Animated Skeleton

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Disambig.svg This article is about the Animated Skeletons at Ziggurat Passage. For the Skeleton Miners at Corrupted Tombs, see Animated Skeleton (Miner).
Animated Skeleton
Animated Skeleton - Skeleton Shield.png
Enemy Data
Undead (Skeleton)
Defensive Stats
150 Health
Impact Res.
15% Impact.png
3 Physical 150 Decay Protection
Damage Resist
10% Physical
20% Ethereal
20% Decay
20% Lightning
20% Frost
20% Fire
Immune To
Attack Stats
26.2 Physical or 33.6 Physical
16 or 26 Impact.png
Found At
Ziggurat Passage

Animated Skeleton is a type of Undead enemy in Outward, found at Ziggurat Passage.


There are two variants of this enemy, they are equipped with:

Combat & Tactics

Undead creatures are immune to Bleeding and Poison status effects.

Unlike most enemies, these variants of Animated Skeletons have non-physical Protection protection, specifically they have 150 protection to Decay Decay damage. This means all sources of Decay damage will be reduced by -150, as a flat amount.

Drop Table

Guaranteed Weapons

Iron Claymore.png Iron Claymore (1)
Old Legion Shield.png Old Legion Shield (1)
Iron Axe.png Iron Axe (1)
Occult Remains.png Occult Remains (1)

Note: Animated Skeleton will only drop Weapons which they have equipped.

Guaranteed Items

Arrow.png Arrow (5-10)

Drop Table 1
This drop table will be rolled 2 times.

ItemsChance *
Bandages.png Bandages (1)5.35% (10%)
Linen Cloth.png Linen Cloth (1-3)16.04% (30%)
Travel Ration.png Travel Ration (1)10.7% (20%)
Waterskin.png Waterskin (1)1.07% (2%)
Jerky.png Jerky (1)8.02% (15%)
Dry Mushroom Bar.png Dry Mushroom Bar (1)8.02% (15%)
Bread.png Bread (1)8.02% (15%)
Salt.png Salt (1)8.02% (15%)
Antidote.png Antidote (1)4.28% (8%)
Ash Armor.png Ash Armor (1)1.07% (2%)
Ash-Filter Mask.png Ash-Filter Mask (1)1.07% (2%)
Ash Boots.png Ash Boots (1)1.07% (2%)
Tripwire Trap.png Tripwire Trap (1)4.28% (8%)
Spikes – Iron.png Spikes – Iron (1)4.28% (8%)
Silver.png Silver (4-6)10.7% (20%)
Marshmelon.png Marshmelon (1)2.67% (5%)
Shiv Dagger.png Shiv Dagger (1)2.67% (5%)
Makeshift Torch.png Makeshift Torch (1)2.67% (5%)

* The second number indicates the total chance of receiving the drop at least once, from 2 rolls.


See Also