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Template-info.svg Documentation

Module used by Template:Skill to do a cargo query and display a little infobox about the skills.

local p = {}

function p.main(frame)
    if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
		args = require('Module:ProcessArgs').merge(true)
		frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()

    if ( == nil or == '') then
        return frame:preprocess('<span style="color:red">Error! You must enter a <code>name</code> parameter!</span>')

    local skill = or ''

    local result = mw.ext.cargo.query(
        '_pageName, name, image, cooldown, consumes, cost, skilltype, skilltier', 
            where = '_pageName="' .. skill .. '"',
            limit = 1

    if not (result[1]) then
        return frame:preprocess('<span style="color:red">Error! Could not get data for '.. skill ..'!</span>')

    local descResult = mw.ext.cargo.query(
        '_pageName, description',
            where = '_pageName="' .. skill .. '"',
            limit = 1

    if not (descResult[1]) then
        return frame:preprocess('<span style="color:red">Error! Could not get description for '.. skill ..'!</span>')

    -- our Query results
    local skillData = result[1]
    local desc = descResult[1].description

    -- Build the HTML
    local html = mw.html.create()
    local mainStyle = 'padding: 0px; margin: 0px; min-width: 300px; border: 1px solid #222; color: #FFF; background-color: #000;'
    local mainDiv = html:tag('div'):addClass('skillbox'):cssText(mainStyle)    

    -- Header Div
    local headerStyle = 'float: left; background-color: #151515; width: 100%; height: 25px; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: 475; line-height: 25px !important;'
    local headerDiv = mainDiv:tag('div'):addClass('heading'):cssText(headerStyle)

    -- Image
    mainDiv:tag('div'):cssText('float:left; padding-bottom: 0px !important; padding-right: 5px'):wikitext(frame:preprocess('[[File:' .. skillData.image .. '|84x128px|link=' .. skillData._pageName .. '|frameless]]'))    

    -- Skill Info
    -- costs (purchase and activate costs)
    local costsStyle = 'display: block; text-align: left; padding-top: 3px; padding-right: 5px; margin-left: 5px;'
    local costsDiv = mainDiv:tag('div'):cssText(costsStyle):addClass('skillDesc')
    local costsOutput = ''
    local skillCost = ''
    local skillConsume = ''
    local skillCooldown = ''
    local separator = '&nbsp; | &nbsp;'
    -- define obtaining/training cost
    if skillData.skilltier == 'Quest' then skillCost = '<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Quest</span>'
    elseif skillData.skilltier == 'Starter' then skillCost = '<span style="color: #FFFFFF">Starter</span>'
    else skillCost = skillData.cost end
    -- define rsource consumption
    if skillData.skilltype == 'Passive' then skillConsume = '<span style="color: #555">Passive</span>'
    elseif args.manacost ~= nil and args.manacost ~= '' then skillConsume = args.manacost .. ' {{mana}}'
    elseif args.staminacost ~= nil and args.staminacost ~= '' then skillConsume = args.staminacost .. ' {{stamina}}'
    elseif args.healthcost ~= nil and args.healthcost ~= '' then skillConsume = args.healthcost .. ' {{health}}'
    else skillConsume = skillData.consumes end
    -- define cooldown
    if args.cooldown ~= nil and args.cooldown ~= '' then skillCooldown = args.cooldown .. '&nbsp; seconds {{cooldown}}'
    elseif skillData.skilltype ~= 'Passive' then skillCooldown = skillData.cooldown .. ' {{cooldown}}' end

	costsOutput = skillCost .. separator .. skillConsume
	if skillCooldown ~= '' then costsOutput = costsOutput .. separator .. skillCooldown end
    costsDiv:wikitext(frame:preprocess('<b style="font-size: 87%">'..costsOutput..'</b>'))
    -- and just chuck the description in the remaining div area
    mainDiv:tag('hr'):cssText('margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 8px;')
    mainDiv:wikitext(frame:preprocess('<i style="display: blockl font-size: 90%; line-height: 18px;">' .. desc .. '</i>'))

    mainDiv:tag('div'):cssText('clear: both;'):done()
    return html:done()


return p