Talk:Calygrey Hero

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The Blue Buff

I've noticed that Elder Calygrey do something similar, though I've no idea if it's the exact same buff or if the Hero's one is any better or different. Also, I'm not 100% certain and need to do some more observations, but it's possible that the buff is only applied to nearby allies and not the caster itself. The room with the Hero tends to have an Elder present as well, so they might've simply been buffing each other.
--Sir Duckyweather (talk) 05:01, 24 April 2022 (UTC)

Looks like it's the exact same spell. Unsure on the targeting behavior, if you can figure that out feel free to update the pages. SinaiDev (talk) 18:54, 24 April 2022 (UTC)
Elders do not buff themselves from what I can see. I went after the Hero on another character to double check, though of course it and the Elder in the same room buffed one another before I could separate them or dispatch the Elder. After waiting for the buff to (seemingly) wear off, I got the Hero alone and his buff animation didn't show any effects, and then he buffed a normal Calygrey when I got them together; these are the same as what I can see when an Elder is alone or with other Calygrey as well.

Where it got confusing was when I decided to kill the Hero and noticed that he was still rapidly regenerating health. At the time I wasn't sure if it buffed itself without visual effect, or if the health regen simply lasts much longer than the visual effects. After that I went to Oily Cavern and let an Elder buff a buddy, then beat them both nearly to death. The normal Calygrey was regenerating while the Elder was not, which leads me to believe the regen simply lasts a very long time, far beyond the blue effects. If it's the same buff for the Hero as it is the Elder like you say, then I am quite certain now that neither enemy buffs themselves.
--Sir Duckyweather (talk) 21:32, 28 April 2022 (UTC)