Josef Dumas/Dialogue

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

The following is a transcript of Josef Dumas's dialogue.

General Dialogue

(#0) Josef Dumas: Alright, [PlayerName], listen up. Once you’ve decided where a building needs to go, or a phase of construction is complete, be sure to leave a mark on the ledger out front of the construction site. If we have enough materials, we’ll get right to work on it! (→ #1)

(#1) Josef Dumas: To get construction done, we’ll need Stones and Lumber for building material, and we need Funds to purchase the more delicate things we can’t just scrounge up. (→ #2)

(#2) Josef Dumas: We have to keep Food coming too. If we start running critically low, we’ll need to have all hands on deck foraging and hunting just to avoid starvation. Construction will halt completely. (→ #3)

(#3) Josef Dumas: Also, do bear in mind that our resource stockpile has a limit. We can only hold so much of everything before we can’t store any more. (→ #4)

(#4) Josef Dumas: Once we’ve got at least two resource production facilities and 1 home set up, we can start planning for the extended future. By then, I’m sure Dorion will have something for you to do. (→ #5)

(#5) Josef Dumas: The initial batch of supplies that our backers have provided will keep us stable for about...150 days, I’d reckon. If we don’t have all our Pearlbirds in a row by then, things could get very bad. (→ #6)

(#6) Josef Dumas: So, what are we working on today? (→ #7)

(#7) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I want to build something. (→ #8)
  • 1: I’d like to spend a week helping with the construction tasks. (→ #12)
  • 2: You’re a pretty good engineer! Where did you learn all this? (→ #14)
  • 3: Farewell. (→ end)

(#8) Josef Dumas: For specialized buildings and upgrades to existing ones, you might need specific kinds of rare resources. Evangeline should be able to help you find those. (→ #9)

(#9) Josef Dumas: Be careful about planning a specialized building, friend. These will swiftly become relied upon by the community. We can’t go around tearing them down once they’re up. Not to mention, we only have so much space and people to run them. (→ #10)

(#10) Josef Dumas: I’m trusting you to make the right calls about what this settlement really needs, [PlayerName]. For now, we can only support 3 specialized buildings...But I’m working on what we’ll need to support more later. (→ #11)

(#11) Josef Dumas: Improvements provide a huge boon to one of our Specialized Buildings, providing new and helpful services. But be warned. There are 2 possible improvements, and once you’ve built one, you can never change your mind. Choose wisely. (→ end)

(#12) Josef Dumas: Really? You’re fine with spending 7 days helping us out? It’s much appreciated, [PlayerName]. Are you sure? (→ #13)

(#13) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Yes. (→ end)
  • 1: No. (→ end)

(#14) Josef Dumas: Back when I was a bandit, I was the one who kept our essentials working. I made a primitive water filter and everything when I was a youth. After Dorion adopted me, he and Evangeline made sure I got the training I needed to refine my talents. (→ #15)

(#15) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: You used to be a bandit? You don’t seem like the type! (→ #16)

(#16) Josef Dumas: Outside of those fools who mistakenly think robbery is “easy money”, most “Bandits” reject that label. Anything larger than a small pack of people would likely call themselves “Independents”. (→ #17)

(#17) Josef Dumas: I was born into a nomadic clan whose primary hunting grounds was just beyond the edges of the Caldera, barely within the protective radius of the Vigil Pylon. (→ #18)

(#18) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: How did you end up engineer in a major city, then? (→ #19)

(#19) Josef Dumas: Our clan ran into disaster about 5 years ago. Disease. Our clan leader succumbed, and her replacement...She was cruel. Anyone displaying symptoms was cut down immediately. The group largely collapsed soon after. (→ #20)

(#20) Josef Dumas: And then, on a foraging trip, one of us accidentally woke a Gargoyle. As we tried to flee, I fell down a small ridge and broke my leg. My fellows left me behind, knowing that I would only slow them down. (→ #21)

(#21) Josef Dumas: If a forager from Sirocco hadn’t found me, a Torcrab likely would have put me out of my misery, and a Medyse would have used my corpse to incubate its eggs. (→ #22)

(#22) Josef Dumas: I am beyond thankful one of Dorion’s men rescued me. Despite their initial mistrust, I was happy to do whatever I could to repay these people. Dorion offering to make me his adopted son last year was an honor I still don’t feel worthy of. (→ #23)

(#23) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: So, how does civilization compare to the bandit life? (→ #24)

(#24) Josef Dumas: It’s nice not having to fear for my life every waking moment. It’s nice knowing that we all count on one another, and keep everyone alive. Even being a refugee trying to start over like this...It’s an improvement to life outside the walls. (→ #25)

(#25) Josef Dumas: Of course, I could do without the rigid class system the Nobility saddled us with. And I do miss many of my former companions. But overall, this life is much more stable. (→ #26)

(#26) Josef Dumas: I don’t blame many for choosing the life of an outlaw. Being true only to yourself and your crew, unbound by Blood Prices and restriction...It’s appealing to many. But the dangers are great. Not just to us, but those who we often have to prey upon just to survive. (→ end)

(#27) Josef Dumas: Alright, let’s get the next set of tasks queued up! (→ #28)

(#28) Josef Dumas: We’re working on nailing down our construction process, making it as streamlined and efficient as possible. Once we’ve got it up and running, we should be able to process more advanced materials, and create improvements to our buildings. (→ #29)

(#29) Josef Dumas: Evangeline and Dorion are both planning to set up some traditional Magma Forges to better forge complex construction materials, but...I’m sure there’s a better way. I know that a Levant engineer made an furnace that outperforms our traditional design... (→ #30)

(#30) Josef Dumas: We’ve set a timetable of about 150 days before we settle on a solution. Once my work orders are cleared up, I should have the free time to come up with something more efficient. If you could help me clean my plate, I’d appreciate it. (→ #31)

(#31) Josef Dumas: We’ll need at least a total of 3 homes, and 2 specialized buildings completed before I can get on that task. I’m counting on you, [PlayerName]! (→ #6)

(#32) Josef Dumas: Whew! Now that I’ve got a little bit less work to handle, I’ve been able to plan out a more effective furnace design. It should vastly improve the smelting of new bricks and other materials. Our workers would be able to do more with less resources. (→ #33)

(#33) Josef Dumas: The problem is, I’ll need a Volcanic Forge Stone to make it work, and our entire supply fell into the magma when the Three Brothers had that massive quake. I’ll need you to prepare a new one for us to use. (→ #34)

(#34) Josef Dumas: Some of our Miners have dug out a big chunk of Chalcedony Crystal that will serve as the raw material for the Forge Stone. Bring it into the belly of the Eldest Brother, the Volcano behind Old Sirocco. (→ #35)

(#35) Josef Dumas: We have a site set up deep in the crater, where you can convert the Crystal into a Forge Stone. Once you’ve gotten it charged up, bring it home and the job’s done! (→ #36)

(#36) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Won’t I...You know, catch fire, going into an active volcano? (→ #37)
  • 1: I’ve actually been in there already. I’m shocked I didn’t drop dead of heat stroke! (→ #37)

(#37) Josef Dumas: Heh, do you think we’d live in a city with a volcano in our literal backyard and not have found a solution for the heat? We lined the lower levels with specially-prepared Chalcedony. They absorb heat from the nearby environment, and make it safe to traverse. (→ #38)

(#38) Josef Dumas: In fact, when you visit the Eldest Brother, take a look near the bottom and you’ll see something we call the Emberheart. With a little coaxing from a mage, it can keep our living areas cool, while also redirecting that heat to charge our Forge Stones for us. (→ #39)

(#39) Josef Dumas: Ever wonder why being near open magma outside doesn’t give you heat stroke on the spot, [PlayerName]? You can thank the Emberheart for that. That’s the level of power it has. Its protection blankets the entire region. (→ #40)

(#40) Josef Dumas: It’ll still be hot in there like nothing you’ve ever experienced, but you won’t catch fire just by being in there. (→ #41)

(#41) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: And how do you expect me to carry such a huge chunk of Chalcedony? Do we have a wagon or something? (→ #42)

(#42) Josef Dumas: I’ve got one of our old harnesses meant for carrying ore on your back. Of course, this does mean you can’t carry the Chaldedony and a backpack at the same time, [PlayerName]. (→ #43)

(#43) Josef Dumas: You should leave your backpack here in the settlement, [PlayerName], we’ll look after it in the meantime. Prepare yourself as best you can with what space you have in your pockets. (→ #44)

(#44) Josef Dumas: Oh, and if you happen to lose the Chalcedony Crystal, let me know immediately. It will cost you if you want a replacement, but it’s not the end of the world. (→ #45)

(#45) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: How do I even get into the volcano in the first place? (→ #46)

(#46) Josef Dumas: There’s a large brass door in the back of Old Sirocco’s upper district. The route there was closed during the city’s collapse, but you should be able to reopen it. There’s a lever on a lower level of the city. (→ #47)

(#47) (Being a Troglodyte, you can’t carry the crystal on your back. So you just stuff large chunks of it into your own body instead! You should be able to charge your body up in the Volcano.) (→ #6)

(#48) Josef Dumas: Ah. There you are. Unfortunately, the Forge Stone came a little too late for me to finish up my improved furnace design. We wound up installing the more traditional Magma Furnace design instead. (→ #49)

(#49) Josef Dumas: Well, thanks anyway. We’ll find a use for the Forge Stone you brought in regardless, and reward you for your work. Still, shame about the loss of efficiency... (→ #50)

(#50) Josef Dumas: In any case, we can process advanced building materials with those furnaces. I’ve cooked up a number of improvements we can make to our specialized buildings with them. Let me know what we need, and we’ll get it built! (→ end)

(#51) Josef Dumas: Hah! You did it! Well, my improved furnace design is ready and waiting for this! Our efficiency with building materials is about to get a noticeable boost. Thanks as always, [PlayerName]! (→ #50)

(#52) Josef Dumas: So, how’s the Forge Stone coming along? (→ #53)

(#53) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I have some construction I need done first. (→ #6)
  • 1: I...Lost the large Chalcedony Crystal you gave me... (→ #54)

(#54) Josef Dumas: What?! *sigh* I’m quite disappointed in you. Fine. A replacement is 100 silver. Maybe that’ll teach you not to waste valuable material! (→ #55)

(#55) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I'll buy a new one. (→ #56)
  • 1: No, thanks. (→ end)

(#56) Josef Dumas: Alright, give me a moment...I’m going to go see if one of our miners has a chunk we can borrow... (→ #57)

(#57) Josef Dumas: Phew, there you are! Now don’t lose this one, you hear? (→ end)

(#58) Josef Dumas: Ah. There you are. Unfortunately, the Forge Stone came a little too late for me to finish up my improved furnace design. We wound up installing the more traditional Magma Furnace design instead. (→ #59)

(#59) Josef Dumas: Well, thanks anyway. We’ll find a use for the Forge Stone you brought in regardless, and reward you for your work. Still, shame about the loss of efficiency... (→ #60)

(#60) Josef Dumas: In any case, we can process advanced building materials with those furnaces. I’ve cooked up a number of improvements we can make to our specialized buildings with them. Let me know what we need, and we’ll get it built! (→ end)

(#61) Josef Dumas: Hah! You did it! Well, my improved furnace design is ready and waiting for this! Our efficiency with building materials is about to get a noticeable boost. Thanks as always, [PlayerName]! (→ #60)

(#65) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Right, looks like I’m headed back through Old Sirocco’s back door, then. (→ #46)