters that affect all the tribes. (→ #55)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: It means you become a chamberlord, helping decide on important issues that affect all the tribes. We debate to find a solution that works for everyone. (→ #6)

(#6) Highlord Cyr: And you give this power to I? You welcome me like this? I like this respect. (→ #8)

(#7) Highlord Cyr: So I should trust that humans care about what Ashborn need? Hah. I not stupid. Humans greedy and only work together to exploit each other! (→ #8)

(#8) Highlord Cyr: What you expect from us if we join, hmm? You want us to be follow Blue Room laws? (→ #9)

(#9) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: (Use the gossip you heard from Gold Belly to tempt Cyr’s ambition) (→ #10)
  • 1: The Collective is family. If there is a conflict between our laws, I'm sure we can work something out. (→ #12)
  • 2: If you join the Collective, you have to follow our laws. (→ #54)

(#10) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Chamberlords can rule their lands as they choose, although most follow our Tribal Laws. They've kept us alive for the past thousand years. (→ #11)

(#11) Highlord Cyr: So... tribe laws just recommendation? As long as not causing major problems for other tribes, we is not in trouble? Hmm... this is not bad. (→ #13)

(#12) Highlord Cyr: Hmmm... I warn you that I not bend on this. Ashborn always follow Ashborn Law. It work out only if you come to our understanding of law. (→ #13)

(#13) Highlord Cyr: I not understand how human culture not fall apart. How you handle life, without the guidance of the Dusk Father and Dawn Weaver? (→ #14)

(#14) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: (Use the information you picked up from the historian’s book to smooth things over) (→ #15)
  • 1: While individuals are on their own, the tribe and Chamberlord act as guidance for anyone who needs it. (→ #17)
  • 2: We choose what to do with our lives however we want. We make our own future. (→ #53)

(#15) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: The entire Tribe is family. We look after one another and guide each other, with the advice and leadership of the Chamberlord. (→ #16)

(#16) Highlord Cyr: Ah... So Chamberlord provides guidance, and then allows other to teach and guide tribe people too? This is not bad system for humans, I understand it. (→ #18)

(#17) Highlord Cyr: Hmm... This is chaos, but at least it is controlled chaos. We will not do this, but if it works for humans, I say let them. (→ #18)

(#18) Highlord Cyr: Now, how you Blue Room people handle law? What you do if there is criminal? (→ #19)

(#19) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: (Use the information you picked up from the historian’s book to play up your culture’s similarities) (→ #20)
  • 1: Those who break the law, and their descendants, are put to work to repay the debt, however many generations is takes. (→ #22)
  • 2: The Blue Chamber believes that we must avoid killing unless it is necessary. Criminals are either exiled, or must repay the tribe. (→ #23)

(#20) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: They are either exiled, or must repay the tribe for the harm done. We don't demand payment right away. Their family pays back the debt slowly over time. (→ #21)

(#21) Highlord Cyr: Ohh... This... not bad idea. This way law breakers still help the tribe! This way, everyone get back what is theirs eventually... This is close to forgiveness ritual in Ashborn law! (→ #24)

(#22) Highlord Cyr: Ashborn already tried that, much before come to this land. It not work well. Slaves never want to work forever. Slaves get angry at treatment. Cause more problems than solve. Humans must have teeny-tiny brains if they not realize by now. (→ #24)

(#23) Highlord Cyr: This is like us too. I think you should let exiles back into tribe eventually, otherwise they just a waste to your people. (→ #24)

(#24) Highlord Cyr: I hear human worship other human named Elatt. Why they dare mock Dusk Father and Dawn Weaver? No living thing can be a god! (→ #25)

(#25) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: (Use the knowledge you got from the Holy Mission to defuse the situation) (→ #26)
  • 1: He is a lesser god that lives on this world. Not a creator, and not as powerful as Dusk Father or Dawn Weaver, but for us humans, he seems pretty big. (→ #28)
  • 2: Elatt isn't so much a god. He is just living thought that exists after his body's death. (→ #29)

(#26) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: He was a hero who stopped the "Earth Beasts" by making the Light Ray above Monsoon. We just honor his memory and his sacrifice. (→ #27)

(#27) Highlord Cyr: Au! So this Elatt no threat to Dusk Father... Dusk Father accepts this human foolishness, it is no harm to him. We wondered why such a light had chosen to fly over a human city. If this true, then maybe hope for humans not to ruin this world, like we lost ours. (→ #30)

(#28) Highlord Cyr: Au, cekta. He not create humans, but is lesser god that only matters to this world? ...As long as humans understand Elatt lesser than Dusk Father and Dawn Weaver, we will accept it. (→ #30)

(#29) Highlord Cyr: Karash naga! Dusk Father not pleased. No life survive past death, only porcelain and ash-silk does. You humans bow to fake tricks and empty god! (→ #30)

(#30) Highlord Cyr: It only been short time in Ashborn time since Earth Beasts appear. Humans let them out into world, we sure. What you do about them, these enders of your world? (→ #31)

(#31) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: (Use the knowledge you got from the Holy Mission to reassure him) (→ #32)
  • 1: We destroy them whenever we can, and rely on the protection of Elatt's followers to keep our villages safe. (→ #34)
  • 2: They're not the end of the world. They're like any monster, as long as you know how to fight them, they aren't a problem. (→ #52)

(#32) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: We created crystal Vigils that keep them away from places where people live, and when we can, we destroy them. There is one protecting your village already. (→ #33)

(#33) Highlord Cyr: Au, so that is why they stopped coming near out city. It seem you already do much for Ashborn about the Earth Beasts. This very good. (→ #35)

(#34) Highlord Cyr: Then at least you know is a threat, and are working to stop it. There may be hope for humans if they see that! (→ #35)

(#35) Highlord Cyr: Enough, I think I am ready to decide. (→ #36)

(#36) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Before you do, I found this stone on a dead ash giant. I think you should have it. (→ #37)
  • 1: I hope I convinced you. (→ #38)

(#37) Highlord Cyr: Au! That is a heart from Ashborn! Thank you for bringing home. Now can craft into lasting porcelain, and Ashborn's life will endure. You do good thing for his family. (→ #38)

(#38) Highlord Cyr: Yes, I know what Dawn Weaver would like Ashborn to do about this alliance (→ #39)

(#39) Highlord Cyr: Hmm... My people like what you suggest, and I see we not completely different. I say yes. We will join Blue Chamber Collective. We already hear about your fight with desert men, and will help. We send you a few Ashborn to send them running away like little marsh lizards! (→ #40)

(#40) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: This is great news. Welcome to the Blue Chamber Collective, Chamberlord Cyr. (→ #41)

(#41) Highlord Cyr: To make alliance official, I make you honorary Ashborn. We mix our blood into wine, and drink from it, so that our strength will be shared! (→ #42)

(#42) Highlord Cyr: I like you, human! I hope I see you more often! Here, something special for the road home! (→ end)

(#43) Highlord Cyr: Hmmm... I not see benefit in closer connection. I satisfied with way things are now. I refuse alliance. (→ #44)

(#44) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I don't know about that... A lot of your people seem really disappointed about your decision. (→ #45)

(#45) Highlord Cyr: I decide what is allowed in Ashborn society and what is not. If others not like it, too bad! (→ #46)

(#46) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Then maybe they need a new Highlord, one who actually cares about what they want! What do you say, everyone? Why don’t we get rid of Highlord Cyr? (→ #47)
  • 1: Then maybe they need a new Highlord, one who actually cares about what they want! What do you say, everyone? Why don’t we get rid of Highlord Cyr? (→ #48)
  • 2: Well, I tried. I’m sorry you feel that way. (→ #49)

(#47) Highlord Cyr: CIN TARAK! You dare to turn people against me, puny thing?! (→ end)

(#48) Highlord Cyr: CIN TARAK! You dare to turn people against me, puny thing?! (→ end)

(#49) Highlord Cyr: You still allowed to visit, but you only deal with Gold Belly. You leave rest of people alone! (→ end)

(#50) Highlord Cyr: If stay any longer, you really will feel sorry. Get out now, or I throw you out myself! (→ end)

(#51) Highlord Cyr: You mock our traditions and people with yours. I think we should close village from humans for good. Your ideas ruin Ashborn culture and cause bleeding of the world! (→ #44)

(#52) Highlord Cyr: Hah, you think that now, but when they bleed the ground and kill the world, you realize you wrong! We hoped you had better plan than that! (→ #35)

(#53) Highlord Cyr: Madness! How can humans get anything done with no guidance and structure? No wonder you think you can just walk into Ashborn city and demand things! (→ #18)

(#54) Highlord Cyr: And if in conflict with Ashborn laws, we have to give up our law and culture? I draw a line there. If we join, we still use our laws and government, and if you no like, too bad! (→ #13)

(#55) Highlord Cyr: So Chamberlords still rule home... but each has one vote on important things and can call council if can't resolve on own? Hmmm... This give me much power, but not too much more work. This is not bad. (→ #8)

(#56) Highlord Cyr: About time you ready! You show us great disrespect for making us wait! (→ #3)

(#57) Highlord Cyr: Hmm? You want to start alliance talk now? (→ #58)

(#58) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’m not ready just yet, I’m still preparing. (→ #59)
  • 1: Yes, I’m ready to begin. (→ #60)

(#59) Highlord Cyr: This is not problem for now. Don’t take too long. (→ end)

(#60) Highlord Cyr: You come at good time, human. We are ready too. (→ #3)

(#61) Highlord Cyr: Au! You actually bring the rare root! You must be very strong! Maybe there is benefit in alliance with humans! Alright, I am ready to make alliance talk with you. (→ #0)

(#62) Highlord Cyr: Au! You actually bring the rare root! You must be very strong! Maybe there is benefit in alliance with humans! Alright, I am ready to make alliance talk with you. (→ #0)

(#63) Highlord Cyr: If you want alliance talk, you need to prove you have good will for us, even if it means danger for you. You go to the cave where the swamp lizards live, and you bring back some Obsidiroot for us, for medicine. (→ #64)

(#64) Highlord Cyr: To get there, you go West, into belly of swamp, then you go South to cave with glowing flower on root above it. If you not willing to face giant lizard for us, you not worth being ally! (→ end)

(#65) Highlord Cyr: A human, in my village? What brings you before the Ashborn of the Marsh, little one? (→ #66)

(#66) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I'm just passing through. (→ #67)
  • 1: I'm here to learn about your people. (→ #68)
  • 2: I'm here on behalf of the Blue Chamber Collective. We want to form an alliance with you. (→ #71)

(#67) Highlord Cyr: Then pass through faster. You bring worry and change. If you visit, speak only to Gold Belly. Leave the rest of my people alone. (→ end)

(#68) Highlord Cyr: Oh, another curious one. I am Highlord Cyr, the leader of this village. I am master of the sacred ash-silk weaving, I weave cloth as a prayer in the name of the Dawn Weaver and I teach this art to the other highborns. (→ #69)

(#69) Highlord Cyr: Our monks make the porcelain in the name of the Dusk Father, and fill it with his magic. Your people like the porcelain and silks and many come here offering much silver and gold for some of it. (→ #70)

(#70) Highlord Cyr: That is all there is to tell. Now, go, little human. (→ end)

(#71) Highlord Cyr: Oh, is that all? You want big nasty "Giants" to eat your enemies alive, don't you? You think you are bigger than you are, little speck! (→ #72)

(#72) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: The many leaders in my tribe all consider you very important and want to invite you to represent your people in the Blue Chamber Collective. (→ #73)

(#73) Highlord Cyr: Oh, now they consider Highlord Cyr important? What changed, Cyr wonders... I think you just want to boss Ashborn around like silkworms! But I am generous Ashborn. You say for real I get to be a leader in this Blue Room Collection? (→ #74)

(#74) Highlord Cyr: Then maybe we can discuss this. I want good things for my people, and if I can get them from little humans by just talking and not with war, that will help my people. (→ #75)

(#75) Highlord Cyr: If you want alliance talk, you need to prove you have good will for us, even if it means danger for you. You go to the cave where the swamp lizards live, and you bring back some Obsidiroot for us, for medicine. (→ #76)

(#76) Highlord Cyr: To get there, you go West, into belly of swamp, then you go South to cave with glowing flower on root above it. If you not willing to face giant lizard for us, you not worth being ally! (→ #77)

(#77) Highlord Cyr: I make arrangements for the talk. Come back before end of month. I hope discussion leads to new understanding. (→ end)

Ancestral Peacemaker

(#0) Highlord Cyr: We accept peace. Hmm... I want you to speak for us. You very good speaker. You represent us well, yes? Cyr would come, but Monsoon is Elatt city. Cyr not want to give Elatt people feeling that they equal to our gods. (→ end)

(#1) Highlord Cyr: Haloo, my ally. The war goes well. The desert people are no match for us! (→ #2)

(#2) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I need you to help with negotiations, we’re going make peace with them. Please, come to Monsoon to settle this conflict. (→ #3)

(#3) Highlord Cyr: Oh? Peacetime already? This is...AHA! I know. Ashborn kick them down so hard they come begging for peace, is that it? This good thing. Giants think war with puny desert men is good sport, but we eager to get back to crafts and silks. (→ #4)

(#4) Highlord Cyr: We accept peace. Hmm... I want you to speak for us. You very good speaker. You represent us well, yes? Cyr would come, but Monsoon is Elatt city. Cyr not want to give Elatt people feeling that they equal to our gods. (→ end)

(#5) Highlord Cyr: Haloo, my ally. The war goes well. The desert people are no match for us! (→ end)