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Template-info.svg Documentation

Template used to define a Trap recipe. Invokes the TrapRecipe module.


| trapname = Name of the trap, eg "Toxic Trap"
| basetrap = The base trap component, eg "Pressure Plate Trap"
| effects = The effects, in the format <ul><li>Effect one<li>Effect two<li>...</ul>
| (unnamed arguments) = Each possible arming item


| trapname = Toxic Trap
| basetrap = Pressure Plate Trap
| effects = <ul><li>Effect one<li>Effect two<li>...</ul>
| Charge – Toxic
| Miasmapod
| Boiled Miasmapod

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.