Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs/Dialogue

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.


(#0) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: Amba, good visitor! Welcome to the Harmattan Market! Feel free to sample goods from all over the continent, all in one convenient place. (→ #2)

(#2) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I need a sponsor in order to join the Academy. Can you help? (→ #3)
  • 1: Farewell. (→ end)

(#3) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: A sponsor, hmm? Let me see that...Ah. You have a Blood Price, no? Then this will be simple. Prove to me you can stay on top of your finances, and this is a done deal as far as I’m concerned. (→ #4)

(#4) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: Bring me 200 Silver as a down payment on your tuition, and I’ll sign that sponsorship form for you, no further questions asked. (→ #5)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Deal. Here’s your money. (→ #6)
  • 1: Farewell. (→ end)

(#6) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: A wise investment on your part. Here you are, your form is signed. Now, go forth and generate wealth and power for us all, Apprentice! (→ end)

(#10) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: You are from Cierzo, no? I have heard worrisome rumors of pirates and bandits planning an attack...If you have time, I would suggest you return there and see if they are true. (→ end)

(#12) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: I worry that one of my scholars is involved in some business he’ll regret out in Abrassar...Risky ventures are one thing...Old Levant is another. (→ end)

Cloak and Dagger

(#0) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: I’m not sure you’re aware, but the Blue Chamber Collective and Levant have gone to war. This is a very strong time to turn a profit in the sale of supplies or weapons. I’d advise you to jump on this chance on this before the war cools off! (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I need a favor...I need you to squeeze the Wolfgang Mercenaries finances a little. (→ #2)
  • 1: I’d like to talk. (→ end)
  • 2: Farewell. (→ end)

(#2) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: Oh, is that all? And why, pray tell, is that? (→ #3)

(#3) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: It’s...Ah...A trade secret. (→ #4)

(#4) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: Hmm. Well, I do owe you a little favor for that business with the vanishing pilgrims...That information has been a gold mine for me. Very well, I’ll hold off on their next loan for a few days, just for you, my friend. (→ end)

(#5) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: I suppose I could hold off on their next loan of cash for a few days...But the question is, what’s in it for me? Tell me, [PlayerName] are you frightened of ghosts? (→ #6)

(#6) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Ghosts don’t scare me. I can handle them in a fight if I need to. (→ #7)
  • 1: Ghosts? No thank you, I don’t want to hear any more of this! (→ end)

(#7) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: Very well. Up to the north is Old Harmattan, the old district where the elected nobles of the last age of this city governed. They barricaded themselves in there during the worst of the Scourge assault. (→ #8)

(#8) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: Well, the place is wall-to-wall ghosts now. No one is permitted to open that front gate, for fear that the ghosts will start roaming the region searching for prey. They seem content enough to stay put otherwise. (→ #9)

(#9) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: Enclosed in that living tomb with all their riches, we can only assume they all turned on one another and refused to move on out of spite or misery. I want a specific kind of wealth from them. (→ #10)

(#10) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: There should be an old ledger somewhere in there, with records of ancient debts. I should be able to...Hmmm...Hold that over a handful of people. The threat alone of that knowledge would be enough. (→ #11)

(#11) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: I’ve heard tell that the ledger was stored in a basement, near the outer walls, far from the sealed doors. Find that basement, grab the ledger, and bring it to me. Only then will I take care of this little favor for you. (→ end)

(#12) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: I’m not sure you’re aware, but the Blue Chamber Collective and Levant have gone to war. This is a very strong time to turn a profit in the sale of supplies or weapons. I’d advise you to jump on this chance on this before the war cools off! (→ #13)

(#13) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I got your ledger for you! (→ #14)
  • 1: I’d like to talk. (→ end)
  • 2: Farewell. (→ end)

(#14) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: So it really does exist...And it’s in better condition than I expected! Yes, I think I’m going to be able to put this to some very good use, yes indeed...Consider those loans to the Wolfgang Mercenaries delayed, Initiate. (→ end)

(#18) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: Amba, my risk-taking friend! I will be watching this debate with VERY keen interest... (→ end)

(#19) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: I’m quite happy that Victor’s been taken down a peg or two. I know that he has been eyeing my position for years. After that debate, I’m more certain than ever he can’t be trusted with it. (→ end)

(#20) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: It’s a terrible shame that Turnbull’s project was put on hold. Having an entire species owe us the greatest favor of all time, and being open to trade, would have brought in an incredible amount of wealth to the Academy. (→ end)


(#0) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: By the way...You and I have something to discuss. You are aware I paid your ransom, securing your release from the Wolfgang, yes? (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I found evidence that someone from Sorobor was involving in kidnapping and murder. (→ #2)
  • 1: Yes. (→ #9)
  • 2: Farewell. (→ end)

(#2) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: Let me see that...Oho! VERY interesting. Yes, this will be quite profitable. Hand the evidence over to me, and I’ll see to it that everyone in the central market gives you a discount. Permanently. (→ #3)

(#3) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: And what about the culprit? (→ #4)
  • 1: Deal, here’s the evidence! (→ #6)
  • 2: ...I think someone else might give me a better deal. I’ll think about it. (→ end)

(#4) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: I’m going to work that Nanzome, that Black-Heart, to the bone for the rest of his life. He knows that if the headmaster ever found out, he would likely “disappear”. It wouldn’t be the first time that happened to a traitor to the ideals of the Academy. (→ #5)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Deal, here’s the evidence! (→ #6)
  • 1: ...I think someone else might give me a better deal. I’ll think about it. (→ end)

(#6) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: VERY good business, [PlayerName]. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a kidnapper to extort. (→ #7)

(#7) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: Oh, and that ransom repayment I have you working on? You’re off the hook this time. (→ end)

(#8) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: VERY good business, [PlayerName]. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a kidnapper to extort. (→ end)

(#9) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: I want to be repaid. Not in money. I want something more valuable than mere silver. Tell me, [PlayerName], have you ever hunted a Boozu before? Those large hulking mammals on the Plateau? (→ #10)

(#10) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: They are considered a sort of “protected species”, due to how their bodies break down natural Corruption. Kill one and bring me at least one piece of Boozu’s Hide. Only then will I allow you to visit the marketplace again. (→ #11)

(#11) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’ve got the item you wanted! (→ #12)
  • 1: Not now. (→ end)

(#12) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: Ah. Excellent. Consider your debt to me repaid. I will have your name removed from the market’s blacklist, effective immediately. (→ #13)

(#13) Sekiguchi Meiko, Provost of Mercantile affairs: Don’t let this happen again. If you do, however...We’ll find a similar arrangement. You will need to earn your right to the market again. Understand? (→ end)