Monsoon Guard/Dialogue

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

General Dialogue

(#0) Monsoon Guard: This is Monsoon, the divine city under Elatt’s protection. Need information, traveller? (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Where can I get some sleep? (→ #2)
  • 1: Where can I find merchants and trainers? (→ #4)
  • 2: Who’s important in this city? (→ #5)
  • 3: Tell me about the surrounding region. (→ #6)
  • 4: I'm fine, thank you. (→ #7)

(#2) Monsoon Guard: Turn south when you reach the small blue auditorium, and walk up the hill. Keep your eye on the signs, eh? (→ #3)

(#3) Monsoon Guard: Need something else? (→ #1)

(#4) Monsoon Guard: Most of our shops are up on the roof of the central road here. Use the doors to get to the second floor. The training district is on the large platform just south of the temple. (→ #3)

(#5) Monsoon Guard: The lotus temple is the place to go to find the Cardinal of the Holy Mission. Chamberlord Lockwell is across the bridge west of the temple. (→ #3)

(#6) Monsoon Guard: Stay out of the marsh water, it’ll poison you. Carrying Marsh Antidotes out here is a smart move. Also, be wary of the Ash Giant village in the north-east, and around the Lich’s Spire in the south-west. (→ #3)

(#7) Monsoon Guard: Farewell. (→ end)

Oliele Crime Dialogue

(#0) Monsoon Guard: Keep your distance, an investigation is in progress! (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: What’s going on? (→ #2)
  • 1: I’ll leave you to it, then. (→ end)

(#2) Monsoon Guard: There was a murder. A missionary from the Holy Mission killed a disciple in broad daylight. Until the matter is resolved, the accused will remain in the custody of Damian Lockwell. If you have further questions, speak with Ellinara! (→ #3)

(#3) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Who is the suspect? (→ #4)
  • 1: Who was the victim? (→ #8)
  • 2: I’ll leave you to it, then. (→ end)

(#4) Monsoon Guard: That woman with body parts made of light. Oliele, I think her name is. (→ #5)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Wait, Oliele?! I don’t believe that. (→ #6)
  • 1: I’ll leave you to it, then. (→ #7)

(#6) Monsoon Guard: We have about 8 witnesses who testify that she did it. Most of them claim that it was self-defense, but Damian Lockwell has ordered us to treat it like a murder while we investigate. (→ end)

(#7) Monsoon Guard: Again, if you have any questions, speak with Ellinara. We are just doing our job here! (→ end)

(#8) Monsoon Guard: Richard. He was one of the newer disciples of the Holy Mission. Wouldn’t stop being a preachy git at the inn ever since he got promoted. He’d just gotten back from a trip to Sirocco before this happened. (→ #9)

(#9) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Who is the suspect? (→ #4)
  • 1: I’ll leave you to it, then. (→ end)

Purifier Dialogue

(#0) Monsoon Guard: Ah! [PlayerName]! Cardinal Bourlamaque at the temple wanted to see you! He said he wanted to talk to you about taking down those bandits in the marsh! (→ end)

(#1) Monsoon Guard: Hey there! Damian Lockwell is looking for information about the recent report of criminal activity in the Marsh! If you have anything to report, please let Chamberlord Lockwell know! (→ end)

(#2) Monsoon Guard: You there! Keep your eyes open in the Marsh. Some missionaries are days late from a journey from Harmattan. If you have any information, please speak with Mofat in the residential area, the man with the straw hat! (→ end)

(#3) Monsoon Guard: [PlayerName]! There you are! Cardinal Bourlamaque in the Temple was looking for you. He said it was important! (→ end)

(#4) Monsoon Guard: Ah, [PlayerName]! Ellinara out in front of the temple was asking for you. She says she has work for you! (→ end)

(#7) Monsoon Guard: Hold there a minute! Are you [PlayerName]? A courier from Levant came looking for you. Next time you’re in Abrassar desert, be sure to look into it! (→ end)

(#11) Monsoon Guard: [PlayerName] Aberdeen? A courier just got here from Berg. Someone’s looking for you there. Next time you’re in Enmerkar, let them know you’re alright. (→ end)

(#15) Monsoon Guard: You there! Keep your eyes open in the Marsh. Some missionaries are days late from a journey from Harmattan. If you have any information, please speak with Mofat in the residential area, the man with the straw hat! (→ end)