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Template-info.svg Documentation

This template tries to show in a simple way in the table format the percentage of damage found in the equipment, items and skills that the character uses to give an easy way to try to calculate the output damage of skills and weapon damage simple taking the base and multiplying for the percentage showed.

In the columns we find 9 different types of damage sources:

In the lines we find the source types of the boosts:

  • weapon: show permanent increments coming from a weapon as example of Scepter of the Cruel Priest 13% increassed to Decay damage.
  • offHand: show the permanent increments coming from offheand tinklets as daggers, shields, chakrams, lexicons, pistols or lanterns.
  • Helmet: show the permanent increments coming from helmets.
  • armor: show the permanent increments coming from armors.
  • boots: show the permanent increments coming from boots.
  • others: show the consistent increments coming from others sources as backpacks or some passive skill buffs. We recommend explaining the sources of the buffs listed here to better explain to the players were to get the bonus.
  • skills: this show some temporary buffs and require player some time of preparation to get full potential of this damage sources. As example, we can list the boons skills.
  • items: this show some temporary buffs coming from item consumption and player need some preparation to get full potential of this damage sources.

The Resolution

The 2 last lines of the table show the resolution of the sum of the incremental sources, being the "Total" the summation of all the constant sources and the "Buffed" summation included the sources the need preparation time to buff or use itens.


As example lets say you get a Antique Plate Garb then you gona add armorEtherial = 10 and armorFire = 15, then you get the enchantment Spirit of Harmattan then add the armorDecay = 25. when you finish add all the equipments and sources you will have a table to simple look the increments and compare characters.

The following tables are used to test and show some examples of the use of the template


this table need show the use of generic sources when all have generic 1 the "Total" of all types will get 6 and the "Buffed" need be 8.
| weaponGeneric = 1
| offHandGeneric = 1
| armorGeneric = 1
| helmetGeneric = 1
| bootsGeneric = 1
| othersGeneric = 1
| skillsGeneric = 1
| itensGeneric = 1


SourceXtype Generic Raw Raw Physical Physical Elemental Decay Decay Ethereal Ethereal Fire Fire Frost Frost Light Lightning
Weapon 1
Off-Hand 1
Helmet 1
Armor 1
Boots 1
Others 1
Skills 1
Itens 1
Total 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Buffed 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
| weaponPhysical = 1
| offHandPhysical = 1
| armorPhysical = 1
| helmetPhysical = 1
| bootsPhysical = 1
| othersPhysical = 1
| skillsPhysical = 1
| itensPhysical = 1


SourceXtype Generic Raw Raw Physical Physical Elemental Decay Decay Ethereal Ethereal Fire Fire Frost Frost Light Lightning
Weapon 1
Off-Hand 1
Helmet 1
Armor 1
Boots 1
Others 1
Skills 1
Itens 1
Total 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
Buffed 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
For elemental souces we need teste the basic elemental and the increment o each element
| weaponElemental = 1
| offHandElemental = 1
| armorElemental = 1
| helmetElemental = 1
| bootsElemental = 1
| othersElemental = 1
| skillsElemental = 1
| itensElemental = 1
| weaponDecay = 2
| offHandDecay = 2
| armorDecay = 2
| helmetDecay = 2
| bootsDecay = 2
| othersDecay = 2
| skillsDecay = 2
| itensDecay = 2
| weaponEthereal = 3
| offHandEthereal = 3
| armorEthereal = 3
| helmetEthereal = 3
| bootsEthereal = 3
| othersEthereal = 3
| skillsEthereal = 3
| itensEthereal = 3
| weaponFire = 4
| offHandFire = 4
| armorFire = 4
| helmetFire = 4
| bootsFire = 4
| othersFire = 4
| skillsFire = 4
| itensFire = 4
| weaponFrost = 5
| offHandFrost = 5
| armorFrost = 5
| helmetFrost = 5
| bootsFrost = 5
| othersFrost = 5
| skillsFrost = 5
| itensFrost = 5
| weaponLight = 6
| offHandLight = 6
| armorLight = 6
| helmetLight = 6
| bootsLight = 6
| othersLight = 6
| skillsLight = 6
| itensLight = 6


SourceXtype Generic Raw Raw Physical Physical Elemental Decay Decay Ethereal Ethereal Fire Fire Frost Frost Light Lightning
Weapon 1 2 3 4 5 6
Off-Hand 1 2 3 4 5 6
Helmet 1 2 3 4 5 6
Armor 1 2 3 4 5 6
Boots 1 2 3 4 5 6
Others 1 2 3 4 5 6
Skills 1 2 3 4 5 6
Itens 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total 0 0 0 6 20 26 32 38 44
Buffed 0 0 0 8 24 32 40 48 56