Unknown Arena/Tower of Regrets/Letter

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

The following is a transcript of the letter on the ground after the Tower of Regrets Arena fight with Grandmother.


The people of Cierzo demand my exile. I do not blame them. My rigid faith in the Five Winds caused this disaster. My pride caused this slaughter. I should have opened my mind and heart to this new god and let him help us.

Leadership of what is left of Cierzo is being turned over to the Aberdeen family. They are worthy successors. Natasha Aberdeen is a prudent woman, and a dedicated member of the Krypteia. I can put my faith in her.

My heart aches for my daughter. With the rest of my bloodline slaughtered by the Scourge, she and her descendants will bear the full weight of my crimes for generations to come.

It is unfair to her that she must bear this Blood Price alone...But I know that without it, she would not live to see the next season. As much as it harms her, it also protects her from the vengeance of all those who have lost family.

As an exiled Chamberlady, I understand that I should not seek refuge within another tribe, nor seek a life of comfort. After what I did, there is only one possible redemption for me, one way I can ease the burden on my bloodline.

This...Elatt...He told me that the Scourge are not infinite. If we can slay even a few, then we will have saved many lives. I will take my two guards with me, and we will find the source of the Scourge hordes. And we will fight them to our last breath.

We will find their source, and we will establish a line of defense that can help us contain the threat. I can only hope this lessens our bloodline's shame and the Blood Price my actions have shackled them with...

~ Grandmother's letter

See Also