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|link= link to the full news post, which should be a child of the "News" page, followed by the date in shorthand. Eg, News/Feb_8_2019
|image= the filename of the image, hosted on the wiki. Eg, "NewsImage.png". Should be 16:9 aspect ratio.
|title= Title of the news post
|date= Date, in full form. Eg "February 20th 2020"
|blurb=First paragraph of the news post, omitted to the first few sentences if need be.


|link=News/Feb 18 2020
|title=DLC Announced
|date=February 18th, 2020
|blurb=You have battled your way through the landscape, dedicated yourself to your favourite faction and died countless times. Now it's time to grab your backpack, pick up where you left off, and venture forth in this new hard hitting DLC.

DLC Announced
February 18th, 2020 | You have battled your way through the landscape, dedicated yourself to your favourite faction and died countless times. Now it's time to grab your backpack, pick up where you left off, and venture forth in this new hard hitting DLC. [...]