Template:Infobox skill

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This template defines the table "Skills". View table.

Template-info.svg Documentation

This is an infobox for Skills.


{{infobox skill
| name           = Name of skill. Leave blank to default to pagename.
| image          = Add filename here.
| size           = Optional, defaults to 84px.
| effects        = List effects of the skill.
| damage         = Base damage directly from the skill
| impact         = Base impact directly from the skill
| multipliers    = Any damage or impact multipliers
| damageOverride = If there is damage override, type the name of the element
| requires       = List requirements to use skill (eg "[[Axes#Two-Handed|Two-handed Axe]]")
| consumes       = List what the skill consumes (e.g. stamina points, mana, health, items)
| durabilityCost = The durability cost. If it costs a % value, then include "%"
| cooldown       = Cooldown duration, if applicable
| skilltype      = One of: "Active" or "Passive"
| subtype        = For Active Skills, the type of active skill (eg "Basic", "Weapon", "Chakram", "Pistol", etc)
| skilltier      = One of: "Starter", "1", "2", or "3" (2 is breakthrough). Passives can also use "Quest"
| trainer        = Name of trainer or teacher
| location       = Location of trainer
| cost           = Cost of training
| manacost       = Integer amount of mana used for the skill
| manaburn       = Amount of max mana degraded as a result of skill or action
| staminacost    = Float amount of stamina used for skill
| staminaburn    = Amount of max stamina degraded as a result of skill or action
| healthcost     = Integer amount of health used for the skill
| healthburn     = Amount of max health degraded as a result of skill or action
| prereq         = Any prerequisites on the skill tree which must be acquired first
| DLC            = The name of the DLC, if applicable. Eg, "[[The Soroboreans]]"
| objectid       = For modding, the item object ID