Template:Crafting recipes/doc

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Template-info.svg Documentation

Used In Template

This listing template lists all crafting recipes that are currently defined across the entire Wiki. Intended to be use with Template:Recipe (Recipe defines, Crafting recipes displays).


{{Crafting recipes
| search for = Name of search. Defaults to none (lists all)
| search by  = ingredient/station/result/none. Defaults to none (lists all)
| category   = Filters listed Items by Category. Defaults to blank (lists all)
| class      = Filters listed Items by Class. Defaults to blank (lists all)
| type       = Filters listed Items by Type. Defaults to blank (lists all)
| limit      = specify to limit number of rows. Defaults to blank (lists all)
| no header  = true/false. if true, no header will be shown


All craftable Potions (limit 7)

{{Crafting recipes|category=Consumable|type=Potion|limit = 7}}

No recipes found for query "Crafting recipes/doc".

See Also

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.