Wendigo Lair/Notes

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.


  • Found inside the buildings below the hill from the Wendigo Lair entrance

(#0) Note: 3rd Late Autumn: The Scourge are beating down the flimsy barricades. The Golems are barely able to hold them off. There is little food, and no rescue in sight, though Upper Harmattan is just a few strides away. (→ #1)

(#1) Note: I know the legend. That to partake of human flesh will bring down the wrath of all life. But my choices are starve, or take my chances that the legend is just that. A legend. The choice is obvious. (→ end)

(#0) Note: 2nd midwinter: Rescue still not coming. Scourge are still roaming at our barricades. Timothy gave me odd looks at our turn on watch. He said it was freezing cold, and asked why I was not bundled in furs. (→ #1)

(#1) Note: I told him that I was not cold at all, and Jenna needed my furs more. In fact...I have not felt cold at all this winter...I worry that Timothy suspects... (→ end)

(#0) Note: 12th Midwinter: The legend is a sham. While everyone rations the last few rotten bread loaves and salted meat, or chokes on poisonous scourge flesh in desperation, I am full and strong, feeding just on the fallen alone. (→ #1)

(#1) Note: In fact, I have never felt stronger. Never more keen and alert. Even if Timothy suspects me...What can anyone do? They are frail, starved, weak. I am strong. I am predator, they are- (→ end)

In Wendigo Lair

(#0) Player: 18th Midwinter: The beast is coming. I can hear it coming for me. It's clawing through the walls, it's screaming for my blood, it will devour me, I cannot get out I cannot get away I cannot stop it kill it killitkillit- (→ end)

(#0) Player: 20th Midwinter: (There are 6 deep gouges on the page, almost like tally marks...) (→ end)