Orders for the Attack on Berg

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

The Orders for the Attack on Berg are a series of notes left behind by perpetrators during the attack on berg, in the quests Mixed Legacies, Tending the Flame and Blood Under The Sun.


Note 1

Found at Ancestor's Resting Place during Mixed Legacies, or can also be found at Necropolis during Tending the Flame.

(#0) Note: “Your first priority is the destruction of the archives room under the Blue Chamber. If you cannot ensure complete destruction of the room, at least ensure that it will be inaccessible for as much time as possible.” (→ #1)

(#1) Note: “Likewise, Alda, the ambassador representing Old Levant, is to be killed on sight. Use as much ammunition as you need to. She must not survive this meeting.” (→ #2)

(#2) Note: “If possible, capture and question the Blue Chamber historian, Balthazar Berthelot. If he shows any sign of supporting Old Levant’s position, kill him. Use the caves within the Old Burial Grounds. There are plenty of animals that will make short work of any evidence if he needs to be disposed of.” (→ #3)

(#3) Note: “If the opportunity arises to kidnap a chamberlord, do so. Hold them for ransom, and do not kill them unless it’s absolutely necessary. The old cabin in the burned woods to the south are equipped and prepared for such an event.” (→ #4)

(#4) Note: “If all goes well and you have the opportunity to capture Kirouac as well, do so. He is to be kept alive at all costs. Once war has been declared, he is to be returned home unharmed.” (→ #5)

(#5) Note: “All messages are to go through Commander Mantis at his forest camp to the south of Enmerkar, near the stone steps. After his departure, all agents are to stick to their instructions to the letter.” (→ end)

Note 2

Found at Hive Prison.

(#0) Note: “The operation was a moderate success. Prince Jaden is dead, but the queen is suspicious that our fall guy isn't the one responsible. Please note for the record that I thought disguising him as a member of the Holy Mission was a stupid idea.” (→ #1)

(#1) Note: “I've heard he's run off into the desert after the murder. If you find him, or he returns to the base, shoot him. We can't have loose ends running around who aren't fully committed to this plan.” (→ #2)

(#2) Note: “It may be months before we are ready for our final strike. Our lord does not believe our coup will succeed without either mass public support or the support of the majority of the army. We must redouble our efforts to make that happen.” (→ #3)

(#3) Note: “There’s a lot resting on the shoulders of our guys in the Burnt Outpost in Enmerkar. If they fail, there may end up being a lot of pressure on us out here. We need Old Levant to get the message. We. Don’t. Negotiate. With. THEM.” (→ #4)

(#4) Hidden Report: (The evidence of a plot within Levant is mounting. You should turn in these documents to someone from the Levant Military.) (→ end)

(#5) Hidden Report: (The evidence of a plot within Levant is mounting. Cyrene would be very interested in this information the next time you’re in Levant) (→ end)

(#6) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: (Read it.) (→ #0)
  • 1: (Leave it.) (→ end)

Note 3

Found at the Burnt Outpost.

(#0) Note: “Our lord has made his move. Deal with the Old Levant problem swiftly, and keep attention on Enmerkar for as long as possible. The less people watching the boss, the better. Maybe soon we'll be calling him Your Majesty!” (→ #1)

(#1) Note: “Keep this information away from The Snake. Her loyalties may not align with ours. Do not take any chances just because she was involved in this operation. I doubt she would approve if she realized our lord was responsible for Prince Jaden’s murder.” (→ #2)

(#2) Note: “Send word to keep an eye on the Levant Slums back home. I worry that some of the people there know what we’re using the smuggling tunnel for. Crack down on any known information peddlers.” (→ #3)

(#3) (The evidence of a plot within Levant is mounting. You should turn in these documents to someone from the Levant Military.) (→ end)

(#4) (The evidence of a plot within Levant is mounting. Cyrene would be very interested in this information the next time you’re in Levant) (→ end)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: (Read it.) (→ #0)
  • 1: (Leave it.) (→ end)

Note 4

Found in the Slums of Levant.

(#0) Note: “This is the last delivery for awhile, Pigeoneye. The Baron is muscling us out of the smuggler's tunnel. He's moving loads of weapons and personnel in and out frequently. I don’t know who he’s working for, but he’s got Levant city guards on his side now.” (→ #1)

(#1) Note: “I overheard one of the guards say something about reporting to “his boss” in the Hive Prison that the Corsairs sometimes use for interrogations. I’m not sure if he knows who uses that place or not. Either way, it’s signs of serious trouble coming.” (→ #2)

(#2) Smuggler's Message: (The evidence of a plot within Levant is mounting. You should turn in these documents to someone from the Levant Military.) (→ end)

(#3) (The evidence of a plot within Levant is mounting. Cyrene would be very interested in this information the next time you’re in Levant) (→ end)

(#4) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: (Read it.) (→ #0)
  • 1: (Leave it.) (→ end)


The notes reveal that Prince Pietro and Baron Montgomery were behind the attack, in an attempt to overthrow Simeon and Calixa, and stop the threat of Old Levant.

See also