Questions and Corruption/Quick guide

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This is a quick guide. See the full guide here.
The full guide provides long-form instructions and more pictures.
Questions and Corruption
Quest Giver
Holy Mission
Quest Type
Main Quest
Previous Quest
Looking to the Future
Next Quest
Doubts and Secrets

Questions and Corruption is the first faction quest for The Holy Mission of Elatt in Outward, and the fourth in the series of main quests.


This quest has a timer of 30 days, which begins when you start the quest. Failing to resolve the Corruption in the Corrupted Tombs within this timeframe will result in a negative Passive skill applied to your character.


  1. Talk to Ellinara in Monsoon after waiting three days
  2. Burn a Greasy Fern at the altar just west of the Marsh's Vigil
    • From Monsoon, head east and immediately climb the first hill. Oliele will be found at the altar at the top.
    • Interact with this altar and choose to burn a Greasy Fern.
  3. Talk to Ellinara in Monsoon
  4. Find the Corrupted Tomb, in the valley beyond the Ghost Pass
  5. Find Oliele in the Corrupted Tomb
    • Oliele can be found near the entrance, attempting to open a magical barrier. Watch out for the nearby Wendigo.
  6. Disable the barrier blocking access to the corrupted altar
    • Head back towards the entrance, and take the other path to the Illuminator Horrors and larger cave area. Take the path down further into the cave and find Myriade.
  7. Find Myriade's parts.
    • Complete A Myriad of Bones. You can optionally choose to kill Myriade if you do not want to do his quest. If 30 days have passed since Questions and Corruption began, it is recommended to help Myriade.
  8. Go in the altar in the Corrupted Tomb, now that the barrier is down.
    • Return to where Oliele was, the barrier is now open, enter. There is also an Ornate Chest here.
  9. Talk to Oliele
    • If you have taken less than 30 days to reach this point:
      • Oliele will attempt to remove the corruption.
      • Several Green Ghosts will appear, which you must defeat (or be defeated by) to continue.
      • Talk to Oliele after defeating the ghosts, and Elatt will appear with a flash of light to help Oliele.
    • If you have taken more than 30 days to reach this point:
      • Oliele will mention that the corruption has progressed to a more advanced state, and you will need to sacrifice some of your maximum Stamina to distract the ghosts while she casts the spell.
      • If you helped Myriade instead of killing him, you can talk to him and he will offer to also help distract the ghosts.
      • Interact with the Corruption and sacrifice some max stamina. You will receive Sacrifice or Painful Sacrifice depending on whether or not Myriade helps distract.
      • You will die, and awaken with 10% health remaining, with the rest burnt.
      • Talk to Oliele.
  10. Return to Ellinara in Monsoon


  • Oliele now has a blessing of Elatt (luminous, glowing limbs)

From Ellinara at start:

From Elatt, choice of one:

Failure Timer Reached

See Also