Sagard Battleborn/Dialogue

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

Looking to the Future

(#0) Sagard Battleborn: Move along. I have combat strategies to prepare for when those desert rats in Levant inevitably come after us. It’s only a matter of time before they get too big for their bloomers and try to take what isn’t theirs. (→ #7)

(#1) Sagard Battleborn: Well, well, look at that, you're not completely useless. Alright, I'll spread the word that you have my approval. I hope to see you join our troops and show some of those runts what it means to be part of Berg’s army. (→ #2)

(#2) Sagard Battleborn: Oh, and take this with you. It’s my personal recipe for Spiritual Varnish. If you’re fighting ghosts, this varnish’ll make your weapon highly effective against them. You’ll need an alchemy set if you want to make it, though. (→ #7)

(#3) Sagard Battleborn: Half of the runts I have to work with don't even know how to craft a simple Fire Rag! Show me that you can make any kind of rag that will enhance a weapon, and maybe I'll consider lending my weight to Rissa's adoption announcement. (→ #7)

(#4) Sagard Battleborn: You must be the one Rissa wants to adopt into her bloodline. I’m not too impressed, but I’ve been wrong before. So long as you’re working with the Blue Chamber’s goals in mind, we shouldn't have a problem. (→ #5)

(#5) Sagard Battleborn: I’m the Chamberlord of Berg and handle the Collective’s armies. Note the plural there. Each village provides me with troops that I have to organize into something cohesive. It’s a nightmare only discipline can solve! (→ #6)

(#6) Sagard Battleborn: Half of the runts I have to work with don't even know how to craft a simple Fire Rag! Show me that you can make any kind of rag that will enhance a weapon, and maybe I'll consider lending my weight to Rissa's adoption announcement. (→ #7)

(#7) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Farewell. (→ end)
  • 1: I want to train with you. (→ #8)

(#8) Sagard Battleborn: If you pay me, sure, I’ll give you a private lesson. You wanna know the most effective way to finish off a opponent with a 2-handed axe once you’ve got them on the floor? Pay my tab for tonight, it’s 50 silver, and I’ll teach you. (→ #9)

(#9) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Deal, here’s your money. (→ #10)
  • 1: No, thanks. (→ end)

(#10) Sagard Battleborn: Alright, come with me. We’re going to go practice this on a couple of old logs. Here, I’ll even let you use my axe! (→ #11)

(#11) Sagard Battleborn: Hah, there you go, you’ve gotten the hang of it! Remember, while you turn for extra momentum, you should step forward and put your full weight into it! (→ end)

General Dialogue

(#0) Sagard Battleborn: Unless we’re under attack or you’re here to drink with me, I don’t have much to say to you. Free time is hard to come by for a Chamberlord of such a big city and I intend to enjoy every moment I can snatch. (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Sorobor was funding a bandit gang to kidnap and murder missionaries from the Holy Mission. (→ end)
  • 1: What’s on your mind? (→ end)

(#2) Sagard Battleborn: Unless we’re under attack or you’re here to drink with me, I don’t have much to say to you. Free time is hard to come by for a Chamberlord of such a big city and I intend to enjoy every moment I can snatch. (→ #3)

(#3) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Farewell. (→ end)
  • 1: I want to train with you. (→ #4)

(#4) Sagard Battleborn: If you pay me, sure, I’ll give you a private lesson. You wanna know the most effective way to finish off a opponent with a 2-handed axe once you’ve got them on the floor? Pay my tab for tonight, it’s 50 silver, and I’ll teach you. (→ #5)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Deal, here’s your money. (→ #6)
  • 1: No, thanks. (→ end)

(#6) Sagard Battleborn: Alright, come with me. We’re going to go practice this on a couple of old logs. Here, I’ll even let you use my axe! (→ #7)

(#7) Sagard Battleborn: Hah, there you go, you’ve gotten the hang of it! Remember, while you turn for extra momentum, you should step forward and put your full weight into it! (→ end)

Mixed Legacies

(#0) Sagard Battleborn: Hah! I knew it! Levant has finally made their last mistake! (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: How can you even be sure that Levant did this? (→ #2)
  • 1: I look forward to our revenge too, sir! (→ #4)

(#2) Sagard Battleborn: Amateur! The only ambassador they killed was the one from Old Levant, the one person who could have overturned their kingdom! They used firearms too! (→ #3)

(#3) Sagard Battleborn: Now is not the time to debate the obvious. We gather our troops and strike NOW, before they strike us again! They likely have their whole army on the road for Berg as we speak! (→ end)

(#4) Sagard Battleborn: Finally, someone who speaks my language! Everyone else is giving me toddler-speak about "waiting until we know for certain". These spineless politicians will get us all killed! (→ end)

(#5) Sagard Battleborn: This meeting is a waste of time. Why drag all the Chamberlords here over issues that don’t matter? We should be discussing strategies to defend ourselves from Levant! (→ #6)

(#6) Sagard Battleborn: Then again... If Old Levant’s claim is recognized, that might solve the issue entirely. At least they believe in the order and structure of the Blue Chamber’s laws. I'd trust them over those sand rats, Calixa and Simeon any day. (→ end)

(#7) Sagard Battleborn: Move along. I have combat strategies to prepare for when those desert rats in Levant inevitably come after us. It’s only a matter of time before they get too big for their bloomers and try to take what isn’t theirs. (→ #8)

(#8) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Farewell. (→ end)
  • 1: I want to train with you. (→ #9)

(#9) Sagard Battleborn: If you pay me, sure, I’ll give you a private lesson. You wanna know the most effective way to finish off a opponent with a 2-handed axe once you’ve got them on the floor? Pay my tab for tonight, it’s 50 silver, and I’ll teach you. (→ #10)

(#10) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Deal, here’s your money. (→ #11)
  • 1: No, thanks. (→ end)

(#11) Sagard Battleborn: Alright, come with me. We’re going to go practice this on a couple of old logs. Here, I’ll even let you use my axe! (→ #12)

(#12) Sagard Battleborn: Hah, there you go, you’ve gotten the hang of it! Remember, while you turn for extra momentum, you should step forward and put your full weight into it! (→ end)

Whispering Bones

(#0) Sagard Battleborn: Seriously, what is going on in my damn city?! Why is no one giving me a damn straight answer?! (→ #10)

(#1) Sagard Battleborn: Oy, you! Yes, you! Go fetch Rissa! One of her idiots just tried to stab me! (→ #2)

(#2) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Is that Julius's corpse behind you? What happened here? (→ #3)

(#3) Sagard Battleborn: He was talking with a girl in red, and it turned into an argument. She was telling him that there was something she needed to do, and he was refusing, telling her that he wouldn't let her "throw her life away". (→ #4)

(#4) Sagard Battleborn: Then she said "If I don't get into that necropolis, my mistress will kill me", and I decided it might be a good idea to ask them a few questions. (→ #5)

(#5) Sagard Battleborn: That's when your friend over there decided to try to take me with a dagger, and the girl grabbed something off his belt and bolted for the door! (→ #6)

(#6) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Julius, you idiot. This sounds like the oldest story in the book. (→ #7)

(#7) Sagard Battleborn: What are you blabbering about? One of Rissa’s goons tries to murder me and you’re concerned about the girl that ran instead?! (→ #8)

(#8) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: You'll have to go get Rissa yourself. I need to catch up with that woman before she breaks something important in the necropolis. (→ #10)

(#9) Sagard Battleborn: Unless we’re under attack or you’re here to drink with me, I don’t have much to say to you. Free time is hard to come by for a Chamberlord of such a big city and I intend to enjoy every moment I can snatch. (→ #10)

(#10) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Farewell. (→ end)
  • 1: I want to train with you. (→ #11)

(#11) Sagard Battleborn: If you pay me, sure, I’ll give you a private lesson. You wanna know the most effective way to finish off a opponent with a 2-handed axe once you’ve got them on the floor? Pay my tab for tonight, it’s 50 silver, and I’ll teach you. (→ #12)

(#12) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Deal, here’s your money. (→ #13)
  • 1: No, thanks. (→ end)

(#13) Sagard Battleborn: Alright, come with me. We’re going to go practice this on a couple of old logs. Here, I’ll even let you use my axe! (→ #14)

(#14) Sagard Battleborn: Hah, there you go, you’ve gotten the hang of it! Remember, while you turn for extra momentum, you should step forward and put your full weight into it! (→ end)

Ancestral Peacemaker

(#0) Sagard Battleborn: I don’t believe this. I can’t believe this. We let Levant gain a goddess? How could Rissa let that happen?! This will be our doom, mark my words. Mark. My. Words. (→ #22)

(#1) Sagard Battleborn: I don't believe it. How in Elatt's name did you beat me? (→ #2)

(#2) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Call off your armies or this’ll be your last fight, Sagard! (→ #3)

(#3) Sagard Battleborn: You wouldn't dare kill me. You wouldn't bring such shame to the Aberdeen name! (→ #4)

(#4) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I don't need to. I’ll just break enough of your bones to put an end to your career, miserable old man! (→ #5)
  • 1: If it means I’ll be known as the one who took down Sagard Battleborn? Very tempting. (→ #5)
  • 2: Your actions put the entire Collective in harm's way. I think it'd be worth it. (→ #5)

(#5) Sagard Battleborn: You fight dirty, [PlayerName]. I respect that. I'll call off my armies. But mark my words, I’ll be proven right one day. The kingdom of Levant can never be trusted. (→ end)

(#6) Sagard Battleborn: Unless we’re under attack or you’re here to drink with me, I don’t have much to say to you. Free time is hard to come by for a Chamberlord of such a big city and I intend to enjoy every moment I can snatch. (→ #22)

(#7) Sagard Battleborn: So, the little mouse from Cierzo sends her toy soldier to speak with me. I refuse to make peace with Levant. Not until we’ve broken their armies and replaced their king and queen with a lord loyal to the Blue Chamber. (→ #8)

(#8) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I'll make you change your mind, believe me. (→ #9)
  • 1: You owe me a favor, Sagard. I'm here to collect. (→ #10)
  • 2: (Hold out a Tsar Stone) (→ #13)
  • 3: Call off your armies, or I'll call them off for you. (→ #17)

(#9) Sagard Battleborn: Hah, I doubt that very much. (→ end)

(#10) Sagard Battleborn: What? You think one measly personal favor is worth ending a war? Have you lost your senses, pup? (→ #11)

(#11) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Do you really want everyone in the Collective to know that you don't honor your word, Sagard? (→ #12)

(#12) Sagard Battleborn: You’d attack me with words and not steel? Fine. My reputation means too much to me to stain it over this. I’ll call off my soldiers. But when Levant attacks again, everyone will remember that I was right to fear them! (→ end)

(#13) Sagard Battleborn: That's a Tsar Stone! With just two more of those, I could make armor that could deflect even a Manticore’s strikes! Don't you dare tempt me, pup! (→ #14)

(#14) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: It's yours if you call off your armies. (→ #15)
  • 1: I just wanted to see your reaction. (→ #16)

(#15) Sagard Battleborn: Damn you, [PlayerName]. A gem like this is worth any price. Fine. I'll call off my soldiers. You win. Now hand it over! (→ end)

(#16) Sagard Battleborn: Well,you’ve seen it. Satisfied? You know how priceless that gem is, don't you? (→ end)

(#17) Sagard Battleborn: Is that a threat? Do you know what you're starting, you little weasel? (→ #18)

(#18) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: On second thought, never mind. (→ #19)
  • 1: Oh, is the great Sagard Battleborn too pathetic to fight one puny little person? (→ #20)

(#19) Sagard Battleborn: Smart choice, pup. (→ end)

(#20) Sagard Battleborn: You’ve just made a terrible mistake. I’ll enjoy breaking every bone in your body, weasel! (→ end)

(#21) Sagard Battleborn: Unless we’re under attack or you’re here to drink with me, I don’t have much to say to you. Free time is hard to come by for a Chamberlord of such a big city and I intend to enjoy every moment I can snatch. (→ #22)

(#22) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Farewell. (→ end)
  • 1: I want to train with you. (→ #23)

(#23) Sagard Battleborn: If you pay me, sure, I’ll give you a private lesson. You wanna know the most effective way to finish off a opponent with a 2-handed axe once you’ve got them on the floor? Pay my tab for tonight, it’s 50 silver, and I’ll teach you. (→ #24)

(#24) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Deal, here’s your money. (→ #25)
  • 1: No, thanks. (→ end)

(#25) Sagard Battleborn: Alright, come with me. We’re going to go practice this on a couple of old logs. Here, I’ll even let you use my axe! (→ #26)

(#26) Sagard Battleborn: Hah, there you go, you’ve gotten the hang of it! Remember, while you turn for extra momentum, you should step forward and put your full weight into it! (→ end)

Hallowed Peacemaker

(#0) Sagard Battleborn: I don’t believe this. I can’t believe this. We let Levant gain a goddess? How could Rissa let that happen?! This will be our doom, mark my words. Mark. My. Words. (→ end)

(#1) Sagard Battleborn: You already have my word that I’ll pull back my armies. The message is already being sent to my warriors. (→ #40)

(#2) Sagard Battleborn: I don't believe it. How in Elatt's name did you beat me? (→ #3)

(#3) Sagard Battleborn: Bah, it’s not fair when Elatt gives you his strength on top of your own! Fine! You win. I’ll call off my armies. I’m smart enough to know when I’m whupped. (→ #12)

(#4) Sagard Battleborn: Well well, [PlayerName] the Champion of Elatt. This is a surprise meeting. Here to finally pledge your aid in slaughtering those desert rats? (→ #5)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: It's time we ended this war. Elatt demands peace. (→ #6)

(#6) Sagard Battleborn: Well, that's too bad for him. We aren't going to stop fighting a war that we're finally winning. No force on Aurai will make me change my mind! (→ #7)

(#7) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I'll make you change your mind, believe me. (→ #8)
  • 1: You owe me a favor, Sagard. I'm here to collect. (→ #9)
  • 2: (Hold out a Tsar Stone) (→ #16)
  • 3: Call off your armies, or I'll call them off for you. (→ #20)

(#8) Sagard Battleborn: Hah, I doubt that very much. (→ end)

(#9) Sagard Battleborn: What? You think one measly personal favor is worth ending a war? Have you lost your senses, pup? (→ #10)

(#10) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Do you really want everyone in the Collective to know that you don't honor your word, Sagard? (→ #11)

(#11) Sagard Battleborn: You’d attack me with words and not steel? Fine. My reputation means too much to me to stain it over this. I’ll call off my soldiers. But when Levant attacks again, everyone will remember that I was right to fear them! (→ #12)

(#12) (An invisible force shakes you from head to toe, and Elatt's voice comes like a gust of hot wind) (→ #13)

(#13) Elatt: [PlayerName], things go poorly in Abrassar. My messengers have been imprisoned. Civil war strikes the city of Levant. You are needed there, desperately. (→ #14)

(#14) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Isn't Soeran closer than I am? (→ #15)

(#15) Elatt: No, he is not. He is standing between both armies, trying to stop any further combat between either side. This task is up to you. (→ end)

(#16) Sagard Battleborn: That's a Tsar Stone! With just two more of those, I could make armor that could deflect even a Manticore’s strikes! Don't you dare tempt me, pup! (→ #17)

(#17) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: It's yours if you call off your armies. (→ #18)
  • 1: I just wanted to see your reaction. (→ #19)

(#18) Sagard Battleborn: Damn you, [PlayerName]. A gem like this is worth any price. Fine. I'll call off my soldiers. You win. Now hand it over! (→ #12)

(#19) Sagard Battleborn: Well,you’ve seen it. Satisfied? You know how priceless that gem is, don't you? (→ end)

(#20) Sagard Battleborn: Is that a threat? Do you know what you're starting, you little weasel? (→ #21)

(#21) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: On second thought, never mind. (→ #22)
  • 1: Oh, is the great Sagard Battleborn too pathetic to fight one puny little person? (→ #23)

(#22) Sagard Battleborn: Smart choice, pup. (→ end)

(#23) Sagard Battleborn: You’ve just made a terrible mistake. I’ll enjoy breaking every bone in your body, weasel! (→ end)

(#24) Sagard Battleborn: Well, Elatt's newest Templar. What do you want [PlayerName]? Here to finally pledge your aid in slaughtering those desert rats? (→ #5)

(#25) Sagard Battleborn: Well well, [PlayerName] the Champion of Elatt. This is a surprise meeting. Here to finally pledge your aid in slaughtering those desert rats? (→ #26)

(#26) Sagard Battleborn: No? Fine. Then leave me alone. I have plans for Levant’s destruction to create! (→ #40)

(#27) Sagard Battleborn: Well, Elatt's newest Templar. What do you want [PlayerName]? Here to finally pledge your aid in slaughtering those desert rats? (→ #40)

(#40) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Farewell. (→ end)
  • 1: I want to train with you. (→ #41)

(#41) Sagard Battleborn: If you pay me, sure, I’ll give you a private lesson. You wanna know the most effective way to finish off a opponent with a 2-handed axe once you’ve got them on the floor? Pay my tab for tonight, it’s 50 silver, and I’ll teach you. (→ #42)

(#42) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Deal, here’s your money. (→ #43)
  • 1: No, thanks. (→ end)

(#43) Sagard Battleborn: Alright, come with me. We’re going to go practice this on a couple of old logs. Here, I’ll even let you use my axe! (→ #44)

(#44) Sagard Battleborn: Hah, there you go, you’ve gotten the hang of it! Remember, while you turn for extra momentum, you should step forward and put your full weight into it! (→ end)