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This article is a short guide on what to do if the player is Stuck.

Note: often-times players are not truly stuck, but their movement speed has reached 0% due to being over-encumbered. Dropping items will solve this issue without the need to kill your player or other un-stuck methods.


On PC there are several options:

  • Kill player: from the Pause menu, press Alt+Shift+U and a new button will appear at the bottom which kills the player
  • Debug Mode: either using the "I'm Stuck" button on the F2 Menu, or the No-Clip camera (Shift > then Shift <), or revert to a previous save from the Main Menu


  • From the Pause menu, press all triggers/bumpers (LT+RT+LB+RB), and a button to kill the player will appear at the bottom of the menu


  • From the Pause menu, press all triggers/bumpers (L2+R2+L1+R1), and a button to kill the player will appear at the bottom of the menu

See Also