Talk:Wolfgang Mercenary

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Just got Wolf Medic Boots from this enemy. Also in the Wolfgang Mercenary Camp exist a unit equipped Wolf Greathammer. I think that the whole Wolf equipment can drop from them (which is quite logical), but I'm afraid to edit, because I dont know a chance.

Droptables are datamined directly from the game. Where did you get this drop? And was it on PC, PS4 or Xbox?
PC. Drop in Wolfgang Mercenary Camp. I attach screen, so not to be unfounded. First screen is Wolfgang Veteran with Wolf Medic Helmet. Second and third screen unique Wolfgang Captain with Wolf Greathammer. 1 2 3
Interesting, thanks for the effort with the screenshots. I'll have to look into this, just did a fresh datamine dump and it gave the same results, so maybe they're dropping these items in some new unique way. I'll put a note on their page for now.
edit: just realized Wolfgang Captain isn't even on the Wiki.... strange.
Ok, so after further investigation I realized it's because of 2 things: 1) these are the Wolfgang enemies which only become aggressive after the quest with the Immaculate debate. 2) They actually have 4 random drop tables, and the parse we wrote only accounts for 3... fixed that too. Also affected a few other DLC enemies. Thanks heaps for bringing this to my attention, corrected Wolfgang Captain page will be up shortly.
Happy to help c: